Joanna McKenzie
Jobob\_80 on twitter. I'm a data scientist and physicist with an interest in art. This is all about my personal views not those of my employer.
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Two stereotypes about us [#Autistics]( is we like [#PrimeNumbers]( and [#EvenNumbers]( I'm a “yes” and a “no”. 1 0
@Waiting4Thunder @ScottSoCal @masukomi @youronlyone @nellie_m @autistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @autism @pathfinder you can do the nine times table on your hands. Hold up ten fingers. Put down the one on the left. You have 9. Put that one up, and the next down. You have 1, 8. Move the finger along, 2, 7, then 3,6 and so on.
To get for instance 9 x 7 put down the finger 7 from the left, and you have 6 fingers on the left and 3 on the right!