Why bother with the messenger, when you can just post all the tip-top-secret only-for-your-eyes type of intelligence reports on your FB profile. That way we can be absolutely sure that only you, me, and the rest of the English speaking world will know what’s going on.
It is not reasonable for the country's confidential intelligence information to be passed through messaging app from a private company of a foreign nation...
Hmm yes, state "encryption". Waiting for the day they find out it's broken and attackers had access to conversations for a few months (being slightly serious, I don't know what protocol they intend to use that would surpass or equal the Signal protocol, unless it's a state owned app that they can vet which is based on the same protocol)
Any intelligence agency who legitimately thought that app was ever secure after simple OSINT techniques reveal otherwise needs to be overhauled from the top down.