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AlexandrosTsolis AlexandrosTsolis
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Reality is pretty much only in your imagination...

Player: I dunno...reality is pretty much only in your imagination

No one: and what is there in reality, your poor imagination?


In order to remain alive, you have to keep breathing...

Mathematicians… in order to remain alive, you have to keep breathing...and this is an axiom for your system...that you can prove consistently throughout your entire life… so breathe idiots…breathe…

  1. When one counts phrases with numbers mathematicians… When one counts phrases with numbers mathematicians, one doesn’t end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at any time in their history up to now, because if you mathematicians REALLY think otherwise… When one counts phrases with numbers mathematicians, one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, but if you mathematicians think this REALLY makes sense to you… If in the end mathematicians, when one counts phrases with numbers mathematicians, one can end up with a phrase that makes sense for humans at some time in their history up to now, then it doesn’t seem to me that all humans up to now throughout their history made sense by talking to one another honestly and not only by counting one another with numbers without any regard to honesty ever spoken…does it seem to you mathematicians?

  2. When numbers happen before words happen, mathematicians, and the rest ones… When numbers happen before words happen, words don’t make sense after numbers happen, or else When numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, but… If in the end when numbers happen before words happen, words can make sense after numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now what numbers where counting before, that is worth saying…does it seem to you?

  3. When numbers happen after words happen, all… When numbers happen after words happen, words make sense before numbers happen, or else When numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, but… If in the end when numbers happen after words happen, words don’t make sense before numbers happen, then it doesn’t seem to me now that numbers make sense to happen after those specific words…does it seem to you?

And remember your MAMA. What is MAMA? MAMA is the rest. What is the rest? The rest is all there is minus you. And who am I? I am no one, I don’t know who the hell you think you are! Why? Cause you ain’t someone, and you ain’t fooling no one buddy.

You need patience to have fun in life players. Why? You need patience to find out why. Why again?! Because you find this out in a funny way, players! Sometimes, it is more fun than what you players can handle at that moment in your life… Sometimes, it is less fun than what you players want at that moment in your life… But, when you are having a good time, then it is just the right amount of fun. And, to find those times players, it comes back to the beginning… You need patience to have fun in life players

More here, players:

Nature is a lady, justice is blind, and… …MAMA in the end puts order.


Those who don't know how to play with money.

Those who don’t know how to play with money, have to learn from others, and this is a goal for the economy.

“What do you mean a goal for the economy?” The economy has to have as one of its goals in order to have maximum productivity, without having everyone inside it constantly overworked,

that those who don’t know how to play with money, have to learn from the rest in society, who can make money again and again without wasting others’ time and effort doing so.

If the economy doesn’t target that as well, apart from its rest goals, those who make money again and again wasting others’ time and effort doing so, whatever this way may be…end up causing problems in the economy if more and more like them make real money, and the entire economy then has to spend more time and effort to do, whatever it does.

“Whose specifically is this goal” Specifically, the responsibility is shared according to the ability one has to make money again and again without wasting others’ time and effort doing so.

The ability of one to make money again and again without wasting others’ time and effort doing so, isn’t equal with the amount of money that one has now, it is equal with the amount of money that the rest in the market would invest on one now. (People can invest money or not. People cannot invest negatively on one’s misfortune/errors/bad judgement here, here let’s call this hedging.)

Having said the above, the people who have made money again and again, and for quite some time now can do so without wasting others’ time and effort, usually they like teaching their abilities to others, as whatever abilities practical/social/in designing they have, those abilities are balanced for what they do…but better here to use three examples:

The craftsman has practical abilities to do something, something a craftsman has done for quite some time, and something a craftsman would like others to also honor if they like it, and so a craftsman teaches it to others.

The soul of the party has practical abilities doing something with others, something with others the soul of the party has done for quite some time, and others around the soul of the party learn how to do it on their own just by being around…the soul of the party…as even if the soul of the party if fading, if the a party is still around it, the ones around are partying, and either they learn from experience, or they also fade and then the party goes elsewhere.

The designer has practical abilities doing something else than what the designer initially imagined, as a real designer can really design in reality, and the designer learns that only with real experience, spending time and effort again…and again…and…again…for each design delivered in the end…that in the end the designer can only hope that the design is balanced in reality…as this is the only place that the designer can find out if a design is realizable.

“Which are the mechanisms to achieve this goal” Learning is one part of the solution to the problem of achieving this goal, but here the other part is…

In reality you have people who cannot make money again and again without wasting others’ time and effort, and those people can be:

Unwilling: They do not want to learn using their own free will, or

Willing: They want to learn using their own free will, or

What willing? They don’t know: They are undecided, so they are waiting to see how the story will play out, and then they decide, when they really have to do so.

Those who want to learn using their own free will, can really show progress in their learning, or exactly those keep wasting others’’ time and effort…in reality…and most good willing people learn this way.

Those who do not want to learn from others using their own free will how to make money again and again, probably because they wouldn’t make that much money they think, but not necessarily, have to balance whatever they do in reality…as…

regardless what they do in reality, reality is still something else than anything anyone can imagine, but if real problems appear in the economy that affect most, most prefer them to be solved quickly, or most are looking for someone to blame if they feel that this way the problems they are having now will be solved…and…

The unwilling don’t want to be blamed, they want to find a way to not be blamed, and they have to do something about that, if they are blamed by others that they are causing problems in the economy, or at least they have to say something about that…

The willing don’t want to be blamed, feel otherwise than the unwilling regarding learning, and regardless of their progress in learning and the proof of their learning to others, wanting to check the stories that the unwilling are saying and the actions that the unwilling to learn when the economy has problems, may be a sign of their progress in their learning, but we are not done here yet as…

The undecided if there is something that they have to learn regarding money, may have to decide on the one side of those who claim that they want to learn how to be able to make money again and again without wasting others’ time and effort doing so, or those who claim something else…so… as reality happens again and again, either problems of similar nature continue to appear in the economy again and again, without someone noticing them and dealing with them both with solutions, but also by targeting those who cause them with whatever way sensible to most is used for this at that time, or the people who are undecided vote, as the problems in the economy are increasing, using the question “What do you think, now that most have problems with the way the economy is working, is the way which will take us the least time and effort in order for the problems to be solved?”

Why would you say all the above? Cause,

  1. first way to explain What is it that people wasting others’ time and effort not understanding but that exactly?

And what is it that people using money…wasting others’ time and effort not understanding but what money does when money is used sensibly?

And in the end, what is it that people don’t understand , when they hear that they have to not waste others’ time and effort when they are using money, as …

Money has to not increase the time and effort for what it is used to do, when it is used sensibly.

  1. second way to explain Player do you know what money does…

Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort.

Have you ever really thought of that?

  1. third way to explain

For example…

Imagine you order take away from the same place many times, and lately it takes longer and longer for the food to arrive, and the food may start getting a bit cold…and it doesn’t seem to be getting better in the future, but the prices don’t change…

…do you start getting a feeling this might be a waste of your time and effort or not?


Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.

Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

  1. final way to explain When something makes sense, it makes sense to happen again and again in reality.

When something doesn’t make sense, it isn’t worth out time and effort…cause…



That people view similarly over some time become…


But ways that people view similarly


…common sense.

In the end, what’s the summary? Nature is a lady…

Whatever we do with money, the way we do it has to not ignore the time and effort that we have to spend to do it, otherwise…

Whatever we do with money, the way we do it may ignore the time and effort that we have to spend to do it, but in this case…

If in the end, whatever we do with money, the way we do it may ignore the time and effort that we have to spend to do it, then it doesn’t seem to me that if we want to do whatever we do with money, again…and again…and…again…that we can continue to ignore the time and effort we have to spend to do it, and continue to really have fun, does it seem to you?

Justice is blind, and…

After girls, someplace sometime, have ended talking to one another and have together decided, they point out the ones who are not fun, and the rest show them how…

…MAMA in the end puts order.

Opinion AlexandrosTsolis

Easy and Difficult things in life

if someone tells you that something should be easy for you

if someone tells you that something should be easy for you, and then when you try something, something is easy, that was good advice in the end, but

if someone tells you that something should be easy for you, and then you try something, and something is difficult for you, it doesn't seem to me that it is easy for someone to judge what is easy for you, let alone give you advice....

as someone told you something should be easy for you, then you try it, then it is hard, and then someone doesn't know what that someone is talking about.

If that someone knew what that someone was talking about, then the specific thing someone told you should be easy for you, when you try it, then it has to be easy for you, or someone misjudged...

...regarding you, when you judge something is easy for you, something is easy for you...

...when you judge something is difficult for you, something is difficult for you...

...and when something other than the above two happens to you, you have misjudged what is easy and difficult for you for the specific occasion.

People who excel at difficult things

In order for people to have a good life, they need to have fun in a way that is fun for their own selves , or else they are not having fun, and the universe can't do anything to change that for them if they don't change their way, that they notice, is not fun for them.

Regarding people who excel at difficult things, either...

The things those people excel at, are not difficult for them up to the point they excel...or...

The things those people excel at, are difficult for them up to the point they excel, ...and then ....

People who excel at things, that are difficult for them up to the point they excel, make it more difficult for anyone else to excel, as they already know that there are some for who it is easy to excel up to the point they excel, if they don't add some extra hurdles on the way for other to that...they can excel instead...

Do these people make sense in general?

No, they don't in general.

And in specific, they make things difficult for others...

Shamed for doing something difficult

Some people find things which the majority find easy to do, difficult to do, and they are shamed for this.

Some people find things which the majority find easy to do, difficult to do, and they are not shamed for this.

Whether they are shamed for doing something or not, depends on the consequences something has in reality, on whether the rest like something in reality, and in the end on whether the rest people think it is sensible for them to try to be kind to others for the specific occasion, and...

sometimes it is sensible to be kind to another, and sometimes you are not being sensible with yourself, spending time and effort with another, and regardless of how kind you want to be to another, in the end justice is blind, since the beginning of humans, and you are not being sensible with yourself, when you ignore that.

things that are easy are easy for those who understand how to do them,

and things that are hard are no different than the things that are easy for those who don't understand how to do them...

Humans who have a different definition of easy than other humans, should remember:

Something is easy for me, if it is not hard for me to do in reality.

Something is easy for some people, if it is not hard for some people to do in reality.

Something is easy for most people , if it is not hard for most people to do in reality.

And what I mean by this is

If something is easy for most people or some people, but it is not easy for one, then whether something is easy doesn't become hard for everyone because of one, does it?


if people in groups or societies, don't have a common way to judge which things are easy or difficult, it seems to me things get more difficult for that group or society as time passes , or do you think this is not the case?

And what is that way,

which is common in a group of people to judge which things are easy or difficult,

you may wonder?..

In short it is what I initially wrote down. If you want me to write more...

You have a group of people, or society, people do things, and for the things they do, those things can be easy or difficult for them, on average, and that is because of the following...

When people in the group or society, want to judge other people in the same group or society doing things, they do that using their own personal view, but... regardless of their personal view, the common view people in the group or society have, is the view that most people have... commonly, that is the view that makes common sense for that group of people or society.

Because within a group of people, the common view people in the group or society have, is the view that most people have, the common view people in the group or society have, better for that group or society be a sensible one,

or else things get more difficult for the group or society, as time passes...

as the human senses work to support humans to have fun in their lives and stay alive up until they die, when humans follow their senses... and they warn them when they are not really having fun...

So how people in a group or society built a common view, happens in a funny way...

people exchange views, some are really thinking while doing that, some are really just choosing the views expressed in the group or society, that they would want the universe to impose to the rest of the group, as if the humans sense don't have common elements among humans...

But regardless of peoples' personal views,

the way that that human senses work is in a funny way for the conscious being inside the human body, because otherwise,

it wouldn't be funny for the conscious being inside the human body,

and this is because this is the best the universe could do for the conscious being inside the human body, both for the easy and the difficult times, as reality in the end is something else than anything you can imagine, because it really seems to be happening on its own without you really having to imagine reality, for reality to happen.

But to cut a long story short, so that I can hope that you at least have some reason to read my reply, in the end

within a group of people or society, people build a common view on which things are difficult or easy, however...unfortunately up to now, there can be cases where the entire group or society doesn't make sense, but this isn't what people who make up the group or society want to do, this is simply what they did, is what we find in the past, so that we can learn to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


That people view similarly over some time become…


But ways that people view similarly


…common sense.