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Is it just me or do a LOT of cats seem to go missing in Eugene?

Is it just me or do a LOT of cats seem to go missing in Eugene? ==========

I just feel bad for all the poor cats 🥺



Want to actually lower rent in Eugene? Here's how.

Rent in Eugene is high for one simple reason: it's a highly desirable place to live and the people who want to live here are all competing to rent the same units. There is more demand than supply, by a lot. Period. We have under-built for decades despite consistent net migration into our city. Landlords can charge the rent they do because somebody will pay it. The only way to get lower average rents is to reverse migration into Eugene or increase the housing supply.

Why have we under-built for decades? Because city council is an elected position. Homeowners vote, tenants tend to not vote. And to make this worse, homeowners benefit from this supply & demand mismatch because it causes their property values to go up. Politicians don't listen to blocks of voters who don't vote. Eugene homeowners, the neighborhood associations, etc have all lobbied successfully for "single family only" zoning and kept development out. City Council members also tend to be homeowners because at 15K a year you basically need a second source of income to even scrape by on that salary. Tenants and homeowners have opposite goals when it comes to land value.

So tenants, if you care about rent prices, make sure you vote, and make sure your city councilors hear from you that you want more units. If you don't like the options you get at the ballot box in general elections or think there aren't enough, vote in the primaries where your vote will have an even greater impact since you'll be choosing who other people get to vote for. All you need to do in order to vote in the primaries is select a party and your ballot will be mailed to you automatically. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes, can be done online, and you can change parties whenever you want. Selecting a party doesn't mean you have to vote for that party, only that you get the chance to vote in their primary. And vote YES on Ranked Choice Voting which is a measure that will be up for vote in the November election.


What about private equity? Blackrock? "Price-fixing software"?

I know it's popular to point the finger at private equity, AirBnb, or price-fixing software or whoever, but they are drops in the bucket compared to the massive supply and demand mismatch we have. And many urban areas in America have. Price fixing software won't enable you to charge more for rent than the market will allow, because another landlord without said price fixing software will just rent at a more reasonable price and get the tenant while your unit sits vacant and burns a hole in your pocket.

What about rent control?

Rent control will just advantage people in existing units while disadvantaging anybody who moves here from elsewhere or even from in-town. It also gives your landlord great incentive to constructively evict you and means whenever you move, your rent will take a very steep hike. It just polarizes the rental market. The total amount of rent being paid stays roughly the same, it's just no longer equally distributed among the entire renting population. Rent control doesn't work. Yes, it freezes rents for some segments of the population, but it prejudices in favor of whoever happens to be in a unit right this very moment and never moves and screws over everybody else w higher rent, especially those trying to get off the street!

What about expanding the Urban Growth Boundary?

This would make more cheap land available for development at the expense of nature being harder to access and farther away. We can build up without building out. I'm not in favor of expanding the UGB personally, but it would probably help.

But I hate all these new luxury condos!

K be mad then, but it's more supply. Now people who can afford luxury condos will rent them instead of out-bidding you for other units.

But the condos are all empty?!?

As a tenant, you want vacant units. Vacant units mean landlords have to live with the threat of their units not being rented, which means they will lower prices to make sure they stay occupied. Vacant units mean more negotiating power for tenants which turns up in things like pet-friendly complexes. Every market has inefficiencies and vacant units, this is normal. Trust me, those vacant units are costing them money. If they remain vacant long enough, the price will drop. That only happens if they actually remain vacant though, which our supply & demand mismatch won't actually let happen sustainably.

What about banning corporations from owning homes?

The legal structure of an entity owning a property doesn't matter, they can't actually set prices, the market does. Just like you can't buy a $1 million house and sell it for $2 million tomorrow, neither can blackrock. If they are sitting on property, they are losing money, but that's only true if the real estate market doesn't going up because we keep refusing to build more real estate. You need corporations to build apartment complexes, they require tens of million dollars to build, which means you need investors, which means you need a legal structure for investment to occur through safely. Most single home landlords are also LLCs.

What about forcing developers to make "affordable" units?

How do you make low and medium income housing? You build new, luxury housing and wait 20 years. This is similar to rent control where it just shifts around the rent to different parts of the market. Additionally, doing this makes this place less attractive to developers. Developers want to build units that are actually going to make them money, the more red tape and regulations, the more money they waste fighting or complying with them. And it's not just the developer's decision: they have to answer to investors. Investors don't want to invest in things which don't make money. Apartment complexes cost tens of millions of dollars, you need people to invest to make that happen, so you need to make investment attractive. Investors have the luxury of investing wherever they want. Unless Eugene is "investable", they will go elsewhere and you get no units.


Oregon Country Fair starts tomorrow!

If you're attending, you can read the Peach Pit online here. I'm not going to be able to make it this year, but hope Eugeneans who can have a great time.

And stay hydrated! It's still going to be beastly hot out!


Overview of Eugene Restaurants offering Meal Plans

If you're like me, you loathe doing meal prep every week and often end up making food choices that are bad for your health or expensive because you once again neglected to keep your stash of fridge food going. And so maybe you have come to the conclusion it would be better to pay somebody else to do the prep so you always have tasty meals ready for you. I did some research on local places that do this, sharing this in hopes that somebody else finds it useful. If anybody has experience with these places or other places they suggest, I'd love to hear about them.

Prices shown are approximate. Note that I am using "serving" like the USDA uses it. A chipotle burrito, for reference, is around two "servings".

Ivys Cooking ($6-$15/serving, free delivery, minimum spend $14)

Pickup weekly (Wed) or get free delivery (Thurs), “home-cooked meal” vibe but still very professional. Minimum order of one meal (two servings). Great vegetarian options. Also offers additional "product boxes" you can add to your order for $10 and some items like jam, jellies, etc.

$28 for Entree of 2-4 generous servings ($7-$14/serving)

$38 Family Size (4-6 servings) - $38 ($6-$10/serving)

Sprout Kitchen (willamette and 25th) ($6.50/serving, minimum spend $13)

New restaurant w/ meal plan option focus on modern/gourmet. Each meal is around 2 servings. $13 each so $6.50 per serving. While food has some focus on being healthy, surprisingly no vegan or vegetarian options when I looked. Pickup weekly.

Glenwood Restaurant (25th and Willamette) ($5.25/serving, $21 minimum spend)

Choose from one of two meal combos each week, with vegetarian option available.

$21 and designed to ‘feed a family of four’ so let’s assume that’s $5.25/serving.

Chipotle Catering (several locations) ($4.50/serving, minimum spend $90)

Thought I'd consider this one as well for fun. Good veggie options. $8.50/burrito if you order 10. Each burrito is two servings. So that’s 4.50 per serving. Or you can order a bunch of ingredients and put them on tortillas of your choice (taco or burrito). This is $12.00 “per person”, which I’m going to assume is two servings, so $6/serving. Minimum order is a $90-$120 depending on which boxes you get. Of course, a single burrito is $9.85 so you're not really saving much with their catering options. With some creative use of gift cards you could probably get yourself a 10-20% discount here as well.

Honorable mention: Erin’s table (local meal kit service)


Rep Val Hoyle votes against FIT21 Act which would make it easier and safer to use crypto. FIT21 was endorsed by the crypto and financial industries alike for providing much needed regulatory clarity

This bill has passed the US house with rare bipartisan support and is now headed for the senate.

Axios article about the bill:

Some other relevant background info:

Vote record if you want to look up your rep:

Among other things, the bill establishes:

  • Clear ways to determine if a crypto asset is a security or not, and a process for making that determination. If a crypto is a security, it is subject to many more regulations and laws which are needed to protect investors.
  • Clear ways to determine is a crypto exchange is actually an exchange, money transmitter, or other entity subject to regulation and what those regulations are
  • Which federal agency even has jurisdiction over crypto assets
  • That sufficiently decentralized cryptos (like Bitcoin) are exempt from many securities regulations. This is because a decentralized cryptocurrency can't rugpull you or otherwise collude to harm whatever investments one has made in them. When you think about bad crypto scandals like FTX, exchange collapses, and other rug pulls, they are all a result of centralized actors taking advantage of the trust of others. Decentralized, trustless systems like Bitcoin do not have this flaw as one does not need to trust a select set of centralized actors to faithfully and transparently administer the system. There is no single entity or set of entities, for example, who can make new Bitcoin which is not meant to be minted according to the Bitcoin protocol or force the transfer of funds from one user to another.
  • Likewise would exempt "decentralized exchanges" from securities regulations as there is no trusted centralized intermediary who can rugpull investors. One might use a decentralized exchange, for example, to swap BTC to ETH or another cryptocurrency. They are fast, transparent, and efficient.

Lane County Landlords

Lane County has an excellent portal to parcel maps and property owner data. Visualizing this data at a higher level reveals interesting features wrt land use and ownership.

Interactive maps and tables are here.

County map, by property class (3484×1729, 703kB):


County map, identifying out-of-state land owners by classifying by region/state (3484×1729, 741kB):


Large map, Springfield-Eugene area, by property class, without legend (5000×2728, 2.7MB):


Land use, in aggregate:


Owner location, in aggregate:


Owner location, in detail:


Top 1000 owners, by..., cropped:





Thank you Rep Hoyle (D-OR) for voting against the TikTok Ban

Got this response when I emailed her about it. I have not been a fan of all of her votes, but I appreciate this one. Most of OR's reps voted for this bill

>Thank you for contacting me about H.R. 7521, the so-called “Protecting Americans from Foreign adversaries Act.” I appreciate hearing from you. > >On Wednesday, March 13, I voted in opposition to H.R. 7521. This bill would force the sale of the social media application TikTok, whose parent company ByteDance is based in China. > >Let me be clear: I share the national security concerns of many that the Chinese government is collecting Americans’ personal data via TikTok. However, I believe H.R. 7521 is an inadequate proposal that unconstitutionally singles out a specific company, setting a dangerous precedent. Additionally, by restricting access to a social media application, I believe this bill threatens Americans’ constitutional rights to free speech, expression and a free press. > >I also believe the bill’s provisions to force ByteDance to divest from TikTok within 180 days are unrealistic. In reality, a sale of this magnitude could trigger an antitrust acquisition review in the United States – a process that could take up to a year or longer. During this period, TikTok users in the U.S. could lose access to the app. > >This bill also ignores the fact that the Chinese government and other public and private entities around the world – including the U.S. government – are still able to purchase Americans’ private information from third-party brokers. That’s why I support comprehensive privacy reforms to protect Americans’ constitutional right to privacy and close the data broker loophole. > >The United States has rightfully criticized other countries for infringing on the rights of their own citizens by restricting free speech and censoring access to the internet. However, H.R. 7521’s restriction of Americans’ free speech and singling out of one company makes us no better than our adversaries, and it invites reciprocal attacks from other countries on U.S.-based companies. > >We must not forget that the U.S. government also engages in what I strongly believe to be unconstitutional surveillance and collection of Americans’ personal data and communications. If TikTok were sold to a U.S.-based company, I’m not convinced that American users’ private data would be secure. > >Instead of rushing a vote on a bill that was written behind closed doors without proper debate, Congress should pass comprehensive data privacy and security reform legislation that protects Americans from unconstitutional data collection by all companies, governments, and digital applications - not just one.



🇺🇲 Primary elections are coming up soon, you need to be registered by May 1 🇺🇲

Are you tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils"? Wish you had a say in who you got to vote for? Well you can, if you vote in the primaries! Primary elections determine who will be on the ballot in the general election. If you want to vote in the primaries for a party, you must select that party on your voter registration. You can update your voter registration online.

The next statewide primary election is May 21, which means you need to register and select a party by May 1 to participate in a closed primary. The sooner you register, the better off you will be.

What positions can you vote on in primaries?

  • President
  • Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Secretary of State
  • Treasurer
  • State Legislators
  • Federal legislators (house and senate)

Voting is one important way you can be politically active. There are many other ways as well. I hope you explore all your options and engage politically. Our political process has flaws, it's easy to look at things and think they are hopeless. But remember that apathy has never worked as a strategy to change anything for the better and probably never will :).


Awesome Grindcore Show at Sam Bond's Garage Tomorrow!

Awesome Grindcore Show at Sam Bond's Garage Tomorrow! ==========

Heyy it's been a while since I posted to the @eugene community!

I just wanted to let you all know about a show I'm excited for! It's at Sam Bond's Garage tomorrow (Tuesday, March 26th) at 6 PM, with $10 admission. For more info, check out their calendar.


OR's Right To Repair Bill Passes House & Senate, sponsored by Eugene's reps!

Bill SB1596 has passed the house and senate and was sponsored by two Eugene reps: House Rep Holvey and Senatator Prozanski.

"Oregon has joined the small but growing list of states that have passed right-to-repair legislation. Oregon's bill stands out for a provision that would prevent companies from requiring that official parts be unlocked with encrypted software checks before they will fully function." - Ars Technica

It now awaits a signature from Tina Kotek, if you are passionate about this bill, you can contact her here:

Bill info and votes:


Cascades Raptor Center in Eugene to reopen after extensive storm damage

Everything below is cross-posted from [email protected] -


See the original post for more pics of the storm damage and rescue of the lost owl.

Good news, courtesy of Oregon Public Broadcasting!

> Thanks to work from staff and volunteers, the center will reopen to the public Feb. 9. > > Executive Director Julie Collins said community members and volunteer arborists have worked tirelessly to remove hanging limbs and picking up truckloads of storm debris at the wildlife refuge. > > Donations received over the last several weeks have also covered the cost of storm damage and lost revenue from the closure. > > Collins said thousands of community members have contacted the center over the last few weeks to offer their help. > > “I think I’m going to be saying thank you a lot,” Collins said.”I hope that the community continues to stand behind us over the years so we can continue to do this work for the generations to come.” > > She said two aviaries were seriously damaged by falling trees during the storm, but neither bird, Atticus the bald eagle nor Lorax the great horned owl, were harmed. > > Both birds have been relocated to temporary enclosures in areas of the center that are open to the public while volunteers rebuild their normal homes.

It's good to see some good owl news, and amazing to see Oregonians (and some others, I'm sure) come together to help the animals and the center out.

If you're able, go take a visit and give it a look and your support!



Eugene/Springfield Crime

Numbers are derived from calls published on the EPD and SPD dispatch logs.

Note that not all calls are published (e.g. Suicidal Subject), not all calls result in dispatch of an officer, and not all calls are actionable (i.e. an officer is dispatched, but the person/problem is not found).


All Calls (except Traffic Stops)

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 50,042 28,534 2015 51,669 28,772 2016 51,366 29,838 2017 49,580 29,855 2018 45,683 28,736 2019 47,141 27,501 2020 47,078 24,705 2021 47,088 24,611 2022 45,046 25,001 2023 44,021 23,055


Traffic Stop

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 17,018 11,401 2015 13,710 10,603 2016 11,894 10,212 2017 10,905 10,932 2018 8,908 9,184 2019 9,834 8,928 2020 12,901 6,253 2021 10,738 5,241 2022 8,748 4,440 2023 9,651 5,737


Criminal Trespass

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 2,821 1,067 2015 3,385 1,201 2016 4,287 1,354 2017 3,827 1,320 2018 4,590 1,332 2019 5,216 1,352 2020 4,885 1,412 2021 5,014 1,536 2022 6,239 1,676 2023 6,553 1,704



Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 120 39 2015 121 50 2016 128 81 2017 72 80 2018 68 47 2019 111 29 2020 301 6 2021 375 22 2022 506 18 2023 504 16



Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 4,074 1,864 2015 4,250 1,931 2016 4,944 2,054 2017 5,261 1,897 2018 5,337 1,942 2019 6,125 2,136 2020 6,456 2,186 2021 6,526 2,030 2022 6,144 2,059 2023 5,839 1,738


Disorderly Subject

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 2,191 673 2015 2,786 742 2016 3,183 757 2017 2,783 662 2018 3,203 716 2019 3,404 676 2020 3,472 911 2021 3,744 1,052 2022 3,053 937 2023 2,814 758



Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 183 96 2015 222 113 2016 206 92 2017 199 93 2018 240 92 2019 233 84 2020 394 80 2021 664 84 2022 667 115 2023 695 98


Illegal Burning

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 88 8 2015 110 11 2016 91 9 2017 139 5 2018 156 7 2019 247 12 2020 482 21 2021 443 14 2022 626 39 2023 876 50


Person Stop

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 9,511 2,489 2015 8,314 2,157 2016 6,766 2,139 2017 6,168 2,145 2018 3,200 2,064 2019 3,384 1,537 2020 2,796 909 2021 1,604 468 2022 1,461 351 2023 1,012 633


Illegal Camping

Year Eugene Springfield ------ -------- ------------- 2014 753 143 2015 826 172 2016 1,149 243 2017 1,180 277 2018 908 352 2019 708 448 2020 347 368 2021 97 438 2022 690 588 2023 717 245

Year 2023 Summary (top 40 incidents, Eugene & Springfield combined)

% Count Incident Type ------- -------- --------------- 18.66 15,388 Traffic Stop 10.01 8,257 Criminal Trespass 9.19 7,577 Dispute 4.33 3,572 Disorderly Subject 3.34 2,751 Theft 3.31 2,729 Suspicious Condition(s) 2.41 1,985 Traffic Hazard 1.99 1,645 Person Stop 1.88 1,547 Burglary 1.64 1,353 Alarm 1.62 1,338 Warrant Service 1.60 1,319 Criminal Mischief 1.59 1,311 Suspicious Subject(s) 1.47 1,214 Driving While Suspended 1.35 1,114 Unauthorized Use of Vehicle 1.31 1,078 Motor Vehicle Unknown 1.27 1,045 Theft from Vehicle 1.25 1,032 Abandoned Vehicle 1.17 966 Loud Noise 1.17 965 Hit and Run 1.17 962 Illegal Camping 1.12 926 Illegal Burning 1.11 915 ATL Drunk Driver 1.11 913 Disabled Vehicle(s) 1.10 908 Assist Outside Agency 1.06 877 Assault 0.96 793 Prowler(s) 0.93 770 Found Property 0.85 704 Reckless Driving 0.81 665 Unknown Problem 0.77 635 Suspicious Vehicle(s) 0.75 616 Dog(s) at Large 0.68 563 Motor Vehicle No Injury 0.68 558 Missing Person(s) 0.63 520 Shoplifter(s) 0.60 494 Shot(s) Fired 0.56 459 Animal Complaint 0.53 440 Disorderly Juvenile(s) 0.50 416 Animal Cruelty 0.44 362 Theft ID


‘Biggest relief imaginable’: Eugene wildlife center’s owl found after storm damage

cross-posted from [email protected]:

> Cascades Raptor Center in Oregon sustained heavy damage in a snowstorm this month. Lorax the Great Horned Owl was missing after its enclosure was crushed by a falling tree. > > From KOIN News > > > When keepers at Eugene’s Cascades Raptor Center arrived onsite Tuesday morning after the winter storm swept through the area, they became immediately concerned when a Great Horned Owl named Lorax was missing from her damaged enclosure. > > > > Keepers, including Lorax’s trainer Carrie Lorenz, recounted how they all immediately went into “action mode,” removing tree debris and making sure the bird wasn’t trapped under the rubble. > > “As we were heading back with our axes to clear the tree, we were calling out for her just in case. All of a sudden we heard her calling back to us,” said Lorenz. “We ran up the hill towards her call, and there she was: perched in a tree near another aviary. It was the biggest relief imaginable…I put out my glove and she flew right down to it, which was the best feeling in the world.” > > Lorenz continued, “As trainers, we spend a lot of time developing a strong relationship between us and the birds we work with. I’m so glad our relationship with Lorax was strong enough that she trusted me, and flew right down to the glove even after that traumatic experience.”

Additionally from NBC16

> The destruction of Lorax’s enclosure is just one of the many damaged areas at Cascades Raptor Center due to the severe weather that took place January 13-16, the Center stated.

> Fallen trees and electrical damage have made the center inaccessible and dangerous, forcing a closure that may last weeks as the Center struggles to repair the walkways, parking lot, and damaged aviaries. > > Reparations to the damaged infrastructure and removal of all fallen trees are estimated to cost the Center over $30,000, and will take hundreds of hours of labor from Cascades staff and volunteers. > > “Closing our doors is always a hardship for the Center,” said Executive Director Julie Collins. ”But in this instance, it is a must. We have a lot of hard work to do to make the Nature Center safe for our guests. One of our biggest threats right now are the large number of widowmaker branches hanging over newly constructed aviaries; getting those branches removed safely and quickly is necessary to protect both the staff and the site.”

The animal hospital is open during repairs, and emergency fundraising is going on as well. Damage was also severe in the Bald Eagle enclosure as well, but it sounds like it was found safe as well.

Here are pictures of the damage from the NBC article.









New Post on my Personal Website: Scoping out the Eugene-Springfield Fediverse

New Post on my Personal Website: Scoping out the Eugene-Springfield Fediverse ==========

I recently wrote up a new post for my personal website about the Fediverse in relation to the Eugene-Springfield area, and figured I'd share it. Let me know what you think!


\#Eugene #EugeneOR #EugeneOregon #Springfield #SpringfieldOregon #Oregon


Stop The Presses, Literally — The Eugene Weekly Falls Victim to Financial Crime

Stop The Presses, Literally — The Eugene Weekly Falls Victim to Financial Crime ==========

A new article from @doublesidedmedia provides a pretty good summary of the embezzling of funds at @eugeneweekly




Tabletop Gaming Event here in Eugene!

Tabletop Gaming Event here in Eugene! ==========

So tomorrow (as of when I'm posting this) there's going to be a tabletop gaming and fantasy focused holiday market over at Funagain Games. Figured I'd bring it up here since I only found out about it when I saw a poster around town.

EDIT: It's from noon to 6 PM EDIT 2: It already happened, so don't get your hopes up


\#ttrpgs #eugene #miniatures


Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?

Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open? ==========

I've been highly anticipating it ever since construction began, and it looks nearly finished to me. This would make so many trips much easier!

@eugene \#Eugene #Bikes #BikeTooter


Hey, Eugene... Anyone else down with a cold for Thanksgiving?


My whole family is down with a cold (not COVID, thankfully) for the holiday. First time I've caught something since January of 2020. Forgot how much I despise being sick.

Since misery loves company, come tell me your stories of being sick on a holiday.


Free Voice Training Workshop in Eugene!

Free Voice Training Workshop in Eugene!

Seems like it might be a good idea for any fellow trans people in #Eugene who are interested in voice training to attend.



Should we have a separate sister community for discussing the University of Oregon?

[META] Should we have a separate sister community for discussing the University of Oregon?

I kinda feel like the university is a bit different, and it would be a great way to get more people who might be involved in campus life onto the fediverse as well as being a good place to discuss campus-specific topics without clogging the Eugene community. I'd be down to make one myself for that if that would be of interest.


Ugh, the smoke
  • @kescusay I remember a couple of years ago, the first rain of the autumn was ash instead of water. Hopefully it doesn't get that bad again.

  • Police bust massive Lego theft ring at Brick Builders in Eugene
  • @TheGoonch yet another article that's functionally the same as a police report with absolutely nothing to add.

  • Rep Paul Holvey (Eugene's rep in OR house legislature) just voted to reverse M110
  • HB4002


    The measure removes barriers and establishes programs and policies aimed at improving access to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. It also establishes a criminal justice framework for possession or delivery of controlled substances designed to encourage treatment over penalties such as jail or probation.

    That sounds pretty inline with my understanding M110. Am I missing something?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @AncientFutureNow awesome! It's great to see local music on here!

  • 🎂 Elk Horn brewery is finally going out of business (sorta) 🎂
  • @letsmakeafriendship Well good. Hopefully he takes that money and fucks off some place where he can't bother homeless people any more

  • Cyclist's wrong-way ride leads to meth seizure, California warrant arrest
  • @kescusay @AncientFutureNow I'm personally more annoyed about people (including on occasion the cops themselves) who drive and park right in the middle of the bike lane. Seems to mostly be a problem around Dave's Hot Chicken, likely because they have curbside pickup even though the building is surrounded by bike lanes so there's no real curb to speak of.

    Either way, I'm not so sure that arresting people would be particularly helpful for either problem. There's got to be another way, somehow.

  • What the fuck is going on with the Eugene sub
  • @kescusay perhaps then, a larger effort must be made to encourage people on the Eugene sub to migrate, either to Emerald Social (from where they can join) or to Lemmy

  • Power out in SE Eugene (Edit: It's back)
  • @kescusay Streets north and south of my street in Springfield has power, but not mine :freezePeach:

  • Power out in SE Eugene (Edit: It's back)
  • @kescusay aw man that really sucks. Let us know if there's anything we as a community can do to help :)

  • New Post on my Personal Website: Scoping out the Eugene-Springfield Fediverse
  • @ch0ccyra1n @eugene

    We made a couple of bots for City of Eugene and Lane County. They grab new posts from their official RSS feeds. Might be good for your list until they join the fediverse themselves.


  • The House of the Dead arcade cabinets
  • @potatobro Last I saw, Round1 at Valley River Center has one of the House of the Dead games