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  • Isn't this the plot of like 75% of all cyberpunk stories?

    How is it that modern capitalists keep reinventing and putting into reality the worst kinds of dystropian ideas that the most cynical sci-fi writers could come up with in their nightmares?

    • The sad part was that in this time, it is not like strength enhancing or what ever. It was just to let her live her live normally. I would be ok on elons brainimplant as this is just to stream ads or music in your brain. XD

  • I guess for it to happen it will probably start with something similar with android. It will probably be open source then whatever company owns the brain implant would then start introducing nifty feature which is only available to their service all you need to do is login. That is there then they will lock you in their environment and introduce eventually a microtransaction or a subscription feature probably harmless at first can work without it then gradually it becomes a needed feature without it your device is pretty much useless.