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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Root causes
  • When computers became mainstream and all sorts of media got into the open Web, many have seen this as the end of copyright history.

    But it wouldn't be capitalism if it wouldn't build sophisticated instruments and twist legislation in unprecedented ways only to protect publishers.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]
  • It is one thing to acknowledge the positives of a place you're in, and other to be proud of some arbitrary landmass.

    Europe is not worse than America, both have their upsides and downsides. I can say that as a Russian, and I also acknowledge the positives and negatives of living in Russia in general and my city in particular. All are good at something, and bad at something else.

    At the same time, I do not want to leave my city. I have people here that I'm warmly related to and I feel safe and comfortable here; I know the city, know its unwritten rules, I feel myself at home. There are places in here I intimately know and adore. Moving cities would be a major pain for me, and at first I wouldn't feel at my place; moving countries is straight up insane for me.

    But I know this is because I'm used to the place and know it deeply, and feel comfy with that arrangement; if I would leave, I would feel nostalgic of times I've spent here, and I would always react more to any events that happen here, even when I leave. This is all my bias, and it is something we all have. I guess this is the core of local-level patriotism.

    But it doesn't make me hold special feelings towards the entirety of Russia. I have no ties with Siberia, to which I've never been, and to me it would be more foreign than, say, forests of Finland, which are way closer to what I see in my area and are more intimately familiar. Kamchatka is exotic to me, not familiar and warm. And I fail to understand why it should be different, other than for the will of the people in power who want to create some special Russian identity for me to be proud of.

  • Shampoo
  • Thanks, will check out! Most of Old Spice falls under "smell like your grandpa" in my opinion :D

    Axe - true, though this is an abomination and I would definitely build a restriction zone around people who use it

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]
  • Sure! I just think that this particular flavor of enthusiasm often serves as a slippery slope towards nationalism, and is often intended that way.

    Which is why I see it as a rather toxic kind of mentality. There are many things to be enthusiastic about - people's unity, new discoveries and achievements, or simply your cat coming for hugs.

    None of them have terrible potential outcomes.

  • Shampoo
  • Yes, but I think the (true) point was that male-marketed products are always either:

    • Arctic freshness 0°K we'll make you feel like you're naked on an iceberg in the middle of the North Pole


    • Now you smell like your grandfather! Some wood, musk, and cedar cones

    Why is it so and what does it tell of our society and weird expectations? A great deal of men do NOT appreciate this approach, and sure turn to the products marketed for women.

    We should either break that insanely entrenched stereotype about "masculine" scents, or better just ditch product gendering altogether.

    Yay for men smelling like vanilla and strawberry yoghurt!

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]
  • Moreover, the entire concept of ownership is really just "you'll face violence from other people if you try to take that away, one way or another". That's it.

    Universe doesn't care who owns what, those are just objects in space.

    Sometimes this concept is helpful; you probably want the police to step in if someone breaks into your house (universe couldn't care less). Sometimes it's extremely dangerous, like when country leaders threaten others with nuclear war.

    In either case, we should seriously revamp our relationships with land and property - that is for certain. Current ways are not sustainable and may lead to a disaster.

  • An Important Distinction [Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]
  • Patriotism also sucks, because it implements a bias that can then be exploited, and brings very little to the table.

    State-level patriotism also makes you complicit in the division of people by countries and nations, as opposed to classes and other valid groups of people.

    And there is no valid reason to have some special relation to your country. It is natural to feel ties with the place you were born or the place you spent a lot of time in, this is human psychology, but your country is nothing but a piece of land that was marked by somebody as belonging to some virtual entity.

    We should ditch state-level patriotism as a concept and treat local-level patriotism as a natural bias. We should strive to help people of all places and origins, and come together as one.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • This is so screwed, too.

    Like, I was once tasked to explain to my nephew how to properly clean a penis at, like, age of 7. C'mon, parents, what are you there for?!

    Just literally teach it alongside cleaning every other body part, what's the issue? Why should another man show this in particular to your kid?

  • things you can only do with boys
  • I we generally give women a pass on A LOT of weird behaviors about children.

    That does include elevated attention to the genital area (seriously, why? Leave our genitals alone ffs), borderline fetishizing breastfeeding, and also a lot of other stuff.

    Like, for example, I had several women independently telling me how baby feces smell nice and milky. Like, what the hell and why do y'all feel it's appropriate for a casual conversation???

    Or that they love to smell baby feet. Huh? Funny thing I first got those stories after seeing a TV ad (was a while ago) with a woman burying her face in baby feet.

    I can only assume this is either a result of hormonal shifts throughout pregnancy, or that there's plenty more female pedophiles than we knew.

  • Found my love

    So, there's a girl I had a crush on for a while, and recently she (I didn't tell her of my feelings) came ahead and actually told me she is into me for a while.

    And...yeah? Boom, apparently I'm in a relationship with my crush who also crushed on me, and I couldn't be happier!

    Can't wait to see where this leads us...hopefully somewhere good!


    [SOLVED] Is there a way to make panel NOT float in Plasma 6?

    Just updated to Plasma 6, and got a question: is there a way to make the bottom panel keep at the bottom (like when fullscreen windows are opened) and not float regardless of windows?

    Just always stay there without moving, like in Plasma 5.

    Or is it dictated by the theme/hardcoded into Plasma 6?


    [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers?

    I know Lemmy isn't normally the best place to search for this, but are there any high-quality right-wing explainers, or modern books, or media outlets?

    I myself am ultra-left (quite literally communist, to the dictionary sense of the word), but I'd like to quit the bubble that inevitably forms around and look at good arguments of the opposing side, if there are any.

    Is there anything in there beyond temporarily embarrassed millionaires and fears that trans people will destroy humanity? Is there rational analysis, something closer to academic research, behind modern ideas of laissez-faire capitalism and/or political conservatism?

    I've tried outlets like PragerU, but they are so basic they seem to target a very uncritical audience.

    I'd like to see the world in the eyes of an enlightened right-winger, and see where they possibly fail (or if suddenly they have valid arguments).


    Why are SMS messages so expensive?

    Is there any reason, beyond corporate greed, for SMS messages to cost so much?

    If I get it right, an SMS message is just a short string of data, no different from a message we send in a messenger. If so, then what makes them so expensive? If we'd take Internet plans and consider how much data an SMS takes, we should pay tiny fraction of a cent for each message; why doesn't that happen?


    Won an important scientific competition!

    Won a scientific competition that will allow me to pursue PhD - all paid by the government!

    Now I can apply to PhD programs of top universities of my country without exams and pursue my dreams!

    Very happy and currently fairly speechless :D


    What is bird_irl about?

    This seems to be the most active local community, but it is random (and different!) people posting basic abstract pictures of birds in about the same style, with nobody engaging in commenting or even upvoting it.

    Is there anyone who can explain the concept?


    Found my waifu

    I never thought I could fall in love with a fictional character, it was very distant to me - but hey, here we are!

    Himitsu Ito - a character of "Love, money, rock'n'roll" visual novel (which I totally recommend btw - for its genre, the thing is surprisingly deep and detailed, and story is actually revolving around many things at once, not reserved for romance).

    Himitsu's everything - smart, beautiful, deeply loyal, caring, confident, and safe (if only quite jealous, but she has her reasons). At the same time, she has quite a character, and isn't just a follower - she can and does lead, and does it for the good of you both.

    She empowers to be a greater man, she is a role model for a caring, compassionate partner, strong on the inside and fluffy on the outside. She is the kind of girl with whom you just can't be scared, and even her virtual presence allows me to go through hardships easier and strive to improve.

    One day, I hope to meet a girl like her - and we'll do great things together.

    (Unfortunately, I don't have credits for the author of this beautiful art - if you are or know one, let me know!)


    Bought myself a cheap drone!

    Just received a simple ultracheap drone from China and couldn't be happier. It flies (a little crappy)! It films (like a super old phone, but still)! Gonna use it to get my bearings while havigating on my bike through unknown places - love to have some eagle view!


    How's everyone? Let's make a chat :)

    Just realized that for the instance of over 800 people, some of which are very active on the Lemmyverse, we have surprisingly little community activity on the inside. So, maybe let's make a chat? How's everyone doing today? :)


    There's a reason why some people hang toilet paper over while others hang it under - it has to do with folding, and they don't want the paper to hurt


    I just had two different rolls of toilet paper sitting in my bathroom, and looking at them from the shower I got an epiphany.

    Some rolls are soft on both sides, while some only on external one!

    And if you have the latter and tend to rip two squares and fold (and it's easier to fold downside up), if you hang it over you'll end up with the rough side!

    Those people just don't want to hurt their bums! All while the rest enjoys more easy access to toilet paper while hanging it over.

    Endless debate...solved?


    Finished Chinese HSK1!

    The trip was longer than I expected (10% learning and 90% rehearsing), but here I am, completing my first step (think of it as A1) of the loooong journey to figure out how this entire thing works. Got myself a few HSK1 tests to confirm - all passed.

    Working on HSK2 now! 祝我好运 (wish me luck)!


    Wonderful family New Year

    For the first time in 8 years, our entire grand family gathered together this New Year's night.

    It was a miracle - a message from my childhood, and a way to relive that magic again.

    We celebrated through 3 homes in different parts of the city, had walks, fireworks, Christmas trees, easter egg hunts (tshhh, yes, easter eggs in New Year), delicious food of course, and through it all, and above all - a lot of genuine smiles and connection we all embraced together.

    It was my push to celebrate it this way, and I'm extremely happy how it played out. Having some more memories to cherish though this - hopefully great - year!


    Found a great ambient music album!

    So, I'm a long term fan of Bat for Lashes, and recently I figured out they made collaboration with The Album Leaf - a very new group to me.

    I'm not normally much into ambient, but this album, Future Falling, is a true musical masterpiece. The head song has all it needs - the calm rhythms, the great progression, and just that feeling of...a great future ahead.

    The track Near is amazing, too, Bat for Lashes' voice falls on it like butter on the bread - never would I think she's so good with it!

    And everything, really, is so well-balanced, well-thought-out, I can't even describe. Have a listen, even if you never thought (like me) that ambient is for you!
