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Anatolianin Anatolianin
Posts 1
Comments 72
r/serbia brainrot
  • Gusano being gusano

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fucking abomination

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Date with America

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Out of 26 million USSR citizens killed during WW2 more than half were civilians.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Gonna wait few years and see.

  • Anti-patsoc action
  • Related: newspaper criticizing not sufficient pace of ukrainization of trade unions in Berdyansk

  • At what point do libs become sane?
  • Also putting a fucking Bandera statue.

    But nazis in Ukraine is just Russian propaganda.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • We are not far away from: "Actually USSR attacked poor innocent Germany who HAD to retaliate so Europe would be free and democratic today" are we?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mongols shouldn't had stopped at Poland

  • Under the latest Hakim video. Always great when someone criticises Hakim for being wrongly confident while being the most wrongly confident person on earth themselves.
  • he has never actually lived under communism

    I bet this person would dismiss the positive opinion of people who lived under socialism about the USSR, communism and life under the socialist system as "nostalgia", "brainwashing" and as a hundred and one more things that liberals had come with.

  • Good morning, you're old 👮
  • We're all going to be old geezers. Hope people will still be shitposting even then.

  • So, just asking: what radicalized you?
  • Probably pension reform

  • This was today's highlighted fallen Ukrainian soldier in the Ukraine subreddit. I wonder what his tattoo means.
  • Considering that libs were salivating at the thought that Russians would start dying like flies of various diseases, hunger and etc if they sanction Russia as hard as they could, even before the SMO, they had become nazis long time ago.

  • “Why Communism is Even Worse Than Fascism”
  • claiming that Bulgaria still hasn’t ‘recovered’ from communism

    And what exactly has Bulgaria not recovered from?

    Is there no industry left from the Soviet period? A huge number of people left without work and housing? Hunger or something else?

    The Bolsheviks did not whine about the fact that they got a war-ravaged country from the Russian Empire, with weak industry and agriculture, and in twenty years they were able to build a state that broke the back of the Nazi war machine. Capitalists and liberals "cannot recover" in thirty years.

  • Rules based international order
  • Not the first time USA committed piracy. I am sure not the last.

  • Br*tish (đŸ€ź) Tabloids feel like an Onion article at this point when they report anything related to The War, Oh Boy...
  • You forgot BRICS countries suddenly collapsing into a hundred of new states. For democracy and freedom of course

  • Brain damage?
  • Gunther Fehlinger

    I don't see 30+ new countries, clearly a slander

  • The invisible colonies of Russia and China (bro forgot to take meds)
  • This whole article is just lib coping that USSR helped to dissolve their beloved imperialist shitholes and calling for balkanization of China and Russia because they are "countries that have colonies today".

    And no, he doesn't give any example of why he thinks Russia and China have colonies, except mentioning Uyghurs, Mongolians and Evenks once.

  • How are you doing comrades?

    Hope y'all alright.
