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My instance got 400+ new members in the last 2 days. It still won't appear in

My instance is I am wondering if I set up something wrong in my config, or it's just a matter of time until we're listed.

  • Hmm looks ok here:

    Not sure what is going wrong. Maybe open an bug report on the website's issue tracker.

    • Thanks for checking! I don't want to unnecessarily pester them. They do say to just be patient...

      • Yes, but since Friday it does update hourly automatically, so it is very likely a bug.

      • I'm in the same boat - server has been up for 24 hours, not on the list. Happy to take on more users to spread the load.

        Can you please let us know what you find out?

  • How'd you get so many users so quickly?

    • paid bots of course!

      I kid, I kid. I run reddit's /r/piracy, so I redirected its users to my instance during the blackout

    • Our instance has grown 600 users in a week, and I've done literally nothing to advertise it. I think you get crazy growth whether you want it or not

      • Yes, atm I'm content not advertising it and keeping things organic to ensure the instance stays fast. I just am concerned that I have a bad config somewhere