This scene is pretty ironic today, since the actual dialog was if it could paint a work of art, when art is now (arguably) AIs strongest area of competence
I work in bioinformatics and this is the kind of thing I keep trying to communicate to people in the field. Yes, these AI tools (like AlphaFold) are amazing, but if there's a significant gap in their training data, the AI is going to have that gap too (most of the structures in the protein database were solved via X ray crystallography, which isn't great for studying highly flexible or disordered proteins)
Yes. My (minimally informed from a single class) understanding is that it sort-of depends on the problem too. Like perhaps in looking at all the data on proteins, the neural network might notice a pattern in protein folding is applicable to the tweaked problem. Of course, there is no guarantee that such a generally applicable rule exists. And even if it does, it might not be discovered by the net before overtraining occurs.
I have an alias, git yolo, that does 'git commit -a' with a message from, and pushes to master. Just add this to your ~/.gitconfiig and you too can live on the edge.
yolo = !git add -A && git commit -m \"$(curl --silent --fail\"&&git push origin main
My commit messages are one of the things I am most proud of :)
I often spend an hour or more collecting all changes and summarising them well. It takes a bit additional time, but it is so worth it when revisiting commits or wanting to summarise everything from a bigger batch of commits. :)