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Join us for Sunnyvision, the summer edition of Lemmyvision!

I hope my post doesn't break the rules ; I'd like to invite as many people as possible to participate to Sunnyvision, the summer edition of the Lemmyvision song contest.

It's a fun way to celebrate summer, and discover new music, more info on the original post, quoted below !

> > TL;DR > - In this thread the thread on [email protected], in the comments, post a song that was released in summer of any year. > - Next week, you'll be able to vote for your favourite song from the songs posted here. > > Remember that time I wanted to set up a smaller scale Lemmyvision for summer? Yeah me neither. > > But here it is, it's still summer for a week, so.. > > > Welcome to Lemmyvision's summer edition, Sunnyvision!🌞 > > If you don't know what Lemmyvision is, check out the sidebar! > > The aim is to promote different languages and cultures from around the world, to share more between our online communities across Lemmy, and discover songs from lesser known artists. > > The first edition concluded on April ( with 9 instances/countries/communities participating! The Northern Boys - Sexy Train (, the submission, won! > > For this 'lighter' edition, the goal is to celebrate the last week of summer, with some summer related tunes. You do not need to bring your instance/community, everyone can share a song, no matter what instance they're on, as long as they can federate here! > > > Rules > - Just post a song that was released in summer, from any year you want > - At the end of the week I'll gather all the songs posted in this thread > - You'll then be able to listen to a playlist with all those songs, and vote for your favourite! > > Spread the word if you can, and I hope you have fun, and that everyone can discover new music! 🎶


Third-party article about Immers Space implementing ActivityPub support (Actual announcement inside link)

This should inspire Prismic and the upcoming revival of OpenBlox


Galeras, eu consigo criar conta e autenticar numa conta #pixelfed usando uma do #mastodon??

Galeras, eu consigo criar conta e autenticar numa conta #pixelfed usando uma do #mastodon??

@[email protected] @[email protected]


Instance Admins: Check Your Instance for Vote Manipulation Accounts

Over the past 5-6 months, I've been noticing a lot of new accounts spinning up that look like this format:


What are they doing?

They're boosting and/or downvoting mostly, if not exclusively, US news and politics posts/comments to fit their agenda.

Edit: Could also be manipulating other regional news/politics, but my instance is regional and doesn't subscribe to those which limits my visibility into the overall manipulation patterns.

What do these have in common?

  1. Most are on instances that have signups without applications (I'm guessing the few that are on instances with applications may be from before those were enabled since those are several months old, but just a guess; they could have easily just applied and been approved.)
  2. Most are random 8-character usernames (occasionally 7 or 9 characters)
  3. Most have a common set of users they're upvoting and/or downvoting consistently
  4. No posts/comments
  5. No avatar or bio (that's pretty common in general, but combine it with the other common attributes)
  6. Update: Have had several anonymous reports (thanks!) that these users are registering with an email address which is a throwaway email service.

What can you, as an instance admin, do?

Keep an eye on new registrations to your instance. If you see any that fit this pattern, pick a few (and a few off this list) and see if they're voting along the same lines. You can also look in the login_token table to see if there is IP address overlap with other users on your instance and/or any other of these kinds of accounts.

You can also check the local_user table to see if the email addresses are from the same provider (not a guaranteed way to match them, but it can be a clue) or if they're they same email address using plus-addressing (e.g. [email protected], [email protected], etc).

Why are they doing this?

Your guess is as good as mine, but US elections are in a few months, and I highly suspect some kind of interference campaign based on the volume of these that are being spun up and the content that's being manipulated. That, or someone, possibly even a ghost or an alien life form, really wants the impression of public opinion being on their side. Just because I don't know exactly why doesn't mean that something fishy isn't happening that other admins should be aware of.

Who are the known culprits?

These are ones fitting that pattern which have been identified. There are certainly more, but these have been positively identified. Some were omitted since they were more garden-variety "to win an argument" style manipulation.

These all seem to be part of a campaign. This list is by no means comprehensive, and if there are any false positives, I do apologize. I've tried to separate out the "garden variety" type from the ones suspected of being part of a campaign, but may have missed some.

Edit: If you see anyone from your instance on here, please please please verify before taking any action. I'm only able to cross-check these against the content my instance is aware of.


How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky

> Hey 👋 if you don't know us already, we're building Frontpage; an AT Procol based federated link aggregator. We shipped an initial MVP in closed beta recently and have since been thinking about the road to general availability. > > This post is an RFC (Request for Comments) targeted at technically minded folks who are interested in seeing the progression of atproto for non-Bluesky/microblogging use cases. All that's to say the language that follows assumes some knowledge about how Bluesky and atproto work! I've tried to include links to explain what all of the jargon means though, so hopefully it's not entirely nonsense for folks a little less familiar!

> When you post on Frontpage, we propose that a mirror post will also be created in your Bluesky account. When you comment on Frontpage, we propose that a mirror reply will be created in your Bluesky account. > > Conversely, when you reply to one of these mirrored posts in Bluesky - we will show it as a reply in Frontpage. > > Additionally, Bluesky likes will be translated to Frontpage votes and vice versa.


The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance

I recently discovered an interesting (and somewhat disappointing, as we'll find later) fact. It may surprise you to hear that the two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance (that I could find at least) are both on and are quite significantly higher than the next top comments.

The comments in question are:

  1. This one from @[email protected] with a whopping 3661 upvotes.
  2. This one from @[email protected] with 1481 upvotes.

These upvote counts seems strange when you view them in relation to the post - both of the comments appear in posts that do not even have 300 upvotes.

Furthermore, if you go on any instance other than and sort for the highest upvoted comments of all time, you will not find these comments (you'll likely instead find this one from @[email protected]).

Indeed, if you view the comments from another instance (here and here), you will see a much more "normal" upvote count: A modest 132 upvotes and a mere 17 upvotes, respectively.

What's going on?


Well, the answer is Mastodon. Both of these comments somehow did very well in the Mastodon microblogging sphere. I checked my database and indeed, the first one has 3467 upvotes from Mastodon instances and the second one has 1442 upvotes from Mastodon instances.

Notice how both comments, despite being comments on another post, sound quite okay as posts in their own right. A Mastodon user stumbling upon one of these comments could easily assume that it is just another fully independent "toot" (Mastodon's equivalent of tweet).

Someone from Mastodon must have "boosted" (retweeted) the comments and from there the ball started rolling - more and more people boosted, sharing the comments with their followers and more and more people favorited it. The favorites are Mastodon's upvote equivalent and this is understood by Lemmy, so the upvote count on Lemmy also goes up.

Okay, so these comments got hugely popular on Mastodon (actually I don't know if 3.4k upvotes is unusual on Mastodon with their scale but whatever), but why is there this discrepancy between the Lemmy instances then? Why is it only on that the extra upvotes appear and they don't appear on other instances?

The reason is the way that Mastodon federates Like objects (upvotes). Like objects are unfortunately only federated to the instance of the user receiving the Like, and that's where the discrepancy comes from. All the Mastodon instances that upvoted the comments only sent those upvotes directly to, so no other instances are aware of those upvotes.

This feels disappointing, as it highlights how Lemmy and Mastodon still don't really function that well together. The idea of a Lemmy post getting big on Mastodon and therefore bigger on Lemmy and thus spreading all over the Fediverse, is unfortunately mostly a fantasy right now. It simply can't really happen due to the technical way Mastodon and Lemmy function. I'm not sure if there is a way to address this on either side (or if the developers would be willing to do so even if there was).

I personally find Mastodon's Like sharing mechanism weird - only sharing with the receiving instance means that big instances like have an advantage in "gathering Likes". When sorting toots based on favorites, bigger instances are able to provide a much better feed for users than smaller instances ever could, simply because they see more of the Likes being given. This feels like something that encourages centralization, which is quite unfortunate I think.


TL;DR: The comments got hugely popular on Mastodon. Mastodon only federates upvotes to the receiving instance so only has seen the Mastodon upvotes, and other instances are completely unaware.


Decentralised Networks as a Tool for Fighting Disinformation and Censorship: The Fediverse and Free, Collaborative and Open Networks

Decentralised Networks as a Tool for Fighting Disinformation and Censorship: The Fediverse and Free, Collaborative and Open Networks


Analysis of the opportunities and limits of decentralized networks as a resource to overcome the problems of traditional social networks and the resilience of these networks as a tool to fight disinformation and censorship



Firefish is entering maintenance mode Firefish (@firefish)

**Announcement: Firefish will enter maintenance mode** For those who have been supporting Firefish and me, I can’t thank you enough. But today, I have to make an announcement of my very difficult decision: As of today’s release, Firefish will enter maintenance mode and reach end-of-support at the e...

Firefish (@firefish)

> > > Announcement: Firefish will enter maintenance mode > > > > For those who have been supporting Firefish and me, I can’t thank you enough. But today, I have to make an announcement of my very difficult decision: As of today’s release, Firefish will enter maintenance mode and reach end-of-support at the end of the year. The main reasons for this are as follows. > > > > In February, Kainoa suddenly transferred the ownership of Firefish to me. This transition came without prior notice, which took me aback. I still wish Kainoa had consulted with me in advance. At that time, some people were already saying that “Firefish is coming back”, making it challenging to address the situation. Also, since there were several hundred active Firefish servers at that point, I could not suddenly discontinue the project, so I took over the project unwillingly. > > > > Over the past seven months, I have been maintaining Firefish alone. All other former maintainers have left, leaving me solely responsible for managing issues, reviewing merge requests, testing, and releasing new versions. This situation has had a significant impact on my personal life. > > > > Frankly speaking, there are numerous bugs and questionable logic in the current Firefish codebase. While I attempted to fix them, balancing this work with my personal life made it clear that it would take ages, and I’ve started thinking that I can’t manage this project in the long run. Additionally, vulnerabilities have been reported approximately once a month. Addressing vulnerabilities, communicating privately with reporters, and testing fixes have proven overwhelming and unsustainable. Moreover, a certain percentage of users have made insulting comments, which have severely affected my mental well-being and made me fearful of opening social media apps. > > > > I will do my best to refund the donations made to Firefish via OpenCollective, but that’s not guaranteed. > > > > and will remain operational until the end of February 2025, after which they will return a 410 Gone status. > > > > Server admins may downgrade Firefish to version 20240206/1.0.5-rc and migrate to another \*key variant, or may fork Firefish to maintain. > > > > Downgrade instructions: > > > > Thanks, > naskya > >


Is down for everybody?

For whatever reason, started to not work yesterday. Anybody else having the same problem?


Instead of algorithms why don't we create a map of Lemmy?

cross-posted from:

> Instead of focusing of creating good algorithms to push certain content to users why don't we focus on creating a good map that allows users to find the kind of content they want more easily? > > I found this website that created a map of reddit with different countries for different topics and I thought it would translate to lemmy because instances sort of do this already really well. > > > > Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


How do we get "normies" to adopt the Fediverse?

This is a follow-up from my previous thread.

The thread discussed the question of why people tend to choose proprietary microblogging platfroms (i.e. Bluesky or Threads) over the free and open source microblogging platform, Mastodon.

The reasons, summarised by @[email protected] are:

> 1. marketing >2. not having to pick the instance when registering >3. people who have experienced Mastodon's hermetic culture discouraging others from joining >4. algorithms helping discover people and content to follow >5. marketing > >and I'm saying that as a firm Mastodon user and believer.

Now that we know why people move to proprietary microblogging platforms, we can also produce methods to counter this.

How do we get "normies" to adopt the Fediverse?


Welcome to Kagi, the paid search engine full of surprises, which today opened an account in the Fediverse!

Welcome to Kagi, the paid search engine full of surprises, which today opened an account in the Fediverse! ==========


@kagihq is the very interesting project for a paid search engine, without tracers and with an accuracy in identifying results such as to exclude all Google spam.

Those who believe that #Kagi's costs are too high, should reflect on a small detail: if Google lets all those searches be done "for free", who pays those costs? The answer might seem simple: "advertisers".

Yet this would be an incomplete answer: like saying that rain is caused by clouds!

In reality, those costs are paid by users, by being milked and letting Google extract their "value", a bit like in the human farm in Matrix...

We first heard about Kagi on the @lealternative website (unfortunately, since then the prices have increased a lot, raising many doubts about the sustainability of the project) and recently Cory Doctorow also talked about it on @pluralistic

In any case, we are really happy that a service like Kagi's, effective and respectful of users' privacy, has landed here in the #Fediverse.…


Fediverse Poster

A poster I made to promote the Fediverse.

The PDFs and the light version is on the Internet Archive.

This work is public domain, so feel free to do whatever you want with it; for example print it on a T-shirt!

EDIT: Low-contrast Solarized versions are now available!




If you'e been wondering how to monetize your fediverse posting ... has good news for you!

If you'e been wondering how to monetize your fediverse posting ... has good news for you!

> > > "If you post quality content and you've developed a loyal audience, you should be able to ask your most passionate followers to support you with a premium subscription. > > > > That's a promise not available on the Fediverse ...until now." > >

@dimillian has a short threa announcing availabiilty in @IceCubesApp and advisor @quillmatiq has more info here.'s a project of The BLVD, Inc, the makers of @mammoth. I know there was a lot of skepticism when Marc Benioff, Mozilla, Long Ventures et al, funded Mammoth ... with so many good apps out there, how are they expecting to get VC-level returns on their investment? But if can tap into the creator economy, there's clearly money to be made!

\#fediverse @fediverse

13 Threads Enables Fediverse Replies

Last night Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, quitely announced the next step in the integration of Threads into the Fediverse. In addition to being able to follow Threads accounts from Fediverse/Mastodon accounts, we can now reply to and like Threads posts. Threads are taking a quiet, incremental app...

> Last night Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, quitely announced the next step in the integration of Threads into the Fediverse. In addition to being able to follow Threads accounts from Fediverse/Mastodon accounts, we can now reply to and like Threads posts. Threads are taking a quiet, incremental approach to Federation, but seem genuinely commited.

From About Threads and the fediverse

> If you turn on sharing to the fediverse, users on other servers can search for and follow your profile, view your posts, interact with your content, and share your content to anyone on or off their server. On Threads, you’ll be able to see the number of users on other servers who liked your post. You'll also be able to see and like their replies to your post.

24 A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.

A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

> We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.


> ⁂ is called an asterism. In astronomy, it refers to groups of stars in the sky, akin to constellations. We suggest that it’s a very fitting symbol for the fediverse, a galaxy of interconnected spaces which is decentralised and has an astronomically-themed name. It represents several stars coming together, connecting but each their own, without a centre.


> @ is the symbol for e-mail. # is the symbol for hashtags. ☮ is the symbol for peace. ♻ is the symbol for recycling. ⁂ can be the symbol for the fediverse. > ⁂ is standardised as Unicode U+2042, making it ready to copy and insert anywhere.

Git Repository: fediverse-symbol/fediverse-symbol


The Future is Federated: a Show and Tell (part 4: Lemmy, PieFed & Mbin)


Warning: we advise administrators to wait to update to 0.19.5 due to an incompatibility with the latest Mastodon releases

Warning: we advise administrators to wait to update to 0.19.5 due to an incompatibility with the latest Mastodon releases ==========


As it emerged in this thread, messages from the latest versions of mastodon are not interpreted correctly by the latest Lemmy releases…


Feature requests for a lemmy moderation bot

cross-posted from:

> Hello Lemmings! > > I am thinking of making a community moderation bot for Lemmy. This new bot will have faster response times with the help of Lemmy webhooks, an amazing plugin for Lemmy instances by @[email protected] to add webhook support. With this, there is no need to frequently call the API at a fixed interval to fetch new data. Any new data will be sent via the webhook directly to the bot backend. This allows for actions within seconds, thus making it an effective auto moderation tool. > > I have a few features I thought of doing: > - Welcome messages > - Auto commenting on new posts > - Scheduled posts > - Punish content authors or remove content via word blacklist/regex > - Ban members of communities by their usernames/bios via word blacklist or regex > - Auto community lockdown during spam > > What other features do you think are possible? > Please let me know. > Any questions are also welcome. > Community requested features: > - Strike system > > Strikes are added to a certain member of the community and the member will be temporarily banned within a time period if their strike count reaches a certain threshold > - Post creation restriction by account age > > If an account's age is lower than X, remove the post.

Mozilla is going to shut down their Mastodon instance
  • Tap for Golem Article

    Mozilla baut Stellen ab und fokussiert sich neu

    Kommt die Wende bei Mozilla? Unter der neuen Chefin Laura Chambers startet Mozilla eine umfassende Reorganisation.

    Artikelveröffentlicht am 14. Februar 2024, 7:39 Uhr, Andreas Fischer

    Für Firefox könnten wieder neue Zeiten anbrechen.

    Für Firefox könnten wieder neue Zeiten anbrechen.(Bild: KI-generiert durch Bing Image Creator/Dall-E)

    Keine Woche nachdem die langjährige Mozilla-Chefin Mitchell Baker ihren Wechsel vom CEO-Posten auf den der Executive Chairwoman der Mozilla Foundation bekannt gegeben hat, baut das Unternehmen 60 weitere Stellen beziehungsweise etwa fünf Prozent der Belegschaft ab. 2020 verloren bereits 250 Mitarbeiter ihren Job bei dem Firefox-Anbieter.

    Der erneute Stellenabbau betrifft laut Bloomberg vor allem Mitarbeiter in der Produktentwicklung. Man wolle sich in Zukunft mehr auf Bereiche wie Firefox Mobile konzentrieren, in denen man die größten Erfolgschancen sehe, kündigte Mozilla an.

    Auf der anderen Seite werde man Investitionen in Produkte wie VPN, Relay sowie einen Dienst reduzieren, mit dem Anwender bei Datenbrokern über sie gespeicherte Daten löschen lassen können. Darüber hinaus will Mozilla seine 3D-Umgebung Hubs abschalten und weniger Aufwand bei seiner Mastodon-Instanz betreiben.

    KI und Firefox im Fokus

    Techcrunch veröffentlichte zudem ein internes Memorandum, in dem Mozilla ankündigte, sich künftig unter anderem mehr auf "vertrauenswürdige KI für Firefox" zu konzentrieren. Dazu werde man die Teams zusammenfassen, die sich bislang mit Pocket, Inhalten und KI beschäftigt hätten.

    Die Umstrukturierung erfolgt kurz nachdem das Unternehmen Laura Chambers zur Interims-CEO ernannt hatte. Die Australierin nannte als eine ihrer wichtigsten Aufgaben eigentlich die Suche nach einem neuen Chef für den Firefox-Anbieter und nicht eine Reorganisation.

    Die Änderungen deuten nach Ansicht von Techcrunch aber darauf hin, dass sich Mozilla wieder stärker auf sein Kernprodukt – den Browser Firefox – konzentrieren könnte. In der Vergangenheit brachte die Organisation zahlreiche neue Produkte heraus und vernachlässigte Firefox. Wohl auch deswegen verlor der früher sehr beliebte Browser immer mehr Marktanteile.

    Tap for Bloomberg Article

    Firefox Maker Mozilla Is Cutting 60 Jobs After Naming New CEO

    By Mark Gurman

    February 13, 2024 at 7:16 PM UTC

    Mozilla Corp., the maker of web browser Firefox, is cutting about 60 jobs as part of a shake-up under a new chief executive officer.

    Mozilla said that the move affects about 5% of its workforce and that the cuts were primarily in the product development organization. The company informed employees of the decision on Tuesday.

    “We’re scaling back investment in some product areas in order to focus on areas that we feel have the greatest chance of success,” Mozilla said in a statement. “We intend to re-prioritize resources against products like Firefox Mobile, where there’s a significant opportunity to grow and establish a better model for the industry.”

    The move comes a week after the company named Laura Chambers as its CEO. She’s a former Airbnb Inc. and eBay Inc. executive who joined Mozilla’s board three years ago. Mitchell Baker, Mozilla’s longtime chief, stepped down to become the company’s executive chairman.

    Mozilla last cut a significant number of jobs four years ago at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. The not-for-profit company, which competes with Alphabet Inc.’s Google Chrome, Apple Inc.’s Safari and Microsoft Corp.’s Edge, has been grappling with sliding market share of its Firefox web browser in recent years.

    In addition to Firefox, Mozilla’s products include email software Thunderbird and article-saving app Pocket.

    The move comes after a string of tech layoffs, with more than 32,000 jobs lost in the industry so far this year. Several major tech companies have made cuts in recent weeks, including Inc. and Snap Inc.

    — With assistance from Jackie Davalos

  • Mozilla is going to shut down their Mastodon instance
  • Political. Steve Teixeira was the one championing the focus on social. Apparently the faction that wanted him out won, and now they are getting rid of his babies, too.

    Details of the lawsuit.

  • Mozilla is going to shut down their Mastodon instance
  • They shouldn't be "running a social media", they should be working on making their browser the best client for the Social Graph that is ActivityPub.

  • Mozilla is going to shut down their Mastodon instance
  • The new CEO of Mozilla, Laura Chambers, already said on march she want to reduce investment for mastodon and other products (VR, VPN, Relay). So this is just another part in reducing cost on section that doesn't produce money. I'm not surprised. Sadly i have only a german source for that and the soure of them, bloomberg has a paywall.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • @Freesoftwareenjoyer @undefined

    This is lazy thinking and pure cope. It is a problem with the technology. Most people in the world are poor they do not have time to learn about something that doesn't impact their livelihood (mostly) Big Social won because it makes things easier for people. Tell devs to take the time to learn proper UI/UX skills or hire someone or just leave it to the people that have the time to figure it out, but don't you dare call people lazy over poorly designed things when there's more important focused they have

  • Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland misskey (firefish & iceshrimp not included) is very little compared to mastodon in terms of popularity

  • Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland okay but see this from their point of view, they even haven't addded threads yet, why would they add something 15 people could potentially use ? I believe at least one mobile client should be developped by the network (just like mastodon) because its the main reason of why I still use mastodon and not iceschrimp for example

  • Any arguments against separating identity from instance/platform? (single identity across the fediverse)
  • I hope this Join the Fediverse Wiki article can help you. I've written it myself.

    It's mostly written to pick up Mastodon users who don't know much about the rest of the Fediverse, so it doesn't really explain how Hubzilla relates to Lemmy. I hope it helps anyway.

  • Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • Even without federation and such it's an issue. Old twitter actually did a really good job of this, but other social networks have had problems in the past,

    We don't have to guess if trolls will try to impersonate celebs and be successful at it, because it's already happened elsewhere.

    That said, there are two nice things about the fediverse. First, verification is explicitly not offered, so folks have to do the digging themselves to see if an account is official or not. (Which is as easy as checking a person's web site). Or perhaps confusing a regular person's account with a celeb of the same name.

    Second, you can host your own instance. Celebs might not bother, but official gov't agencies set up their own domains and websites - and in particular under domains like .gov which aren't open to regular folks. So seeing if a gov't agency is really authentic is potentially as simple as checking the domain that the instance is using.

  • Galeras, eu consigo criar conta e autenticar numa conta #pixelfed usando uma do #mastodon??
  • @ademir poxa, Valeu demais pelas infos! Só de não fazer um novo login fico feliz hoHOhoHO

  • Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland bro mastodon is like 60% of the fediverse, one step at a time

  • Galeras, eu consigo criar conta e autenticar numa conta #pixelfed usando uma do #mastodon??
  • Pois é, eu acho que o pixelfed implementou um tipo de sso usando o mastodon, então dá sim. @[email protected]

  • Any arguments against separating identity from instance/platform? (single identity across the fediverse)
  • What I’d much rather see is instance based accounts, however, with the ability to take over/migrate them from other instances, so that if an instance goes down, people can still keep their identity. It would also allow instances focused on protecting minority communities to keep doing that.

    This exists right now. It has existed for longer than Mastodon, much less Lemmy.

    Established by Mike Macgirvin in 2011 when he invented nomadic identity. First implemented in his Zot protocol from 2012 and a Friendica fork named Red, later Red Matrix, known as Hubzilla since 2015. Also available on (streams).

    Not just a vague concept or an experiment, but daily-driven on stable servers since over a decade.

    Nomadic identity goes even further than migration. Nomadic identity allows you to have the same Fediverse identity with everything in it (name, posts, connections, settings, files etc. etc. pp.) on multiple servers simultaneously. Not dumb copies. Bidirectional, near-real-time, live, hot backups. Whatever happens on one instance of a channel will be sync'd to all others almost immediately.

    One of the clones goes down, doesn't matter. The main instance goes down, doesn't matter, you can use the clones just the same. The main instances goes down and stays down, doesn't matter, you make one of the clones your new main instance. All your nomadic connections are automagically changed to your new identity based on your new main instance. Yes, even on remote servers.

    Even migration is based on the same concept. If you move from one server to another, first a clone is created, then the clone is declared the new main instance, thus demoting the original instance to clone, then the old original instance is deleted and the account with it. Not only can you move with absolutely literally everything, but you don't leave any rubbish behind on the old instance.

    Only downside: It does not work on ActivityPub. Yet. It requires a special protocol, either Zot (Hubzilla) or Nomad ((streams)). ActivityPub-based projects don't even understand nomadic identity. So when you move, you have to reconnect all your non-nomadic followers.

    ActivityPub implementation is being worked on, at least in theory. But the guy behind all this has, well, apparently not fully quit, but dramatically slowed down.

  • Any arguments against separating identity from instance/platform? (single identity across the fediverse)
  • Separating identity from instance was invented in 2011, first implemented in 2012, and it has been stable since 2013. Zot protocol, Red, Red Matrix, nowadays known as Hubzilla. It is called nomadic identity.

    Separating identity from platform is a current WIP: Nomadic identity is to be introduced to ActivityPub and then made project-agnostic. The idea is to be able to clone your Lemmy account to Mastodon and Pixelfed and Mobilizon and Hubzilla and Funkwhale all the same. You won't be able to use all features of everywhere everywhere (go ahead, try to edit a Hubzilla wiki or article or webpage on Lemmy, haha), but it'll be the same identity. Still, it would require one account on each server on which you have an instance of your identity.

    But what you're talking about is full, unlimited user write access to over tens of thousands of instances of over 100 projects. Like, visiting any one of these tens of thousands of servers and being able to do absolutely everything a locally registered user can do, no exceptions, right away.

    Like it or not, but this will require a local account. Even OpenWebAuth doesn't grant you full local user write access, nor does it allow for drive-by, on-the-spot creation of full-blown local user accounts on any instance, regardless of registration of local user accounts is allowed or not. Like, you can't just visit and, within a split-second, have a local user account with the same login credentials as on and a nomadic clone of [email protected] so it's the exact self-same Fediverse identity on Lemmy and Hubzilla.

    So it's either this. Immediate drive-by nomadic cloning of your logged-in Fediverse to any instance that you visit for the first time.

    Or every Fediverse user must have a user account on every instance of every project out there, and their Fediverse identity must be nomadic everywhere and cloned to everywhere all the same.

    Like, you register an account on Simultaneously, the same account with the self-same credentials will be created on all other Fediverse instances out there. Immediately afterwards, whatever will contain your identity on Lemmy will automatically be cloned to all these other instances of everything. That way, you can immediately use all instances of all projects of the Fediverse just the same.

    Or the Fediverse has only one central login server which controls the credentials for all instances of everything out there. You don't register with, you register with this central behemoth. And all tens of thousands of Fediverse instances connect to this central server for login credentials. And, again, your identity with all your data will have to be cloned and mirrored all across the Fediverse.

    By the way, I've cloned Hubzilla and (streams) channels before. One channel from one server to one other server. This can take multiple minutes even with not so much content. Guess how long it'll take to clone one identity container from one Lemmy instance to 20,000++ other instances out there.

  • [May 4, 2023] Third-party article about Immers Space implementing ActivityPub support (Actual announcement inside link)
  • Reminds me of when Aeris Irides tried to connect (streams) (2021's umpteenth fork-of-a-fork of 2010's Friendica, to dumb it down) and OpenSimulator (free, open-source server application for 3-D virtual worlds very similar to Second Life, est. 2007, interconnected 2008).

    Okay, this wasn't to go as far as federating the OpenSim local chat or even only the OpenSim in-world instant messaging system via ActivityPub because both (streams) and OpenSim were to remain untouched. So you couldn't post from OpenSim to Mastodon or vice versa.

    But the planned features included

    • tying together the creation of channels on (streams) and the creation of avatars in OpenSim
    • forwarding notifications from (streams) to OpenSim as a message
    • syncing the avatar profile picture in OpenSim with that on (streams) bidirectionally
    • automatically uploading snapshots taken in OpenSim to the (streams) file space and generating image-only posts

    Nothing came out of this, though. The HoloNeon (streams) instance is gone the HoloNeon grid is gone, and Aeris has moved to another OpenSim grid.

    So neither the idea of interweaving the Metaverse with the Fediverse is new, nor is the free, open, decentralised Metaverse.

  • Instance Admins: Check Your Instance for Vote Manipulation Accounts [PSA]
  • There were zero insults in the my comment. If you felt insulted by Lemmy.World censoring Genocide then lmao.

    I fly 4 flags at my house: American, pride, Ukraine, and Palestine.

    I'm sure those Palestinians are very happy with the virtue signalling and then proceeding to vote for the people responsible for their Genocide. And when Kamala spreads fake rape hoaxes to dehumanize Palestinians you ban everyone calling it out. What an amazing amount of 'care'.

    Let's ask an actually murdered Palestinian scholar:

  • Instance Admins: Check Your Instance for Vote Manipulation Accounts [PSA]
  • In the way that Joe Biden is the reason that Genocide and ethnic cleansing is even happening in the first place.

    Israeli Air Force Official: Without U.S. Aid, Israel Couldn't Fight Gaza Beyond a Few Months