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Benjamin, Get The Musket pinkdrunkenelephants

Actual real political cartoon rule

  • The problem is the perspective of thirds ...

    a third of the population supports authoritarianism

    a third doesn't support authoritarianism

    a third don't care about anything and just want to get by no matter which side of the debate wins

    ... and from my point of view, the first third of supporters is not actually a third of the population, it's just a small fraction of population but it exercises so much influence because it has all the wealth ... the second third of non-supporters is larger but it is also small and doesn't add up to a third, they are vocal but not vocal enough ... the largest grouping is the ignorant masses who just don't care as long as they get a bit of money, some food, access to shelter and an internet connection and some entertainment, they really don't care what the world turns into.