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Florida officials warn citizens that Booty Patrol vehicle is not Border Patrol vehicle Florida officials warn citizens that Booty Patrol vehicle is not Border Patrol vehicle | Boing Boing

In DeSoto County, Florida, police are warning citizens that the white Chevy Silverado truck with “Booty Patrol” emblazoned on the side is not an official US Border Patrol vehicle. The t…

Florida officials warn citizens that Booty Patrol vehicle is not Border Patrol vehicle | Boing Boing
  • Decals are cool. Flashing lights are going too far?

    • He used the wrong colors. (Most likely on purpose)

      Generally, Amber or White can be used by anyone. He used blue and red which is an issue. Red is used by Fire and Rescue and Blue by Cops. They could hit him with an impersonation charge if it causes too much trouble.

    • WEE WOO 🚨🍑