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A very good ( from ( (

A very good #quote from #굿닥터 #GoodDoctor.

I am still a little different from other people. I speak and act a little differently. So I tried very, very hard to eliminate the differences, but I couldn't do it. The more I tried, the more it hurt. So I thought I'd always be different until the day I die.

But many nice people filled in the gap for me. And that is how I am standing before you today. Thank you for filling in the gap. Thank you for not avoiding me. And thank you very, very much for your love.

\~ 박시온 (Park Shi On), 「굿 닥터」 (「Good Doctor」).

\#Kdrama #TV #Drama #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #AutismSpectrum #자폐 #자폐적

@autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @autism @[email protected] @[email protected] @asiandrama


“Autism Awareness” vs “Autism Acceptance”

“Autism Awareness” vs “Autism Acceptance”

In a nutshell, based on what I experienced just now.

\#AutismAwareness is people just being aware. Nothing else. They still don't understand #Autistics.

On the other hand, #AutismAcceptance is taking an effort to understand and to reach out. To work with.

One is harmful.

The other is win-win.

@autistics @actuallyautistic @autism


Two stereotypes about us ( is we like ( and ( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.

Two stereotypes about us #Autistics is we like #PrimeNumbers and #EvenNumbers. I'm a “yes” and a “no”.

I do like Prime numbers and Odd numbers: \* 17 \* 13 \* 7

17 is very special. \* 17 is the 7th Prime \* 1 is an odd number \* 7 is an odd number \* 17 is an odd number \* 1 + 7 = 8, although an even number, it symbolises infinity and eternity, and us #ActuallyAutistics

13 is also special. \* A Prime \* An Odd \* A Fibonacci number

And depending on whom you ask: \* The 8th Fibonacci number \* The 7th Fibonacci number

Ironically: \* The anniversary of my first romantic relationship was on: 1997-07-17. It was my first love who picked that, and she had no idea what my favourite numbers are. \* My height is 175 cm or 5'7.5" to 5'8.5" (depending on whom you ask). \* Favourite time of the day: 07:00 and 19:00 (7pm). 19 is the 8th Prime. (There's 8 again.)

And I'm #OpenlyAutistic. _


How about you? What two #Autism stereotypes is you and not you?

@autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism

Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism
    I was once involved with a Math Savant. He was also a sociopath and not on the Autism Spectrum.
    Cold, manipulative and intellectually sexy .
    When a boy tells you he’s an Ubermensch and a Master and can quite Also Spract Zarathustra it’s time to run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit .
    He has a fetish for domination via Infintesimals and Set Theory .

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @MishaVanMollusq Usually depicted in some shows/films, where the autistic character prefers their food to be even and/or in prime, otherwise, they'll throw a fit or won't eat.

    IRL, I've heard it said years back that people who love Primes, and if combined with Even numbers, are "more likely autistic". I guess it also stems from the stereotype that autistics are savant.

    @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @Waiting4Thunder @ScottSoCal @masukomi @youronlyone @nellie_m @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder you can do the nine times table on your hands. Hold up ten fingers. Put down the one on the left. You have 9. Put that one up, and the next down. You have 1, 8. Move the finger along, 2, 7, then 3,6 and so on.
    To get for instance 9 x 7 put down the finger 7 from the left, and you have 6 fingers on the left and 3 on the right!

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @ScottSoCal @masukomi @youronlyone @nellie_m @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder fun trick, the lower times tables for 9 have products that would total 9 if the digits were added together and the first digit is the multiplier minus 1

    9x1=09 (1-1=0, 9-0=9, 0+9=9)
    9x2=18 (2-1=1, 9-1=8, 1+8=9)
    9x3=27 (3-1=2, 9-2=7, 2+7=9)

    This works up through 10!

    Memorization was the bane of my life as a gestalt style learner 😅

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @masukomi It's similar, memorize the big grid. But I can only do 1-5 and 10.

    I calculate 6, 7, 8, 9 by using my hands (I learned to visualise it mentally).

    Here's a video I found:

    I can't get my head with the multiplication table for 6 to 9, but after someone taught me the hand way, it worked.

    @nellie_m @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @nellie_m @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    wait no. now i NEED to know about your multiplication tables for 6,7, 8, and 9. When i was taught everyone just memorized this big grid o numbers from 1 to 12. How did you do it?

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @nellie_m Same! I'm poor with mental calculation, but I love the logic behind mathematics.

    LOL. I remembered (Grade 9 and 10) some of my exams wherein I failed because my solutions were weird. I did arrive at the correct answers, but getting there was what's graded more. (And my teacher then understood the way I think, so she showed me why I was wrong by testing my way against other rules. I really appreciated she explained it.)

    I don't like maths, but ended up being chosen as class maths teacher substitute in Grade 6. Our maths teacher saw something, I guess how I understand the logic behind it, even though I can't do mental calculations. (Don't even ask me about my multiplication table for 6, 7, 8, and 9. Hahahah.)

    @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @nellie_m @pathfinder I've managed to learn French, and a little Russian. I can read out loud some text in either of those language, until I hit a number. In the case of Russian it's because numbers have case and I'm never quite sure which case the situation calls for. In French, it's because the way French treats the numbers 70-99 (and numbers that end in 70-99) is a regular clown show.

  • “Autism Awareness” vs “Autism Acceptance”
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @autism IME, "Autism awareness" ends with the awareness that Autism *exists*. Nothing about how Autism actually presents in the world (especially among marginalized folx, girls, and adults of all races and genders, but especially marginalized folx and women), how it feels, how an Allistic person might interact more effectively with their Autistic coworkers, family members and friends ...

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    The relationship between numbers and my brain is one of mutual dislike.

    My brain doesn’t do them. I swear I don’t even know what numbers are. As a kid, I learned mental arithmetics like a poem. I recited it in every test, for every exercise. What I wrote was mostly correct, but time was always up before I had finished even half of it…

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    I can literally count to three, that’s it.

    I’m very much a verbal thinker. I love learning languages. Drop me off somewhere and I’ll speak that language within three months, complete with proper local accent. No problem. Except for, of course, the numbers!🤣


  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    maths was my poorest subject until we were allowed to use electronic calculators. Late 70s. And then suddenly, it became fun! I loved algebra so much. Being able to do maths with my good old friends: letters!

    At that point, I chose maths as a favourite subject even. I loved how unambiguous and logical and elegant it was. Just don’t expect me to do numbers.
