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nellie_m nellie-m

It almost feels a bit exotic but - no, I never had an account on that “birdsite”, even though I like birds. Simply came here and loved it! When the server I first signed up on was shut down, I set up this little instance of one. Chicken keeper, dog lover, photo enthusiast without decent camera, would-be-smallholder-if-only-I-had-more-time, ex-beekeeper, seed saver, writer, publisher. Curious, enthusiastic, believe in the power of kindness.

\-\> June 18th is Autistic Pride Day

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Comments 4
Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    I can literally count to three, that’s it.

    I’m very much a verbal thinker. I love learning languages. Drop me off somewhere and I’ll speak that language within three months, complete with proper local accent. No problem. Except for, of course, the numbers!🤣


  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    The relationship between numbers and my brain is one of mutual dislike.

    My brain doesn’t do them. I swear I don’t even know what numbers are. As a kid, I learned mental arithmetics like a poem. I recited it in every test, for every exercise. What I wrote was mostly correct, but time was always up before I had finished even half of it…

  • Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”.
  • @youronlyone @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder

    maths was my poorest subject until we were allowed to use electronic calculators. Late 70s. And then suddenly, it became fun! I loved algebra so much. Being able to do maths with my good old friends: letters!

    At that point, I chose maths as a favourite subject even. I loved how unambiguous and logical and elegant it was. Just don’t expect me to do numbers.
