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Why we must defend the People’s Republic of China Why we must defend China

This edited talk was presented during an Aug. 13 webinar, “Book Launch: The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century.”  It is such an honor to participate in this discussion. Thank you, Carlos Martinez, for a real contribution to the political level of discussion among Marxis...

Why we must defend China

Consider if [neo]imperialism prevailed and was able to halt China’s development. That would be a historic defeat, not only for the workers and peasants of China. It would have a global impact.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a terrible setback for the working-class struggle globally. The capitalist class gained a huge advantage and set out to recolonize whole parts of the world that had made huge gains. Eastern Europe reverted to its former semi-colonial status compared to Western Europe. In Africa and throughout the Arab world, U.S. [neo]imperialism set out to unravel the gains of nationalist régimes.