One thing to note is that advantage or disadvantage on a passive check (that is, a check you wouldn't roll for) are conveyed through a +5 or -5 respectively. For example, if your passive perception score is normally 13, with disadvantage from dim lighting it would be an 8. A hidden enemy would only need to roll an 8 or above on their stealth roll to avoid notice.
I personally find it much worse to drive alongside inconsiderate people
Awesome. I especially like the awakened cat idea. It would be nice if there was more support for thrown weapon builds, because a Dwarven ranger hucking throwing axes sounds like awesome RP. The Quick Toss maneuver or the Returning Weapon Artificer infusion could make it work I suppose. I've always hoped a Dwarven Thrower would fall into my hands one day.
That's a good point. I'm quite certain the account was MichelleG.
An moderator admin account MichelleG posted a few strange things that have since been removed. One was titled "We've whitelisted" and all the post said was "go cry." They may have been hacked or their account was compromised.
This looks like the dating app, Bumble, where those are the default colors