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AnarchoBolshevik Anarcho-Bolshevik

The political desperadoes and ignoramuses, who say they would “Rather be Dead than Red”, should be told that no one will stop them from committing suicide, but they have no right to provoke a third world war.’ — Morris Kominsky, 1970

Posts 864
Comments 291
Zionists to continue bombing Gaza even at the expense of harming their detained citizens
  • Because the Zionist régime has backed the Palestinians into a corner. The Zionist rulers don’t want to talk, they don’t want to return Palestinian land, they don’t want to raise Palestinian living standards or upgrade them to first‐class citizens, so the Palestinians don’t have any options left but to (figuratively as well as literally) throw whatever they can to get out of the corner. They are desperate. The Zionists are not.

    It’s an awful situation, but the Zionist rulers were the ones who set the stage for it, and if you ask me, they’re merely reaping what they’ve sown.

  • The University of Alberta’s $1.4 million-dollar Fascist problem

    >Kubijovyč was an infamous Nazi collaborator, a founder of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS as head of the [Axis’s] Ukrainian Central Committee. In a 2012 paper in the Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Rudling, now a historian at Lund University in Sweden, describes Kubijovyč as “an enthusiastic proponent of ethnic cleansing” who wanted to establish an independent Ukraine without Jews or Poles. > >“The formation of the Galician-Ukrainian division within the framework of the SS, is for us not only a distinction, but our responsibility that we will continue to [support] and maintain this active decision, in cooperation with the German state organizations, until the victorious end of the war,” Kubijovyč said on April 28, 1943, the day the division was formally established. > >“This historic day was made possible by the conditions to create a worthy opportunity for the Ukrainians of Galicia, to fight arm in arm with the heroic German soldiers of the Army and the Waffen-SS against Bolshevism, your and our deadly enemy. We thank you from our heart. Of course we ought to thank the Great Führer of the united Europe for recognizing our participation in the war, that he approved your initiative and agreed to the creation of the Galicia division.” > >After the war, Kubijovyč edited the first two volumes of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, which downplayed the Galicia Division’s [Axis] ties. His family’s endowment was specifically for the purpose of completing the encyclopedia’s translation into English. > >When Rudling and fellow historian Tyrik Cyril Amar questioned the propriety of Kubijovyč’s endowment in a 2015 article for History News Network, CIUS director Volodymyr Kravchenko accused them of “assaulting the dead” and “mudslinging … to conduct an information war in which the opponent is not convinced but destroyed.” > >Kubijovyč was also pictured with Peter Savaryn on the cover of the 1976 book, The Politics of Multiculturalism by Manoly Lupul. The photo is of the signing of a contract between the CIUS and the Shevchenko Scientific Society of Europe to collaborate on the Encyclopedia of Ukraine. > >! > >Left image: Peter Savaryn (left standing) and Volodymyr Kubijovyč (center sitting) pictured here at the 1976 contract signing between the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Shevchenko Scientific Society of Europe to collaborate on the Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Right image: Volodymyr Kubijovyč (circled in red) gives a [Fascist] salute at the 14th Waffen-SS recruitment ceremony in 1943.

    --- Events that happened today (October 10):

    1895: Wolfram Karl Ludwig Moritz Hermann Freiherr von Richthofen, Axis field marshal, was born. 1935: A parafascist coup d’état terminated Greece’s Second Hellenic Republic and replaced it with the Kingdom of Greece (again). 1938: Abiding by the Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia completed its withdrawal from the Sudetenland, now property of the Third Reich. 1942: Arnold Majewski, Axis cavalry officer, died immediately after receiving a bullet from a Soviet sniper. 1957: Karl August Genzken, Axis physician who committed numerous atrocities against concentration camp prisoners, was kind enough to drop dead.


    Zionists to continue bombing Gaza even at the expense of harming their detained citizens Israel to continue bombing Gaza ‘even at the expense of harming its detained citizens’: Report

    Israel has decided to continue its large scale and continuous bombardment of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, “even at the expense of harming” Israeli citizens held as prisoners of war by...

    Israel to continue bombing Gaza ‘even at the expense of harming its detained citizens’: Report

    >The broadcaster quoted an unnamed senior official as saying that Tel Aviv has decided to continue carrying out attacks on Gaza “forcefully and on a large scale, even at the expense of harming the [Jewish] prisoners being held in Gaza.” > >“We have indications that Iran has pushed Hamas to take action and is pushing Hezbollah to prepare for battle,” the official said, adding that “if there is accurate intelligence information about the location of the […] prisoners, of course [our neocolony] will refrain from attacking this site, but as long as there is no such information, all Hamas targets will be attacked.”

    I was right.

    First they came for the Palestinians, and then they’ll come for Jews.

    “The Palestinian cause is dead”
  • No no no no no no! Look at how many people are still supporting the Palestinians. Look at how more and more people are leaving the occupation. Zionism is failing. Your shitty, overbudgeted military was too busy committing friendly fire and massacring civilians to save any Jews, and now your neocolony is fucked. You failed!

  • Colombian President Compares Israeli Attacks With Nazi Crimes | TeleSUR
  • International Jewish organizations have harshly criticized the Colombian president's comments.

    I agree. There is no need to compare this to the Third Reich’s atrocities. That’s unnecessary.

    Let’s compare this to Fascist Italy’s atrocities instead:

    Even as some [Fascist] planes were dropping proclamations, others were dropping bombs. De Bono insisted that the targets were exclusively military ones, sites “where groups of warriors had been observed.” Yet one of the first targets was the town of Adowa, which was filled with women and children. Mussolini’s eldest son, Vittorio, participated in the opening raid, which he saw as “revenge […] for the heroic death of our soldiers, who forty years ago fell victim to overwhelming odds.” But young Mussolini was disappointed by the results of his raid: “I noticed with regret,” he reported, “that [my bombs] did not create any sensational effects. Perhaps I was so disappointed because I had expected the huge explosions and flames I had seen in American war movies. Unfortunately, the mud‐and‐grass Ethiopian houses were just not designed to provide a satisfactory target to a bomber.

    Unspectacular though these raids might have been to the bombers, they were impressive enough to the people on the ground. […] Greek and Levantine shopkeepers painted red crosses on the roofs of their shops, and even on their strawhats, in hopes of securing immunity from [Fascist] bombs.

    Buildings marked with red crosses, however, seemed to attract rather than deter [Fascist] pilots, and they were one of the few targets the bombers managed to hit with any consistency. The British minister in Ethiopia telegraphed London that the first [Fascist] bombs had fallen precisely on a house containing hospital stores and flying the red cross. European and American newspapers sent up cries of indignation over this “barbarous” behavior and over [Fascist] air attacks that claimed the lives of defenseless women and children. General De Bono dismissed these complaints with equal indignation. In reality, he insisted, the only victims of the first raids “were one woman, one child, and several cattle.” He said nothing about warriors.


    This way, not only will the Zionists be happy, but we can still compare the neocolony to a Fascist empire, and everybody will get to learn about lesser‐known tragedies as well. It’s a win‐win situation!

  • Documentary on the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine 1948: Creation & Catastrophe | Full Movie | Avi Shlaim | Benny Morris | Ilan Pappe

    Through riveting and moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis,1948: Creation & Catastrophe reveals the shocking events during the most pivotal year in the most controversial conflict in the world. It tells the story of the establishment of Israel as seen through the eyes o...

    1948: Creation & Catastrophe | Full Movie | Avi Shlaim | Benny Morris | Ilan Pappe

    1948: Creation & Catastrophe is an important documentary, but I must admit feeling nauseated watching it, because the way that these criminals could treat other human beings like filth, and bring such immense shame to the Jewish people when they should have known better, nearly overwhelmed me.

    >I went walking by the wall — not from the main road but from the orchards. The bakery had a window from my side. The [Zionists] were inside the bakery. The [Arab] women were sitting on the ground and each one had her arms over her head like this. They [the Zionists] were telling the baker, his name was Hamed, “Throw your son into the oven. Throw your son into the oven.” > >He replied, “I will not throw my son.” He told him “Grill him!” They hit Haj Hamed on his head and took the child and threw him into the oven. I saw this scene… I saw this scene and couldn’t find any more strength. Then they took the father and threw him after the son. They told him “follow your son.” I sat down and thought to myself, ”they are going to catch me,” so I started running. > >[…] > >Suddenly I saw those masses of people going through the checkpoints, which we were commanded to man. And they were searched — searched for valuables. That reminded me very much of the time when I was a child. We’re starting to do the same thing [that other] people have done to us as Jews.


    Al-Awda: ‘Bring ongoing Nakba to an end!’ Al-Awda says: ‘Bring ongoing Nakba to an end!’

    The following statement was released on Oct. 8, 2023.  Go to We, the Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, firmly stand in unwavering support of the Palestinian resistance, and we fervently urge our Palestinian people to mobilize in the face of colonial genocide. This ongoin...

    Al-Awda says: ‘Bring ongoing Nakba to an end!’

    >We demand [that] the United States government and the international community end their complicity in the ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, a people living under [neo]colonial occupation and denied their right to return home for over 75 years. Palestinians in exile and diaspora have been illegally denied their homeland, including the over 70% of Palestinians in Gaza who are themselves Palestinian refugees. The Palestinian people possess an inherent right to resist occupation, a fundamental right that must be upheld and defended. > >We further demand [that] the United States government immediately end all aid and support to the […] occupation régime. Every year, our tax dollars fund $4 billion in weaponry to arm the occupier against the Palestinian people. This complicity in war crimes and genocide must immediately end. > >We further demand that the United States cease its efforts to impose “normalization” projects on the Arab region through the so-called “Abraham Accords” and other attempts to legitimize Zionist colonialism in the region through bribery and illegitimate imperialist sanctions. The Palestinian resistance has exposed the bankruptcy of this project, and it must come to an end once and for all. > >The United States has been part and parcel of the blockade of Gaza for over 16 years, imposing a siege on the Palestinian people that was meant to kill the resistance. However, the resistance has not been killed — it has flourished despite the brutality of the open-air prison imposed upon the Palestinians of Gaza. We demand not only the end of the crimes, but reparations to the Palestinian people for the reconstruction and development of Gaza and all of Palestine.

    0 Boston demands Indigenous Peoples Day!

    Boston On Oct. 7, over 200 Indigenous activists and their allies gathered on Boston Common to demand that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts abolish Columbus Day and immediately designate the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.  This action continued the Indigenous-led movem

    Boston demands Indigenous Peoples Day!

    >As Mahtowin Munro, co-leader of UAINE, and other speakers at the Common explained, Indigenous Peoples Day honors the resilience, survival, cultures, histories and resistance of Indigenous peoples. Munro also spoke about the need for worldwide solidary with Indigenous nations in their resistance to ongoing genocide and colonialism, including the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation from the Zionist régime [in the Middle East]. > >Munro stressed that the only ultimate solution to the ongoing human and environmental catastrophes caused by capitalism and settler-colonialism is the centering of Indigenous knowledge and the full return of stolen lands and sovereignty to Indigenous nations. > >[…] > >A large delegation from the Indigenous Students Organization at Tufts University and Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine, wearing keffiyehs and waving a Palestinian flag, helped lead the march through Boston’s downtown shopping district. Thousands of tourists and traffic came to a halt, some cheering and honking for the marchers’ demand: “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go!”

    Africa Anarcho-Bolshevik

    The Communist Party of Kenya strongly condemns its nation’s involvement in the impending occupation of Haiti The Communist Party of Kenya strongly condemns their nation’s involvement in the impending occupation of Haiti

    Bulletin: According to an Oct. 9 comment from the Communist Party of Kenya on X, a “Nairobi Court has temporarily halted the planned deployment of police officers to Haiti,” calling this ruling “a significant step in ensuring justice.” Reprinted from an article in Haïti Liberté, Sept. 27 and that

    The Communist Party of Kenya strongly condemns their nation’s involvement in the impending occupation of Haiti

    >The Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of Kenya expresses deep concern regarding the proposed deal between the USA and the Kenyan government. It is with great displeasure and utmost frustration that we are forced to witness Kenya allowing itself to be recruited into the [neo]imperialist activities of the United States, the Core Group and the United Nations. > >The reported plan of involving Kenyan police to carry out actions on behalf of the USA government in Haiti raises serious ethical and moral questions. In its efforts to endear itself to the systems of power that underpin Western hegemony, Kenya is providing legitimacy for a long-standing series of interventions into Haiti that seek to undermine the aspirations of the Haitian people. > >Kenya’s motive to send a small contingent of police officers to Haiti is not to solve the so-called problems of insecurity that beset Haiti. Just as it has been done in the past through recruitment of Caribbean and African countries, it is [meant] to prevent accusations of racism and the oppressive grip of Western foreign powers by having Third World nations give their support for the exploitation of Haiti.

    Latino America Anarcho-Bolshevik

    Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang – editorial

    Ya está fuera de los titulares. Pero su mensaje sigue vigente. Hablamos de los artefactos incendiarios que los terroristas lanzaron contra la Embajada de Cuba en Washington, D.C. El mensaje es obvio: hay algo fuera de lugar si el Estado canalla más peligroso del mundo -con sede en Washington- pue

    Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang – editorial

    >Es un crimen que se puedan lanzar bombas incendiarias contra la embajada cubana. Es una admisión de la participación oficial de Estados Unidos en este crimen que nadie haya sido capturado. Pero no es ni mucho menos el peor crimen que el imperialismo yanqui ha cometido contra el pueblo cubano. Bloquear la economía cubana, calumniar a Cuba de “terrorista” es un crimen mucho peor. > >El año pasado, cuando la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas votó sobre el levantamiento del bloqueo a Cuba, el levantamiento del bloqueo ganó, por 185 a 2. Sólo [una neocolonia] se unió a Estados Unidos para votar en contra de Cuba. Dos Estados canallas. Y los gobiernos de los otros 185 países están convencidos de que es un disparate llamar a Cuba un estado terrorista. > >Así que si el ataque a la embajada cubana ha llamado más la atención sobre la flagrante mentira utilizada para hacer sufrir al pueblo cubano, utilicemos esa atención para movilizarnos y conseguir que Cuba sea eliminada de la lista. Ya existe una petición para exigir precisamente eso. Ya ha recorrido más de un tercio del camino hacia el objetivo de un millón de firmas.

    Israel calls Palestinians ‘human animals,’ denies Gaza civilians food and water amid mass bombing - Liberation News
  • Now would be a good time to remind people that Fascist Italy deployed mustard gas against Libyans and Ethiopians, violating the Geneva Convention.

  • A network of people who refuse to serve the neocolonial military Refuser Solidarity Network

    Refuser Solidarity Network provides a base of support for those who refuse to participate in the Israeli occupation for reasons of political conscience. Their brave resistance, as part of the peace movement in the Middle East is a beacon of hope for all of us.

    Refuser Solidarity Network

    From a Facebook post:

    >Yesh Gvul is a pro‐peace group of […] soldiers and veterans who refused to serve the […] occupation of the Palestinian territories. This is a statement they just published to the [neocolony’s] public, reminding citizens that there is no military solution to the […] conflict, and that the only solution is a negotiated just peace. > >[…] > >You can support Yesh Gvul and similar peace and anti‐violence groups in [the neocolony] through this link: > >Your immediate donations are critical to prevent escalation of the war in Gaza. > >“There is no military solution — no to war, no to violence! > >Now more than ever, it is important for us in the Yesh Gvul Movement to remember and remind others: there is no military solution to the circle of hate. Only the end of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Palestinian independence, and a permanent political [peace] agreement will secure a peaceful future for Palestinians and [others]. > >Especially now, when the cannons are roaring: we cannot become involved in an all‐out war or the re‐occupation of the Gaza strip. It is time to end the occupation, pursue a political agreement, and get [neocolonialism] out of the Palestinian territories.” > >It’s clear that immediate funds are critically needed to help groups on the ground. Your donations can help in amplifying the voices, messages, and actions of war resisters, in preventing escalation of violence, and in using this moment to build the movement for a just peace. You can donate through this link:

    I donated $1 today.

    Muslim collaboration with Jews against Fascism
  • You are welcome! I hesitated to reply since I have little experience accepting compliments, but seeing your feedback did make me smile.

    It always pleasantly surprises me when somebody specifically mentions something that they learned from me, because it’s definite proof that I am doing good work. Sometimes I feel like all that I do is simply repeat common knowledge. I probably have imposter syndrome, but I have never been officially diagnosed.

  • The Fascist roots of Columbus Day The fascist roots of Columbus Day - CommonWealth Magazine

    AS STATUES OF Christopher Columbus are toppled (or beheaded), from St. Paul to Richmond to Boston, Americans are beginning to question the motive for raising certain historical actors to mythical status. Though almost every American will recognize Columbus’s name, the origins of the calendar-recogni...

    The fascist roots of Columbus Day - CommonWealth Magazine

    In Fascist Italy, “Columbus Day” was created by Mariano Lucca, a failed politician turned reporter who interviewed Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. It was likely intended to dismiss and normalize the well known atrocities that Columbus committed. Its introduction to Imperial America, however, was more complex:

    >To truly understand Columbus Day, one must learn about an important name in Italian‐American history: Generoso Pope. > >In 1937, following the popularity and success of newspaper magnate Generoso Pope’s New York City Columbus Day Parade, President Franklin Roosevelt declared October 12th a national holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus’s “discovery of North America.” Although the Italian‐born, Brasilia‐affiliated explorer sailing under the Spanish Empire failed to ever set foot on the North American continent, Italians in America had accrued a kinship to the famed navigator. > >[During the 1920s and ’30s, the Fascist Party in Italy courted Italian immigrant communities in the U.S., which they considered “colonies” of the [Fascist] state. The Fascists and their sympathizers helped organize the first U.S. Fascist convention in Philadelphia and lobbied to make Columbus day a national holiday. (Source.)] > >While Pope’s Columbus Day Parade (starting in 1929) was not the first celebration of Columbus that New York had seen, his would quickly become a tradition there. While the establishment of a formal Columbus Day may seem to be an outwardly straightforward process, a deeper dive into Pope’s involvement with powerful political players reveals a profound meaning of the holiday that extends beyond the mere celebration of Columbus himself. > >During the Depression Era, Pope was considered one of the most impactful political power brokers within the Democratic Party, and he would eventually be appointed the head of the Italian division within the Democratic National Committee by President Roosevelt himself. Pope owned seven Italian‐language newspapers as well as the radio station WHOM, and his flagship paper, Il Progresso Italo‐Americano, was the largest Italian‐language newspaper in the United States with a circulation nearing 200,000 copies (he had, notably, purchased the paper from a lesser‐known owner for the modern‐day equivalent of $261 million). > >The source of Pope’s political power resided in his influence over the Italian‐American voting bloc through his newspaper empire, as Italian immigrants depended on his papers for a sense of community and for news written in their native language. Galvanizing the Italian voting bloc, Pope played a pivotal role in securing elections for various New York City politicians and judges. > >But Pope also played a significant role in world affairs: He was considered one of the most influential fascist propagandists in the U.S. for Mussolini’s […] régime. To provide a few significant examples of his fascist status, Pope was a member of the fascist Lictor Federation and its predecessor, the Fascist League of North America (FLNA); he employed multiple known fascists; he was photographed performing a fascist salute in Rome in 1937; lastly, he was awarded the honorary title of Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy for his service to fascism in America. > >Following the FLNA’s disbandment in 1929, the type of propaganda that was perpetuated within the U.S. began to shift from the domain of politics to that of culture, bolstering Italian nationalistic sentiments in immigrants and second‐generation Italian‐Americans to create, as one history of early 20th century Italian immigrants put it, a people “spiritually tied to fascist Italy by linguistic [and cultural] bonds.” > >Following his first successful Columbus Day parade, Pope met in March 1930 with FDR, then governor of New York, to discuss the potential for a state holiday in celebration of Columbus. Although the idea was received favorably, Pope lacked the necessary political capital to get it enacted. > >Four years later, following Roosevelt’s 1932 presidential victory, the fascist newspaper kingpin petitioned the president to reconsider his previous stance on the Columbus Day holiday. In a nod to Pope’s prolonged help to FDR through consistently favorable coverage in his papers, as well as to acknowledge recent race‐based hate crimes committed against Italian immigrants and a sign of appreciation for their turnout in the recent election, President Roosevelt declared October 12th a national holiday. With the establishment of Columbus Day, Generoso Pope had succeeded in solidifying Christopher Columbus’s place in U.S. history and within the minds of Italian‐Americans as a near‐mythic entity. > >Columbus Day and Pope’s Columbus Day Parade were both founded with fascist ideologies in mind, which was clear and ever‐present at the New York City parades prior to World War II. At the 1936 parade, according to one account, prominent politicians were implored by anti‐fascists not to attend, as “local fascist papers have announced that uniformed Fascisti will participate in military formation.” > >In 1937, when FDR declared Columbus Day a federal holiday, spectators at the subsequent parade allegedly cheered loudly and raised their hands in the infamous fascist salute when Italy’s fascist anthem, “Giovinezza,” was played. The next year’s parade, the New York Times reported, saw spectators shouting “Viva Mussolini” along the route. > >When Mussolini’s Italy declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941, hundreds of known fascist sympathizers were quickly incarcerated by the government for their enemy activities. Fortunately for Pope, in the weeks prior to the war’s declaration, he had begun distancing himself from Mussolini’s fascism and even publicly declared “fealty to the U.S.” in an October 1940 New York Times article. > >Though many of these incarcerated fascists were his known associates, Pope continued advising FDR and the Democratic National Committee regarding Italian‐Americans, particularly during the 1944 election. [Among other things, Generoso Pope also ordered mobster Carmine Galante to murder the antifascist journalist Carlo Tresca in 1943. Pope’s son, Generoso Jr., was a CIA officer who founded the National Enquirer with loans from Frank Costello and Roy Cohn, and ran the paper like an intelligence‐gathering network where two subjects were off limits: the CIA and the mob.]

    (Emphasis added.)

    In 1925, Benito Mussolini declared Columbus Day a national holiday in Fascist Italy:



    ># “COLUMBUS DAY.” > >--- >Italy’s New Holiday. > >--- >For the first time in Rome and throughout Italy on October 12, by order of Signor Mussolini and the National Government, “Columbus Day” was celebrated as national holiday. It is strange, but true, that it took more than 400 years for Christopher Columbus to obtain the generous recognition due to him from his own countrymen, and for the date of the discovery of America to be commemorated with national honors in Italy an well as in America. The re‐evaluation of one of the greatest national glories of Italy is due to the enlightened policy of the Fascist Government, which some months ago issued a proclamation, signed by Signor Mussolini, that hereafter October 12, the date of the discovery oi America by the Genoese navigator, was to be celebrated as a national holiday. > >The national flag was hoisted on all public buildings, and on some private houses. The general public has not yet learned the significance of the event. In Rome a commemorative ceremony was held



    Furthermore, Fascist Italy used a 1927 monument dedication in Richmond to spread propaganda and declared fake news about atrocities it was actively committing:



    ># ROME’S AMBASSADOR SAYS ITALY FOR PEACE > >--- >Mussolini’s Government Placed in Wrong Light by False Propaganda. > >--- >“Fake propaganda” [sic!] from abroad was ascribed by Nobile Giacomo de Martino, ambassador to the United States from Italy, at the Columbus monument dedication exercises here yesterday, as tending to show up the Italian government in a false light as regarding its peaceful attitude toward other nations. Such propaganda, he declared, would make it appear that Italy was at war with “all the world at the same time.”

    (Source. Footnote. On a related note, I read that a ‘Mussolini groupie’ donated the statue in San Francisco near Coit Tower.)

    As early as 1936, the antifascist Italian‐American labor newspaper editor Girolamo Valenti warned that Columbus Day celebrations was furthering the cause of fascism. Additionally:

    >Italian‐Americans in RI commemorated the [WWI] Battle of the Piave River, the March on Rome, the Birth of [Ancient] Rome, and Columbus Day with fascist salutes, with a (controversial) 1937 Columbus Day parade in West Warwick even featuring Black Shirts marching in formation.




    ># RELIEF BAN VOTED ON BLACK SHIRTS > >--- >West Warick Committee Acts to Purge Rolls as Policy in the Future. > >--- >RESULT OF RECENT PARADE > >--- >Agitation Began After Marchers on Columbus Day Gave Fascist Salute; Veterans Resentful

    >BLACKSHIRTS FACING BAN > >--- >West Warwick Council Votes to Withhold Parade Permits >The presence of blackshirts in the Columbus Day parade in Natick earlier this month last night drew the attention of the West Warwick Town Council, which approved a triple resolution aimed at discouraging the practice in the future.


    --- Events that happened today (October 9):

    1907: Horst Wessel, SA officer and musician, was unfortunately born. 1908: Werner von Haeften, Axis lieutenant who failed to oust the Third Reich’s Chancellor, was delivered to the world. 1934: An Ustashe murdered King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, Foreign Minister of France, in Marseille. 1937: Somebody massacred nine Catholic priests in Zhengding, China who were protecting the local population from the advancing Imperial army. 1941: The Kingdom of Romania deported Jews to Transnistria. (Hence this day is known as the National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust in Romania.) 1945: Gottlieb Hering, SS commander involved in Action T4, took his long overdue dirtnap. 1947: Yukio Sakurauchi, Imperial Minister of Commerce and Industry, expired. 1959: Shirō Ishii, the Axis director of Unit 731 and later contributor to the U.S. biological warfare program, did a nice thing for once and dropped dead. 1974: Oskar Schindler, a moderate fascist who famously saved (but occasionally abused) hundreds of Jewish workers, perished. 1976: Walter Warlimont, Axis staff officer, died. 1988: Felix Wankel, Axis engineer and SS member, departed from the world.

    ‘We are not attacking civilians’: Hamas says amid Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
  • Settlers can bite the dust for all I care, but pissing off would suffice.

  • A flag that would more accurately represent “Israel”
  • Yeah, that’s fair. I was guessing that that chump thought that “red fascism” was a thing, and if somebody is going to use that phrase unjokingly then I’d expect them to recognize actual fascist symbols.

    If somebody like you asked respectfully what the symbol was then I would have responded in kind.

  • Thousands of Germans protest the Ukrainian war
  • Holy fuck, am I supposed to read the source for you? Okay, here’s a clue:

    Ukraine opted instead to prolong the Donbas conflict, and there was never significant pressure from the West to alter course. Though there were brief reports of the accords’ revival as recently as late January, Ukrainian security chief Oleksiy Danilov warned the West not to pressure Ukraine to implement the peace deal. “The fulfillment of the Minsk agreement means the country’s destruction,” he said (AP, 1/31/22). Danilov claimed that even when the agreement was signed eight years ago, “it was already clear for all rational people that it’s impossible to implement.”

    Which part is the one confusing you?

  • 🇵🇸 General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 41 Palestinian Solidarity Edition 🇵🇸
  • Is it just me, or are the anticommunists more vocal than usual lately?

  • Thousands of Germans protest the Ukrainian war
  • Oh, I see. So you aren’t here to learn, as evidenced by you obviously ignoring the link that I shared. You just want to goof around here because you can’t think of anything better to do with your day.

    Thanks for wasting my time. See you.

  • Thousands of Germans protest the Ukrainian war
  • Are you seriously comparing a military alliance that’s been repeatedly breaking its promise not to expand eastward to unarmed black people suffering police brutality?

    Whereas if Ukraine stops resisting, they will cease to be, and their working class will be obliterated and absorbed into the kleptocratic Russian state to be exploited for decades to come.

    What the fuck are you talking about?

  • A flag that would more accurately represent “Israel”
  • You need somebody to explain to you what a fascio littorio is?


  • A flag that would more accurately represent “Israel”

    Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

    Danish communists protest U.S.-Denmark pact on bases Danish CP protests U.S.-Denmark pact on bases

    Workers World received this statement from the Danish Communist Party on Oct. 4. For more than two years, Denmark’s government leaders have been negotiating a bilateral defense agreement with the United States, which will allow U.S. troops to stay on Danish soil for shorter or longer periods of t

    Danish CP protests U.S.-Denmark pact on bases

    >Denmark also risks becoming a bombing target for the many enemies the U.S. makes during the many military operations and wars it has a tradition of waging. > >Norway has entered into a base agreement with the U.S., which means that the U.S. will have unrestricted access to four land areas in Norway, where it can set up barracks, hangars, and port areas as it wishes. There will be no possibility of any kind of control of these areas by the Norwegian authorities. The details of the agreement were agreed to in the deepest secrecy and the Norwegian population was never asked if they wanted the bases. > >The same secrecy is now happening here in Denmark. Denmark will, with a bilateral base agreement with the U.S., cede sovereignty to the U.S. — and this will happen without the population being asked. > >The Danish Communist Party strongly opposes such a bilateral agreement and calls for the broadest possible struggle against it.

    Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

    Thousands of Germans protest the Ukrainian war Protests in Germany: ‘Lay Down Your Arms - No to War’

    The following is from a report in the Oct. 4 German daily newspaper about antiwar actions in Germany. Translation: John Catalinotto. Peace activist Willi van Ooyen of the Ukraine antiwar initiative called “Lay down your arms - No to war” reported about protests by the peace movement:

    Protests in Germany: ‘Lay Down Your Arms - No to War’

    >In Hamburg, because of the nationwide celebration of the “Day of German Unity,” a larger demonstration of the peace movement took place. More than 700 people took part in today’s rally in Hamburg in front of the Altona train station followed by a march to the fish market in pouring rain. > >In Munich, 2,500 people gathered in sunny weather on Marienplatz under the slogan “Mir reicht’s – Macht Frieden” (“I’ve had enough – make peace”). On Odeonsplatz, more than 300 peace activists said, “It’s high time for peace politics! Organize resistance against militarism and war!” > >More than 300 people responded to the call of the Rhine-Ruhr Peace Assembly for a protest demonstration against the air force command center in Kalkar/Uedem. > >In Berlin, more than 800 people marched from the Foreign Ministry to the Finance Ministry, then to the Social Democratic Party (SPD) headquarters, demanding disarmament — and no further arms deliveries to Ukraine. > >In Düsseldorf, more than 300 rally participants called for “winning the peace, not the war.” Other events took place in Saarbrücken, Schorndorf and Heidelberg.

    (Emphasis original.)


    Philadelphians’ fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives The fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives

    Philadelphia As the opioid and overdose epidemics worsen, there is a need to embrace radical solutions to save lives. One of these solutions is safe consumption sites (also called safe injection sites). These sites have opened in various places and have been shown to work in preventing overdose d

    The fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives

    >The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, additionally, seeks to ban the opening of safe consumption sites anywhere in the state. A bill to ban the sites was passed in the state Senate with the support of every Republican and most Democrats. Due to the controversy of the sites among Democrats, however, it may not get through the state House of Representatives. Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro promised to support the ban and says he opposes the sites. > >The importance of these sites cannot be overstated. Year after year, the number of fatal and non-fatal overdoses increases. While there are “mobile” and home-based safe consumption harm reduction groups — such as Never Use Alone, where drug users call in and can get help if they overdose — these are not enough. Statistics from all over North America have shown the usefulness of these sites and how they act to preserve life. > >Harm reductionists, drug users, concerned friends and family members and revolutionaries need to get involved in the fight for safe consumption sites, in Philadelphia and the entire country. These sites do not attract crime (any more than any other public service does), they do not “encourage” drug abuse, and — unlike what the federal government has said — they do not act as “sanctioned suicide” facilities or crackhouses. There must be a concerted fight to save lives.

    Africa Anarcho-Bolshevik Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger join to defend sovereignty

    The author, a former member of the Secretariat of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC), writes of African events for Avante!, the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party. Translation: John Catalinotto. The people and government of Niger have celebrate

    Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger join to defend sovereignty

    >Recently, during the United Nations General Assembly, Burkina Faso’s Minister of State, Bassolma Bazie, denounced the fact that his country, like Mali and Niger, was involved in the Sahel “in a war dictated by imperialism” under the guise of “fighting terrorism.” He explained that the three countries, with common borders, have established a collective defense and mutual assistance pact, called the Alliance of Sahel States, “to take our destiny into our own hands.” > >Bazie emphasized that, “We say no to all those so-called friends who claim to want our supposed well-being or who threaten us with war in order to impose their friendship.” The Burkinabe leader also expressed the opinion that ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations should act for the benefit of the peoples and not be structures controlled by a “global minority.”


    Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests Washington’s role in Haiti Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

    Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises in Haiti with a protest at the Massachusetts State House on Sept. 29. The action drew attention to multiple U.S. interventions and attacks on Haitian sovereignty as the root cause of these crises, which ar

    Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

    >Leaders of Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus Drivers’ Union, including President André François and Recording Secretary Claude “Toutou” St. Germain joined Jacques Piquant and other leaders of Fanmi Lavalas of Boston in the demonstration. Fanmi Lavalas is the party of the only popularly elected president in Haiti’s history, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. > >[…] > >Protesters spoke with great urgency about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ouanaminthe, a commune of 100,000 people in the region of Haiti’s Nord-Est Department, where the Massacre River forms a section of Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic. > >Luis Abinader, president of the Dominican Republic, has ordered the border totally closed to all Haitian nationals, suspended visa applications and initiated daily mass deportations of Haitian people who live, work and seek medical care there. Normally, the border is open without restriction at least two days per week. > >Abinader’s lockdown tactic comes as the Biden administration has placed new restrictions on Haitian people wanting to travel or migrate to the U.S. Thousands of people line up daily under the guns of the U.S. Marines at the often-closed U.S. embassy in Port-au-Prince, at barbed wire military checkpoints in El Paso, Texas, and now on both sides of the Massacre River. Many Haitians are drowning in the Gulf of Mexico due to these policies.


    Manhattan protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands One of 60 planned actions Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands

    New York City Antiwar demonstrators gathered and rallied at Columbus Circle in Manhattan on Oct. 1 near CNN headquarters, and marched downtown on Broadway past thousands of New Yorkers and tourists, passing through Times Square and ending at the New York Times building. The action was one of over

    One of 60 planned actions Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands

    >This gathering provided a platform for various anti-imperialist movements to be heard. The crowd had the privilege of listening to speakers from Bronx Boricua Resistance, a grassroots movement organizing for an independent and sovereign Puerto Rico, free from the chains of U.S. colonialism. > >A representative of the Palestinian Youth Movement also addressed the crowd, calling for a liberated Palestine free from Zionist settler-colonialism. Another group that captivated the audience was PEX Semillas de Libertad, a Peruvian diaspora organization. PEX Semillas is struggling against the Dina Boluarte coup regime in Peru, and demands that the control of natural resources of Peru be in the hands of the workers, not U.S. and European corporations. > >[…] > >The Oct. 1 action was organized by the Bronx Antiwar Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Workers World Party, and Peace in Ukraine Coalition. Endorsers and participants came from a diverse range of political groups, including International Acton Center, Veterans for Peace, Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER Coalition, Struggle La Lucha, CUNY Internationalist Clubs, the DSA International Committee, National Lawyers Guild International Committee and others.


    Muslim collaboration with Jews against Fascism

    Similarly to how there were both good Christians and extremely sinful Christians in relation to the Shoah, there were both good Muslims and deeply sinful Muslims with regard to it as well. It was common (maybe less so now) for Islamophobes to emphasize the anti‐Jewish Muslims, for example the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar, but given the rise of the alt‐right it would be unsurprising if some Islamophobes would now prefer to emphasize the Jew‐friendly Muslims such as the Albanians.

    In any case, while some ultranationalist Muslims did mistake the European Fascists for allies against colonialism, most Muslims didn’t want the snake oil that the Axis was offering. Many of them had the circumspection to tell that the Fascist colonialists were no better than their liberal counterparts, and Libya was a case in point.

    What too many of us overlook is that the Western Allies weren’t the only ones holding colonies in North Africa. So was the Axis, giving many Muslims and Jews alike a common enemy:

    >France, an important colonial force in North Africa and Nazi Germany in Libya and later in Tunisia, enforced many anti‐Semitic laws against the Jews in 1940, including the Statut des Juifs, which was approved by Algeria and Tunisia, and in Morocco the Sultan Muhammad V approved the Moroccan version of Statut des Juifs. These laws forced Jews into labor, punishment, and isolation camps. > >In 1942 at the Wannsee conference (Satlo, 2006: 26–27) plans for the final solution of the Jewish question exacerbated the situation for Jews all over the world, including northern Africa. The […] Fascist […] colonial takeover of Arab countries for strategic reasons also included the goal of exterminating Jews from these countries. Muslims, although generally unaware of the death camps in Europe, had the direct knowledge of Jews being interned in their own countries, but the Jews were perceived as the allies of the colonial forces and not necessarily Arabs. > >[…] > >However, the story of colonization reemerges when the discussion of Arab camps surface in Muslim and Jewish narratives, and the two minor narratives emerge within their own minority status in witnessing both the colonial forces and the [Fascist] campaign. In other words, Jewish and Muslim identity struggled immensely through the time of the Holocaust from the fall of the Ottomans 1922, colonialism, and the oppression and Holocaust of native Arab/Muslim/Jewish narratives. > >The historical accounts of Jews from Europe or Arab lands who tried to escape ended up in many death camps, and the Arabs who fought against the colonists and attempted to overthrow the colonial forces landed in camps in the Sahara and in some cases with Jews. For example, many Jews who had fled Germany in 1938–1939 were later captured in France and interned in Arab camps. > >The camp at Hadjerat‐M’Guil was opened on November 1, 1941, as a punishment and isolation camp. It contained 170 prisoners, nine of whom were tortured and murdered in conditions of the worst brutality. Two of those murdered were Jews, one of whom had earlier been in a concentration camp in Germany but had been released in 1939 and had fled to France. This young man’s parents had become refugees in London. On learning of their son’s murder in the Sahara, they committed suicide (Glibert, 1988: 56). > >[…] > >Berkani’s testimony says that he and the Jews in the camp understood that Deriko was trying to get the Arabs to fight with Jews: >>He gathered the Jews of the camp, who were previously mixed with the Europeans, and separated them from the French, or rather from the Europeans. This cursed Dériko prepared further provocations once again. Europeans were separate, the Arabs were separate, and the Jews too were separate. Now the Jews were also gathered in the first section. (Berkani, 1965: 44) > >Berkani, a Muslim, sees Deriko’s tactic and writes the following; he observes astutely that the [Fascists] (Vichy) were attempting to create tension but that the Jews and Muslims (he changes from Arabs) had caught onto his divisive tactic. >>There is no doubt that Dériko did this with the intention of seeing the Jews cut down and killed by the Muslims, since the Jews were not numerous. But the Jews realized his goal; the Arabs too realized the same thing. Commander Dériko expected that there would be fights between Arabs and Jews, but the opposite occurred: a friendly understanding spread between the two communities. Never could one have believed that the Arabs and the Jews in the first section of the camp would become real friends, even brothers. Whether you wish to believe it or not, they were moreover brothers in hunger, in suffering, in misery, in punishment/pain etc. […] in Dériko’s camp. (Berkani, 1965: 45)

    (Emphasis added.)

    Related: Remembering the Muslims Murdered at Auschwitz

    --- Events that happened today (October 8):

    1884: Walter Karl Ernst August von Reichenau, Axis Field Marshal who was partly responsible for the Babi Yar massacre, polluted the earth. 1888: Ernst Kretschmer, Axis psychiatrist, was born. 1910: Helmut Kallmeyer, Axis chemist who was involved in Action T4, forced his existence on us. 1939: The Third Reich annexed western Poland. 1941: During the preliminaries of the Battle of Rostov, Axis forces reached the Sea of Azov with the capture of Mariupol. 1943: Friedrich Schubert's paramilitary group executed approximately thirty civilians in Kallikratis, Crete.

    2 PFLP statement on Al Aqsa Flood battle

    The following statement was released on Oct. 7. This is the day when the nature of the struggle and the dignity of the Arab nation are reclaimed. Steadfast mountains from the ranks of the resistance have united in response to the call of Palestine, the call of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, during which

    PFLP statement on Al Aqsa Flood battle

    >The Popular Front urges our heroic people across Palestine to actively participate in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle. Everyone from their respective positions and with the tools they possess, should attack the enemy’s army and its settlers, cut off its supply routes, sabotage its vital facilities, and pursue the terrified Zionist invaders in the face of resistance strikes, striking at them on every inch of Palestinian soil. > >The Front emphasizes its call for everyone who bears arms, especially members of the [PA] Security Forces, to engage in the battle of the Palestinian people against their enemy and to take the natural position of every free Palestinian fighting for salvation from occupation, achieving the goals and rights of all our people. > >The timing of the battle, coinciding with the glorious October War, is a call for the sons of the Arab nation and the peoples of the region to recognize their position in the overall conflict with the Zionist enemy and in this particular battle. They should carry out their duties alongside their fighting brothers in revolt in occupied Palestine.

    F*ck Isn'treal !!! . Time for Isn'treal to go bye bye .
  • That must be Benjamin Netanyahu’s Lemmy account!

    Hey Bibi, would you mind explaining to us why a third of Shoah survivors under your régime are living in poverty? I know that you don’t care about Palestinians—that’s a given—but surely if you cared about your fellow Jews you wouldn’t let so many of them suffer like this… would you? You do at least care about other Jews, right…? Right…?

  • Nitsokhn Lid - Victory Song (Yiddish Anti-Fascist Song)
  • One could almost argue that the Fascists invented a self‐fulfilling prophecy when they declared and treated Jews as their worst enemies. Because of the Fascists’ antisemitic atrocities, for many Jews joining or collaborating with the Allies was not simply a matter of patriotic duty. It was personal. That’s why I’m so fascinated with the testimonies from the Allies’ Jewish personnel and collaborators. The Western ruling class might not have given a damn about the atrocities, but these people most definitely did.

    My heart goes out to these and the other 1.5+ million Jews who bravely fought back for the millions of their kindred who couldn’t.

  • Palestinian resistance forces have launched an unprecedented military action against Israel
  • This made me smile.

    The occupation of Palestine is the most embarrassing thing to happen to the Jewish people. As far as I’m concerned, these Palestinians are doing them a favour, and I hope that as many Jews as possible join them in advancing the deoccupation.

  • World League of ‘Bandera Youth’ World League of 'Bandera Youth'

    OUN Front of the Month: the Ukrainian Youth Association

    World League of 'Bandera Youth'

    >In November 2022, the Ukrainian Youth Association, also known as “Soom,” (SUM—Spilka ukrayinsʹkoyi molod—or CYM—Спілка української молод) held its 20th World Congress in Hanover Township, New Jersey. Supposedly an “isolationist” attitude dominated: CYM, despite its plummeting membership, “should be for privileged people only.”

    Well, they’re certainly right when they say that it’s for privileged people only, but not necessarily in the way that they had in mind. (I think that the photograph speaks for itself.)

    >Just over 50 delegates participated in the World Congress on behalf of CYM branches in Ukraine, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Britain, Australia, Canada, and the United States. After years of singing, “now a SUMivtsya,” (member of CYM) “tomorrow a fighter,” CYM adopted a new slogan for the upcoming year: “now a fighter.” In 2023 the organization vowed to commemorate the 140th birthday of Dmytro Dontsov (1883–1973), a fascist ideologue who translated Mein Kampf. > >[…] > >Longtime readers of the Bandera Lobby Blog may remember that George Borec, a veteran of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the 1940s military wing of OUN-B, got a street in Penrith, Australia named after Stepan Bandera, and financed the construction of a nearby Banderite youth center in a suburb of Sydney. The local branch of CYM has since relocated to a newer building, where visitors are greeted at the front entrance by portraits of far-right OUN leaders (Bandera, Konovalets, Shukhevych, Stetsko) and Symon Petliura, a World War I-era figure whose military forces carried out pogroms against Jews.

    I froze upon reading this.

    >According to historian Per Rudling, the “Roman Shukheyvch Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex” affiliated with CYM in Edmonton, Alberta was opened in 1973 with significant funding from the provincial government. In 2020, he explained, “The purpose of the complex, the OUN(b) press declared, was to ‘become a blacksmith’s forge, which will forge hard, unbreakable characters of the Ukrainian youth’ and to ‘raise and harden a new generation of fighters for the liberation of Ukraine…’” > >Meanwhile, I reported that the federal government awarded the Banderites $279,138 to “repair” the complex in 2015, and CYM-Canada charged to the defense of the Ukrainian Waffen-SS monument in Oakville after it became the subject of an international news story. > >They’ve been much more quiet about the recent “Nazigate” scandal… > >! > >CYM-Canada published this imagine in 2020 after the Ukrainian Waffen-SS monument in Oakville was vandalized with anti-Nazi graffiti.

    ‘KNOW THE FACTS, NOT THE PROPAGANDA’. Finally we can agree with these anticommunists on something.

    >In 1991, SNUM was reformed as the official branch of CYM in Ukraine. From 2005 through 2016, it received over $400,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department via the National Endowment for Democracy. From 2016 until 2019, CYM and another, more radical OUN-B youth group in Ukraine were members of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition, the “largest and most visible reform network” in the country, which has been funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and Global Affairs Canada.

    The NED…we meet again.

    --- Events that happened today (October 7):

    1866: Włodzimierz Halka Ledóchowski, Fascist sympathizer, was born. 1900: Heinrich Himmler, Axis commander and politician, stained the human race for all time. 1904: Armando Castellazzi, one of Fascist Italy’s professional footballers and managers, started his life. 1920: Georg Leber, Luftwaffe member, was delivered to the world. 1923: Irmgard Ilse Ida Grese, SS officer and concentration camp guard at Ravensbrück and Auschwitz… I don’t even want to say it. Just thinking about her makes me mad. 1940: Arthur H. McCollum proposed bringing Imperial America into the war in Eurasia by provoking the Empire of Japan into assaulting one of the U.S. colonies. 1944: During an uprising at Birkenau concentration camp, Jewish prisoners burnt down Crematorium IV (as portrayed in the excellent motion picture, The Grey Zone). Meanwhile, Helmut Lent, Axis night‐fighter ace, died having suffered injuries in a crash landing two days earlier. 2014: Siegfried Lenz, Fascist and Kriegsmarine draftee, expired.


    Ottawa apologizes for honouring another Axis collaborator Exclusive: Canada apologizes for honoring another veteran from unit that fought with Nazis

    The representative of King Charles III in Canada expressed 'deep regret' for giving elite awards to Peter Savaryn, who served with SS Galichina during World War II.

    Exclusive: Canada apologizes for honoring another veteran from unit that fought with Nazis


    >The statement from the Governor General — the representative of the British Monarchy in Canada — concerned Peter Savaryn, who served as chancellor of the University of Alberta from 1982 to 1986 and in 1987 was appointed to the Order of Canada. The award is akin to the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, and is considered the second highest distinction for Canadians, topped only by the Order of Merit available to all citizens of the British Commonwealth. > >Responding to an inquiry from the Forward, the statement from Governor General Mary Simon expressed “deep regret” about Savaryn’s appointment. A spokesperson said the office is also now reviewing two other honors it gave Savaryn: the Golden Jubilee (awarded in 2002) and Diamond Jubilee (awarded in 2012) medals. > >[…] > >Hunka and Savaryn were both volunteers in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, commonly known as SS Galichina or the Galicia Division. The unit, which was formed in 1943 out of recruits from the Galicia region in western Ukraine, was armed and trained by the Third Reich, and commanded by German SS officers. It’s accused of war crimes, including burning alive 500 to 1,000 Poles in 1944.

    Related: Trudeau says Canada may finally make secret Nazi files public

    --- Events that happened today (October 6):

    1900: Willy Merkl, a mountain climber whom the Third Reich briefly sponsored, was born. 1916: Chiang Wei‐kuo, Japanese–Chinese Wehrmacht(!) officer candidate, was brought to the world. 1935: Fascist forces captured Adwa. 1939: The Battle of Kock became the final combat of the September Campaign in Poland. 1942: American troops forced the Axis from its positions east of the Matanikau River during the Battle of Guadalcanal. 1943: A paramilitary group in Crete burnt thirteen civilians alive during the Axis occupation of Greece. 1944: Units of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps entered Czechoslovakia during the Battle of the Dukla Pass. (This later became Deň obetí Dukly or Dukla Pass Victims Day in Slovakia.) 1945: Leonardo Conti, SS‐Obergruppenführer who was involved in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of disabled people, hung himself in prison… no comment.

    I can’t change any of my settings
  • The Save function still doesn’t work, though.

  • I can’t change any of my settings
  • I was uploading too much. I thought that the error message was due to a browser setting that I turned off, but maybe not.

  • I can’t change any of my settings
  • No, and the image itself is a 923 KB png.