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Arcanus Arcanus
Posts 3
Comments 68
Canada Will Legalize Medically Assisted Dying For People Addicted to Drugs
  • This just sounds like a convenient way to get rid of homeless people

  • When you're writing a public service alert and have a minor brain glitch
  • I keep running across articles being written this way. I blame AI

  • Why do game developers love mechs? -
  • Because they're fucking awesome and people tend to love em'

    May as well ask why porn and cat videos are so popular online

  • Potty Training
  • My son simply refused to go #2 in the toilet for 4 years. #1 was never a problem. His mom and I tried everytig we could think of, positive and negative reinforcement. Now at 4 1/2 he is finally telling us when he is ready to go and using the toilet properly. He was extremely stubborn about it until he just wasn't anymore. Lego Minecraft sets were used as positive reinforcement after say,10 consistent poops in the toilet. I do not envy your struggle, but it will eventually pass. I do not know why boys are so stubborn.

  • Imperial march
  • What, no CBAT reference?

  • The stunningly simple rule that will always get you out of a maze
  • Oh, I was just considering for a simple maze, I hadn't thought about the different possible maze designs

  • Linux/Windows dual boot question
  • It is possible with a little bit of work, you will have to set up grub to boot the SSD drive, there are a few how tos depending on your setup

  • The stunningly simple rule that will always get you out of a maze
  • But wouldn't you just then go around the island? Or am I missing something?

  • The stunningly simple rule that will always get you out of a maze
  • Always either turn left or turn right, eventually you'll get out

  • An Alabama woman is missing after stopping to help a toddler she saw walking on the interstate, police say
  • That sounds like a straight up abduction, hope she will turn up safe

  • The first unmanned airliner will have to be flown thousands of hours carrying cargo to prove to humanity it is safe to carry passengers.
  • Airliners make a lot more sense than self driving cars. Modern piloting systems rely entirely on checklists and diagnostics, which computers are very good at.

  • A little-known Russian spy agency left feces in the suitcases of diplomats as its calling card, report says
  • Yeah I'm pretty sure Russia is just straight up the bad guys right now

  • Migrating Linux install from old SSD to new SSD with different filesystem
  • I would honestly just back up my files and start over with a fresh new install. I have never been successful in copying everything over, especially not if you are planning on changing the file systems. I know you mentioned that you don't really want to do that, but that's my 2 cents

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You might need to input your password somewhere to confirm the delete

  • Roller coaster with crack in support pillar investigated at Carowinds in North Carolina
  • I've seen two different headlines of this and only just now realized it isn't about drugs

  • The NFT bubble might be bursting already - CNN [Latest]
  • I thought NFTs were already done?

  • What do you call someone with no body and no nose?

    Nobody knows.


    Bad Luck Spez

    The resemblance is uncanny

    Reddit Arcanus

    Bad Luck Spez

    The resemblance is uncanny
