error: unknown start of token: \u{37e}
--> src/
2 | println!("Hello, world!");
| ^
help: Unicode character ';' (Greek Question Mark) looks like ';' (Semicolon), but it is not
2 | println!("Hello, world!");
| ~
error: could not compile `playground` (bin "playground") due to previous error
I would rather see it just added to the standard definition as a valid character, so the compilation passes without issues. It would make lives of Greek programmers a little bit easier!
But on a second though, it would probably make the lives of compiler programmers a living hell. Having to deal with two symbols for one thing sounds really annoying :D
I use Helix and Nvim pretty much concurrently and whenever I have to use vim I feel slower on most basic movements. A fresh set of keybinds is really nice - though simultaneously there are one or two specific actions which are slower or unintuitive in Helix. But overall I love Helix.
This would bite me in the ass because I often ignore these kinds of warnings in VSCode (SFDX for VSC is kinda crap, warns you about nonissues, and often doesn't correctly identify the problem).
Confusable characters get a little yellow box which is different from the squiggly underlines most linters and stuff use which at least makes it a bit more recogniseable.
Personally I can't stand having underlines all over my code, so I'll usually just "fix" the non-issue if possible, or otherwise just disable whatever the warning is entirely.