That's a cassette cover!
Danke für den Artikel!
Die CxU schaut sich halt ganz genau von den rechtspopulistischen Nachbarn ab wie man "Politik macht". Traurig, aber wahr.
Als selbst Teilzeitarbeitender kann ich nur allen Punkten voll und ganz zustimmen.
Bitte " irreeführend " korrigieren.
Näitä ainakin löytyy F-droidilta. En pysty suosittelemaan mitään, käytän Lemmyä Linuxläppärillä. On siihenkin jotain softaa olemassa mutta en itse vielä perehtynyt asiaan.
Tässä lista vuoden suosituisimmista yhteisöistä sopulin näkökulmasta.
The contributors graph looks fun:
It's been "developed" for about a week.
The repo itself is a little beyond me, most of it seems to be just a website (web app), but I notice this: which seems to pull in something called privacy-kit-*.js
from some npm repo I guess?
Where is the source, where is the code?
(Wie) kann ich einen Post abonnieren?
Für Reddit gibt's die Reddit-Enhancement-Suite die es mir erlaubte Posts zu abonnieren (also über neue Kommentare benachrichtigt zu werden). Gibt es etwas Ähnliches für das Lemmyverse?
Regarding those screenshots:
But then visitors immediately have to create an account with pportal .io to actually get at the newsletter/sign-up/etc.?
I had a quick look at your main page but it did not answer that question.
I understand that a web dev who wants to offer this has to open an account or get an api key of they want to use your service.
Also I could not find a link to the git repo.
edit: according to OP's answer it is as I thought. Yet another company that collects data both on sites and their visitors. Another iteration of the good old Free model a lá Google.
edit2: my personal recommendation is still that people get themselves at least one extra email account with plus-addressing. From a trusted provider of course.
Diese Gewinnspiele waren (sind?) nie eine Herauforderung. Die Gewinner werden eh ausgelost. Es geht nur darum sich mit der Marke zu identifizieren und mögl. viele Adressen zu bekommen.
a big topic in Europe (outside of immigration rhetoric)
It is a big topic. And it's all about immigration rhetoric.
Same in Germany.
If there’s no JavaScript, there’s no malicious scripts
But there is, tons of it! And I can't see anything. The content is obscured without it. It's not static html.
Am schlimmsten aber sind die vielen beleidigenden Kommentare im Internet. Das ist der Nährboden für den Hass auf der Straße. Ich denke, dass diese Partei maßgeblich dazu beigetragen hat, dass die Stimmung in Deutschland so schlimm geworden ist.
Ich frage mich, warum die Ermittlungen bei Bedrohungen dieser Art oft so lange dauern – und wieso sie so häufig erfolglos eingestellt werden.
Yes, but the number of Trump supporters is dwindling.
I'm happy to see that European leaders speak out in favour of something thought up by the Arab league. Let's hope it's gestures (and actions) like these that help de-escalate the global "West - Islamism" situation.
10? More like 80.
You're not wrong of course, but what are you going to do as a climate activist in the West? Honest question.
Wait, are you even refering to climate related things?
New use of crotch gremlins unlocked!
This is 100% what actually happened. Plus no oversight of course.
At this point a total collapse of the USA's 2-party-system seems the best of all realistic alternatives.
Because the Dems getting their shit together in less than 4 years certainly isn't realistic.
I get your point but I left reddit & joined the lemmyverse just a week ago, and did not get banned/censored.
I just felt that a ton of small niggles both technical and content-/moderation-wise had accumulated towards a tipping point.
I have used old.reddit for the longest time and there's always been some glitches (...). There seem to be delays, and they're getting longer. Whether this is just old.reddit or in general, I do not care.
There are other indicators that reddit isn't interested in keeping old.reddit working. It's just a question of time.
Then there's bots, including wetware bots. Whether they're just re-posting to farm karma or actively flooding certain topics with vile opinion or - after a noticeable delay that has nothing to do with timezones - tip the up/downvote balance in their favor: they are here, and it's not getting better.
Kala Namak
That's black salt! I like to use it in cooking sometimes, it's a little like MSG. I'd never sprinkle it on something that's already on a plate though.
It also doesn't have any protein to speak of.
That said, it's perfectly possible to eat tasty, healthy & balanced without eggs.
In the USA? That's interesting. Any idea why they refuse to pay more (but still less)?