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KDE Plasma 6: Better Defaults Plasma 6: “Better defaults”

The 2023 Plasma sprint is now finished! KDE Patron Tuxedo Computers were kind enough to open their offices to us for a full week to do the sprint. We had some great conversations with Tuxedo employ…

Plasma 6: “Better defaults”

Plasma 6 looks to be shaping up quite nicely already! Some really nice quality of life style updates, and I'm quite shocked (though the reasoning makes sense) to see them moving to double-click actions by default instead of single-click.

  • Quick question, has the relation between KDE (the organization) and Qt company improved? I remember reading about the tension regarding Qt 6 that will be available under different term such as waiting time for non paying license holder to use latest release.

    For reference

    • Ah this is one of those subjects that I'm just not too familiar with myself. As far as I understood it, KDE has a license granted to them by the Qt Foundation which should allow them to continue/press on but admittedly I've not looked into it too much myself unfortunately.

  • I don't like the changes, the fact a dock is becoming the default in Plasma feels wholly antithetical to whole reason I gravitated to it in the first place over Gnome - the classic desktop experience. I don't care that every other OS and UI is doing it nowadays and that it's becoming the new default for many, I spent 3-years chained to a MacBook and after that mess of an experience I really just abhore the very concept of the dock.

    The switch from checkboxes to skeumorphic toggle-switches is also irksome, to me they're ugly and impractial, it doesn't make sense to switch out checkboxes for 'em; it's a totally frivelous change.

    A new default I personally would love to see is for Plasma to adopt Inter as the default font, Noto's just not a pleasent-looking typeface.