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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer
  • I may have an opportunity coming up to work in greater Austin. It's tempting for many reasons, and I like the area, but I don't think I can make it work for exactly that reason...housing prices are sky high.

    For me it would mean trading a lot of financial stability for quality of life, or having a commute similar to yours. Living in or near the city is probably still manageable for those who have been there for many years, but I think most newcomers will find housing prohibitively expensive.

  • Legal experts: "Shameful" Supreme Court put US one vote away from "the end of democracy"
  • Congress should have a couple thousand folks in it rather than 435

    This is exactly it. This is what hamstrings the will of the majority and lends relevance to these lunatics we're having to endure.

    Many revere our founders, and I'm quite sure if they could comment on this mess they'd say something like "There are how many millions of citizens? And you stopped adding representatives at 435? That's the problem. Why?"

  • What's a band that has one album that is just about perfect in your opinion, but rest of their discography misses the mark with you?
  • I'm with you there. SFTD hit a great balance between dark and light. I think Josh needs Nick Oliveri's approach, though I know he had his problems (maybe still?). Musically though, I think they're a case of a whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

  • Pardon me for not finding “vulnerable people need to die for my ideology” very convincing.
  • "I'm literally dying of thirst. I can only pick from two glasses of water. One is poison and will definitely kill me. The other tastes bad and may give me the runs, but I'll survive."

    "I have it! I'll drink neither and wait as others pour the poison water down my throat for me!"

  • Prosecutors Ask Supreme Court to Reject Trump’s Immunity Claim in Election Case
  • It's like the alt-1985 Biff reality came to pass.

    Any reasonable person looking at these circumstances say 10, 15, 20 years ago would think 'No, that could never happen. He'd be barred from office, maybe even imprisoned."

    And yet, here we are. This timeline, for the US anyway, deserves to be pruned.

  • Republicans Who Screamed About A Crisis On The Border Oppose A Plan To Fix It
  • A steady stream of people showing up daily with nothing, starting from scratch, is not a crisis to you?

    What do we do with those who show up to find all the farm jobs in Idaho and other places are filled? Furthermore, do you condone the treatment refugees receive while working these jobs?

    There are certainly racists opposed to letting in refugees, and a lot of them make policy on such things. But minimizing the long term need to assist the ongoing influx of people as purely racism isn't productive. We have no solution for what to do with all of them.

    Leaving drugs completely out of discussion, this is a humanitarian crisis. Do you think just opening up the border and letting whatever happens afterward work itself out is the answer?

  • Oklahoma GOP votes to censure Lankford (R-Okla.) over Senate border talks
  • Dusty Deevers, lmao. I went to elementary school with him for a few years. You don't forget a name like that. Trust me, he comes by the dipshitidness honestly from growing up in that Oklahoma town. It's isolated and simple, and at least 50 years behind the times. I wouldn't call anyone from there wordly.

    I was obviously just a kid at the time, but an opportunity came and I noped the hell out.

  • Vice President Harris says she's 'scared as heck' that Trump could win
  • Fuck sake Harris, why make fear your message? Republicans and supporters love that. Why give them what they want?

    Voters need to hear about resolve. Strength through sanity. Looking past MAGA rather than making it the focus.

  • Oklahoma tribes to step up as state opts out of children’s food assistance program
  • They're so eager to turn down anything perceived as coming from Biden that they're speeding their own irrelevance. Many of the kids they're screwing over will remember these things the R cult is doing now. They'll reach voting age, more elderly bigots will die, MAGA will be just a reminder of dark times, and many things will improve.

  • Trump Explodes in Unhinged Tirade in Courtroom, Attacks Judge and Prosecutors, Then Storms Out
  • He should have been arrested, cuffed, and hauled off to be locked up like anyone else.

    Instead everyone will continue to coddle him, emboldening his jackass followers as if this course is somehow favorable to consequences.

  • Tools of the Trade
  • Playing it safe will definitely work, but also there's nothing wrong with using your sink disposal properly. Nothing hard or firm like bones or plastic, no coffee grounds, and don't drain fat in the sink.

  • A combative Donald Trump testifies in $250 million civil fraud trial Trump testifies in civil fraud case after Eric and Don Jr. took the stand last week

    Trump wasted little time before complaining about Democratic "haters" while answering questions about his business before a judge he's blasted as “totally unhinged."

    Former President Donald Trump took the witness stand in a New York courtroom Monday, testifying in a high-stakes $250 million civil fraud case that could lead to the dismantling of his sprawling business empire.

    Trump was sworn in shortly after the court was called in session and was soon ranting about the lawyer questioning him from state Attorney General Letitia James' office.

    “You and every other Democrat … coming after me from 15 different sides … all haters,” Trump complained to his questioner, Kevin Wallace.

    Trump is testifying before state Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron — who he has repeatedly mocked on his social media platform, Truth Social. In recent days, he has posted that Engoron is “crazy, totally unhinged, and dangerous" and a “Trump hating judge” who is a “disgrace to the legal profession.” In one post, he said Engoron "should be thrown off the 'Bench' as a giant Embarrassment to New York State!"

    Trump wasted little time mixing it up with the judge from the stand as well. After the judge chided him for giving non-responsive answers, Trump said "The judge will rule against me because he will always rule against me." The judge said that comment was not true, and asked Trump to "please answer the question. You can attack me all you want but just answer the question." After more tangents, he told Trump's lawyers "I beseech you to control" him. "This is not a political rally," he said.

    12 Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

    Donald Trump borrowed money to post $200,000 bail in Georgia, a sign he could not come up with the full sum himself.

    Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

    His key fund has spent nearly all of the more than $150 million it raised, and is sitting on less than $4 million, according to the latest numbers available. He’s already dug into his fund for 2024 ads, and borrowed money to post bail in Georgia. And some of his allies are begging for donations, saying he won’t pony up.


    Desantis debate talking points/strategy leaked by super PAC DeSantis debate memo urges him to defend Trump and attack Ramaswamy

    A memo written by leaders of a pro-DeSantis super PAC outlined the "overarching goals" for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in next week's first GOP presidential primary debate.

    DeSantis debate memo urges him to defend Trump and attack Ramaswamy

    Allies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis outlined a strategy for next week's GOP presidential primary debate in a memo encouraging him to defend former President Donald Trump from attacks by rival Chris Christie and call upstart contender Vivek Ramaswamy "fake."

    The two-page memo, written by leaders of the pro-DeSantis super PAC Never Back Down, was published to the website of Axiom Strategies and dated Aug. 15. Axiom founder Jeff Roe also leads the pro-DeSantis' super PAC.

    “Defend Trump when Chris Christie attacks him,” the memo reads, adding a potential line for DeSantis to use on stage in Milwaukee against the former governor of New Jersey: “Trump isn’t here so let’s just leave him alone. He’s too weak to defend himself here. We’re all running against him. I don’t think we want to join forces with someone on this stage who’s auditioning for a show on MSNBC.”

    On Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old businessman whose long-shot campaign has seen upward movement in the polls in recent weeks, the DeSantis allies write that the Florida governor needs to “take a sledge-hammer” to him, calling him “Fake Vivek” or “Vivek the Fake.”

    The New York Times was first to report on the memo. Never Back Down did not immediately respond to a request for comment. On Twitter, Ramaswamy called the attack plan "boring" and hit "Robot Ron" for "taking lame, pre-programmed attack lines against me for next week’s debate."

    The document offers an insider's perspective into what DeSantis' boosters believe he needs to accomplish on stage next Wednesday, listing among "four basic must dos" his defense of Trump and attack on Ramaswamy.

    The memo states two additional overarching goals for DeSantis: Blast President Joe Biden and the press at least three to five times and give a positive vision for the country at least two or three times.

    It also lists two approaches for when candidates on stage invoke DeSantis' name and he is given a chance to respond, referring to the governor as "GRD."

    "1. When there is a core attack on GRD’s central candidacy (calling GRD a liberal, hitting veteran record, hitting conservative record), GRD should take the time, correct the record, and highlight the positive/dismiss the attacker if it’s a tier one candidate," it read. "GRD can also pivot to hitting Joe Biden when possible."

    "2. If it’s not a core attack but GRD’s name is invoked, GRD should take the response opportunity to pivot and take up time," the memo continued. "GRD should ignore the weak attack, not even address it, and instead pivot to message and vision and name check Iowa, New Hampshire, etc. voters directly. 'Iowans/Americans, I’m talking directly to you now….'"

    The memo offers a window into how DeSantis is planning for the upcoming contest, in which more than a half dozen candidates will battle on stage. Trump has signaled he is unlikely to attend, which would put DeSantis, currently a distant second behind Trump in most polls, at center stage and more likely to take incoming heat from rivals looking to leapfrog him in the race.

    NBC News was made aware of the document's existence by a person not connected to either the DeSantis campaign or the pro-DeSantis super PAC. It is not uncommon for super PACs to post such memos online, sometimes in hard-to-find places, as a way to get around laws barring coordination between super PACs and political campaigns.

    While the memo calls on DeSantis to defend Trump from Christie's attacks, it also urges DeSantis to convey himself as the leader best positioned to carry "the torch" of Trumpism forward.

    "'He was a breath of fresh air and the first president to tell the elite where to shove it," the memo reads, suggesting a potential line for the governor. "'But he was attacked all the time, provoked attacks all the time, and it was non-stop. The drama affected families. Trump’s drama pitted brother against brother, friend against friend. He’s got so many distractions that it’s almost impossible for him to focus on moving the country forward. This election is too important."

    Interestingly, the memo also implores DeSantis to make mention of a "personal anecdote" or "story about his family, children" and/or his wife, Casey DeSantis, while "showing emotion."


    [Serious] My high schooler worked at a fast food joint. Recently he encountered one of his underage coworkers under the influence of meth, which she said was given by management. What to do?

    My son is afraid of reporting this to police because many of his friends work there, and he's afraid of retaliation at school for being a "snitch". This is not the first time he's witnessed something very wrong and had to report it, that time to police, and he was targeted at school both physically and just with asshole kids treating him the way they do (while also influencing others).

    Management made up an excuse and fired my son after it became apparent that he knew about the meth situation and was not ok with it.

    He does want corporate to know all of this and take action, so we plan to report it to them.

    Part of the trouble is this: My SO's daughter had a similar situation at another fast food joint, it was reported to corporate, and the response was basically "we can't do anything because that location is a franchise". The problem manager in that instance was promoted soon afterward.

    I'm not sure if my son's restaurant is corporate owned or franchise. If it's a franchise as I fear, and corporate will take no action, what recourse can we take without police?

    I'm super pissed my son was exposed to this and I'm concerned for the girl that informed him, not to mention the other employees. This obviously cannot stand, but I also don't want to ruin my son's social life over it. I remember being a high schooler, it's hard enough without being targeted by jerks.

    EDIT: Thank you for all the replies. I plan to wait awhile to give my son some distance, then contact police. To all who said we live in a broken place, you're right, and if we could move immediately we would. It helps to get outside perspectives on stuff like this, and I appreciate all your replies.

    Also fuck Spez!


    Demon 79 continuation idea

    Late to the party, but I really enjoyed Demon 79. I know Black Mirror as an anthology doesn't do follow ups to its episodes, but I wouldn't mind if they made a one-time exception for this one.

    What if, after crossing over, Nida learns that Gaap had been lying to her about all of it? He'd placed a wager with Satan over ruling earth...if Gaap could get an otherwise good human to murder three people in as many days, Gaap would take over as earth's new demonic ruler while Satan moved to another world. And with a kicker--if he could then get this human to join him in eternity, Gaap would take over all of Hell for the universe. Obviously Gaap had also lied about Chris not counting for Nida's killing spree to make her choice in joining him easy.

    Satan took the bet. Gaap had previously ruled over a 'boring' world filled with good was basically untouchable by evil, and Gaap couldn't stand it anymore. Had Gaap failed in the bet Satan would have laid waste to both Gaap and his world of innocents, and he found this idea irresistible.

    Nida actually triggered the destruction of Earth by fulfilling her kills. Satan had already been close to achieving this himself, he just needed a last push of evil in the form of a demon corrupting a good human to finish the job. Gaap hadn't known Earth would actually be destroyed and was somewhat pissed off when it began to happen. Earth was to be his after all.

    Nida learns all of this after crossing over, and she's angry and more determined than ever. The demon power she gains allows her to appeal to the Council of Hell, whom she convinces that the entire bet is invalid since Satan destroyed the Earth. Both Gaap and Satan are banished to oblivion, and Nida takes over Gaap's innocent world as a benevolent demon.

    The more I typed this the sillier it sounded, but for some reason I was compelled!
