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  • say necromancy is eugenics

    How does reanimating dead bodies have anything to do with eugenics?

    • Necromancy if done respectively and transparently could be the base of largely post-scarcity economics. I once did that in D&D in Thay and properly put "Red" in the "Red Wizards".

    • It could be going off the the “Wolfienstien” idea where the Nazis reanimated only extremely devout and racially pure “aryans” so that their corpses could serve the Reich one last time.

      I’m sure your could extend the idea over to Warhammer. That sounds like a very Warhammer thing to do.

      • I’m sure your could extend the idea over to Warhammer. That sounds like a very Warhammer thing to do.

        Blood Dragon vampires do it. Others too. And i won't even mention entire Nehekhara.