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Ugh, the smoke

I hate the fact that it's almost fall now, and we're seeing temperatures around 100 degrees fahrenheit and smoke from first fires. In September.

  • Honestly, with the fact that every summer has terrible blazes that fill the sky with haze, I get kinda nostalgic. It’s simply part of summer for me. Like, yeah. It’s wildfire season, that’s cool and normal.


    • You just made me feel old. Smoke-filled summers is not a normal thing for Eugene. It's a relatively recent thing, it's bad, and it's a sign of climate change.

      • No I agree, it’s very bad. But it’s the coolest summer we’ll have for a while so I’m enjoying it for now. 🤙

  • @kescusay I remember a couple of years ago, the first rain of the autumn was ash instead of water. Hopefully it doesn't get that bad again.

    • Ugh, that was awful. 2020, right? So COVID-19, then horrific fires with smoke blotting out the sky. Felt like the end of the world.