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AFK BRB Chocolate (CA version)
Posts 3
Comments 40
Netflix Sci-Fi Series Is Secret Sequel To Heavy Metal
  • Came here to say exactly that - this article is bullshit. I love LD&R, but aside from it being animated there's no similarity with HM. Some of the episodes are wildly different in theme, feel, and style. I don't see how anyone can call it a "spiritual successor" in good faith. Hell, as a diverse collection of stories and styles, it's hard to relate it to any one movie or show at all.

  • What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • I think we might be agreeing, it's just that "mediocre" means different things to each of us. My team supports human spaceflight, and no one we have is crummy. The "mediocre" people have pretty decent technical skills if you're looking across all software development domains.

    Personally, I've found the decent technical skills to be easier to come by than the other ones, and having all of them in one package is a real discriminator.

  • What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • People have those things in spectrums, not all or nothing. You have to have at least some of all of them, but I'd argue that mediocre competency with really good communication and accountability is a better combination that really good competency with one of the others being mediocre.

  • What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • I'm halfway through scrolling this long thread, and this is the first comment I've seen that isn't overly cynical. It's also correct.

    I've been working for 38 years, and I've been someone who makes promotion decisions for 15 of them. The third one is helpful, not essential, but the others are super important. The people who rise to leadership positions aren't necessarily the top technical people, they're the ones who do those things with a good attitude.

    The other thing I'd add is that they're people who are able to see the big picture and how the details relate to it, which is part of strategic thinking.

  • Good time for some earthquakes
  • It's funny, I was sitting on the couch browsing Lemmy on my tablet when my phone made a weird notification sound. Pulled it out and it said it was an earthquake warning. I sat there like an idiot thinking "WTF is that about" when the room started shaking and I remembered we have an early warning system.

    You know, it's not cool to have an earthquake when it's pouring rain outside. I was 1.5 miles from the epicenter of the Northridge quake, and had to get out of my apartment, but at least it was a beautifully clear night outside. No fair doubling up on destructive phenomena (though neither Hilary or the quake looks like they'll cause any significant problems where I am).

  • Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
  • I read stuff like this in comment sections and figures it's just someone trolling for a reaction, but there are so many people who are actually like this. It's so depressing to think that there are honestly people who think Trump is some great genius. If he goes to jail, they'll still be saying "Just you watch! Any day now he's going to spring the trap."

  • Might be an unpopular opinion, but I have no problem with stores selling holiday stuff way in advance of the holiday. Some people want to get their decorations all lined up, be working on crafts, or whatever. What I object to is when stores decorate for the holiday way in advance. I don't want to see Christmas trees and snow men in October or pumpkins and witches in July.

  • What is an addiction many people don’t realize they have?
  • Yeah, I hear you - I have an intense sugar addiction, and eat an absolutely disgusting amount of chocolate (see username). At least otherwise I eat pretty healthy.

    By the way, the reason milk is in so much is because of how much cheese we eat. When they make cheese, they separate out the whey, which they used to throw away, but now they use in stuff. It has a lot of names: whey, lactose, milk solids, and others. If you're lactose intolerant, you have to watch for that for the same reason you don't have to worry much about hard cheeses: the lactose is mostly in the whey, which comes out of the cheese.

  • United States | News & Politics AFK BRB Chocolate (CA version) How Nancy Pelosi’s Long Game Led to Trump’s Indictment

    The longtime Democratic leader and prominent Trump antagonist played an essential role in the historic indictment of the former president.

    How Nancy Pelosi’s Long Game Led to Trump’s Indictment

    If you were going to draw up a list of the people most responsible for the latest indictment of Donald Trump, the former president himself would be at the top, followed by the prosecutors who have brought the case. Republicans in Congress perversely deserve a great deal of credit, too, since they could have exiled Trump from political life and perhaps spared him more intense legal scrutiny if they had voted to convict him in the impeachment trial over his role in the siege of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

    Ultimately, however, you cannot tell the story of Trump’s historic indictment without Nancy Pelosi. It was the then-Speaker of the House who insisted that there be a congressional inquiry following January 6. And it was the work of the select committee she fashioned that finally appears to have spurred a reluctant Justice Department to action, setting in motion a more intense phase of criminal scrutiny focused on Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The resulting indictment closely tracks the select committee’s work and findings, presenting a factual narrative that traces — almost identically — the evidence presented by the committee of a sophisticated, multipronged effort by Trump to remain in power that culminated in the mayhem at the U.S. Capitol.


    Is the daily down time of because of attacks, system instability, or some kind of resource issue?

    It seems like most times I go to my .world account, I get the bad gateway error. Is there a fix for this?

    health AFK BRB Chocolate (CA version)

    Extreme Heat Is Fucking With Our Heads Extreme Heat Is F-cking With Our Heads

    New research shows that rising temperatures could mean an increase in mental health crises

    Extreme Heat Is F-cking With Our Heads

    Over the past several years, increasingly destructive hurricanes, wildfires, blizzards, and other extreme weather events have made it clear that the effects of climate change aren’t some future hypothetical, but our current reality. Not to be outdone, the summer of 2023 has been coming in hot — literally — with July shattering the record for the planet’s hottest month, and coming to a close with “numerous fires” breaking out in the Arctic circle. And while the recent high temperatures and debilitating humidity may not be responsible for as much property damage as a hurricane, it’s been disastrous for our mental health.
