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Welcome to the Perchance Community! is a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.

This Lemmy community is for:

  • Asking for help with problems, issues, or requests about generators in Perchance
  • Sharing and showcasing your created generators, templates, plugins, or pages in Perchance
  • Starting friendly discussions about topics related to Perchance
If it is your first time in using Lemmy, please check out this message from Lemmy.World and the Support Page from Lemmy.World to get started on using Lemmy.

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  • Please follow the instance rules.
    • The full rules are posted here: (
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  • Be kind and friendly.
    • Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :)
  • Be thankful to those who try to help you.
    • If you ask a question and someone has made an effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :)
  • Only post about stuff related to perchance.
    • Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site.
  • Search through the Community Before Posting
    • Please Search through the Community Posts here (and on Reddit) before posting to see if what you will post has similar post/already been posted.


Here are some optional tags to add in your title to categorize the posts. These are merely tags, you still need to title your post effectively.

  • [Bug] - if you think you find any bug in Perchance, use this tag.
  • [Question] or [Help] - this is to denote that your post is a question or requesting for help
  • [Suggestion] - for any suggestions in Perchance
  • [Feedback] or [Appreciation] - for any feedback or appreciation to any generator or to Perchance in general.
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    • Text, Image, Template, Hub, Plugin, Preprocessor, Community/RP, Game, Experiment, Useful Generator
  • [Fluff] or [Non-Generator] - Non-generator posts but about Perchance
  • [Tutorial] or [Guide] - for any Perchance related tutorials or guides to help others

AI Plugins Posts

Here is a FAQ for the AI tools in Perchance.

We would like to ask to refrain from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (text-to-image-plugin and ai-text-plugin) e.g. "What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"

There are guides, tutorials, and resources on the internet that can be applied when prompting in the AI tools in Perchance.

We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins as long as it is related to building generators with them.

If you need help in prompting, please post on the 'sister' forum at Casual Perchance

Posting from Mastodon

Feel free to checkout this post to know how to post in this Lemmy Community through Mastodon.


Getting Started with Perchance

To get started with Perchance, check out the Perchance Tutorial or the Beginner Tutorial at the Perchance Hub Learn Tab to get to know the website.

Asking for help

Feel free to ask for help but please check out these tips on searching for an answer:

  • Check the following pages, to see if your question has already been answered or talked about or a plugin has been made for it. We recommend using the browser's search function (ctrl+f) and searching for similar keywords to your question/problem.
  • If you didn't find anything about your problem there, feel free to search through the posts/articles here:
  • If you can't still find anything related to your problem, feel free to post a thread here.
    • Please title your post effectively.
    • Please provide a link to your generator with your attempts of solving the problem.
    • Try to explain what you want it to do and what example output it should be doing.

If i bring up someones generator in an iframe

If i bring up someones generator in an iframe, does that help them as much (views and whatever else) as if I navigate the user to the generator page in a separate window?


$meta.image of another generator

Does anyone know how to get the image url from the $meta object of another generator? I think there's an /api/ fetch I can do for it, but that stuff isn't documented anywhere, I don't think.


return html without it ever being evaluated.

@[email protected]

I'm now coming up against the issue you thought I was having before. Where after a [code block] is processed it's evaluated. But if using a <script> tag to do things it won't be.

I don't want evaluation to happen. So I could escape perchance specials to work right when returned to a code block, but they won't be evaluated by scripts so they'll still be there on the page. Or I could not escape perchance specials to work right from scripts, but they will be evaluated by code blocks which I don't want. I just want plain text to always come out no matter what.

And there's (seemingly) no way of knowing if it's going to be evaluated at the end of a code block or not. And no way of just telling perchance "LEAVE THIS STRING ALOOOOOONE!!"

Is there anything I can do or is this just not possible in any way?

If not, I'd really super-duper like it if you could add a way. Even if it is as simple and "dumb" as setting a property on the object like .DONTEVALUATETHIS = true or something. I'd really appreciate it.

Or even something like if it has .evaluateItem = "..." it'll automatically use that instead? Maybe? I tried that in case, and it didn't work.

Honestly, I'm surprised this isn't an issue for all sorts of plugins. Though maybe it is assumed that everyone only ever calls anything from code blocks and not scripts. Or people just don't think about or have instances where the plugin returns HTML that includes specials that they want to stay plain text.

But as I'm doing my best to make my plugin bulletproof no matter how it's used... it's driving me insane 😅


What SD 1.5 model does Perchance currently use?

Yes I know this was asked before:

And it seems back then the model used might have been SD1.5+Deliberate V2

Possibly this one :

But results don't match.

EDIT : By this I mean if run an image prompt for a given seed on any Deliberate model with settings that match the percance generator then I get very different results

It would be nice to have the perchance SD 1.5 model uploaded on huggingface so people can use it on other platforms and/or privately.

The perchance text-to-image generator is a really well-balanced SD 1.5 model!

I feel it would be good for the SD community to have it available for download online.



Dear, Perchance Dev.

I want to inquire about what you are planning to do now that the canvas, aka tldraw is no longer working?

You did wrote something like this:


As you can see, the plugin is no longer working.


I am curious about your plans ahead, as tldraw/canvas was a vital component that users use beyond just drawing; but also sharing many medias.


Is there a way to style the Gallery Background?

There is a style option and the background can be styled, but it seems to be styling a div 'behind' the gallery which is only visible in weird flashes when scrolling. try style = background-color:rgb(0,255,0); in a gallery to see what i'm talking about. Would love to make the background of beautiful people black to match the rest of it.


Do the generators have protections from illegal or harmful content?

Hello. I have asked this question on the subreddit, but was told to ask on here too so the dev can see it. I am not particularly tech savvy. I have recently come across Perchance which I have found useful to to create texts and images.

Even if the NSFW filter is disabled and NSFW material can be generated, do the text-to-text and text-to-image generators still prevent the production of illegal or harmful content?

I don't want to try this for obvious reasons, but I am concerned that such content could inadvertently be generated. The obvious example is child and sexual abuse material, but I am also thinking of glorification of terrorism or genocide, promotion of self-harm, encouragement of violence toward others, etc.

Thank you!


Identical Seed and Prompt not same image

I believe this is only answerable by people with crazyknowledge @[email protected] or @[email protected] so pinging both of u.

edit: comments tell a better story than this first post because i have since edited all the generators i would otherwise link that display this

I have my plugin listening to my Glitch Server which sends back the unique identifier for the specific Perchance page that sends the request. Then I was thinking "ooooh what if each identifier letter translates to a personality trait so each Perchance page is a unique person!" And then I brought in text to image, got the prompt in correctly, made the seed 1 so each prompt would be locked to one specific image... But it doesn't.

So the question is "how wut why" and "how fix"

thank you!


Trying to import a json file for a ai chat does not work

Title. This is on an iOS phone. I can download the .json file and save it, but when I try to upload it, it is greyed out and can’t be selected.


dynamically change background?

i haven't been able to figure out how to dynamically change the background in response to things happening in the generator. i've tried both changing the background color based on a random generation, and using the background-image plugin to add a background image and changing the image to be used based on a random generation. i haven't gotten either to work yet. if there's any way to make either or both of those work it would be a big relief. thank you in advance for answering! :0


is it possible to create "layered" commands?

i've toyed around with the interactive terminal template for a bit, but the commands there seem to be isolated from each other, and can't contain spaces. is it possible to make commands that work like, say, a "look" command that on its own displays the list of subcommands connected to itself ("look" might display "look left", "look right", and "look up"), and then each of those subcommands can have its own output? thank you in advance for answering! :0


Do we know what Model/Checkpoint the character generator uses?

Relative newbie here, be gentle with me.

I get really good results on Perchance, but I have a hard time replicating them when running SD locally, even when I copy/paste prompts. Perchance's are just better , especially with Disney and Anime related subjects.

Do we know what Model/Checkpoint/LoRA's the image generator uses, and if so, is it publicly available to download?


Consumable List Trouble

So, I don't know how to explain this well, but I have this generator that has a "char = {[contestant.consumableList]\|[host.consumableList]}" thingimajig, and my goal is to get it to have the output have no duplicates of either an item from the contestant list or from the host list, but I'm still getting duplicates anyways. How do I do this correctly?


Text to Image Plugin

Is there an easy way to output the seed value for copy/paste?

It IS visible on hover, but to copy/paste it, I have to: inspect the image in browser dev tools, click to edit the image element, find the seed text, select it, copy. Surely there must be an easier way without having to use the seeder plugin? 🤔

[Feature request] Alternatively, it would be nice if the seed appeared in a field when clicking an image after the image is saved to a gallery (like the prompts do).