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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
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How to use MPV IPC to display both media title name and progress bar?

Hey, I am trying to create an IPC command that shows both the media title and the progress bar.

So far, show-progress displays the bar and the elapse time.

And I can use show-text "${media-title}" to show the title.

But I can't seem to do both.

I saw this in the docs

``` show-text <text> [<duration>|-1 [<level>]] Show text on the OSD. The string can contain properties, which are expanded as described in Property Expansion. This can be used to show playback time, filename, and so on. no-osd has no effect on this command.

<duration> The time in ms to show the message for. By default, it uses the same value as --osd-duration.

<level> The minimum OSD level to show the text at (see --osd-level). ```

And thought the level=3 is what I needed, but doing

show-text abc 2000 1

shows the text and

show-text abc 2000 3

shows nothing.

I tried chaining show-progress with show-text, but that also doesn't work cause they override each other.

Any help would be appreciated, cause I feel like I am missing something simple here

EDIT: I've found a solution. Apparently we have to use set osg-msg3 your-text-here; show-progress, to create the text at a high enough OSD level such that it isn't overridden by the progress bar. Strange that we have set osd-msg and show-text to display text


Hey, I've developed a small game that is inspired by Cine2Nerdle Battle.

You can play either single player or multiplayer (though only with a private lobby).

A quick summary of the rules:

  • The goal of the game is to connect as many animes together before the time limit (default 30s) is reached
  • For the current anime, you are to provide another anime that shares a voice actor
  • Each voice actor can only be used up to 3 times (default)
  • There are various aids that can be used such as:
    • showing the main cast and their voice actors
    • extending the time limit
    • passing (in multiplayer) for the other player to answer instead

Note that there might not be feature parity with Cine2Nerdle battle, which may or may not be intentional.

Have fun!


Forks of packages on AUR

Hey, how do we generally handle forks of packages that we wish to use on the AUR?

For example, we have package A on the AUR and we have A-fork with a feature that is not merged into A due to various reasons (dead projects, other concerns, etc).

Do we create a new AUR package that is based off that fork? Wouldn't that pollute the AUR with packages that are similar but are forks of each other?

What if I am developing a package B that depends on the A-fork that is not in the AUR? Do I have to create A-fork as an AUR package so that my package B can be built?