Whistleblower book Meta blocked from promotion is now an Amazon best seller
Whistleblower book Meta blocked from promotion is now an Amazon best seller
If you tell people not to read a book, they're definitely going to read it.

Barnes and Noble has it. don't buy from amazon.
40 0 ReplyEven better, buy it through bookshop.org and also support a local bookstore: https://bookshop.org/p/books/careless-people-a-cautionary-tale-of-power-greed-and-lost-idealism/22213433
The hard cover is on back order, but they sell an ebook version.
21 0 ReplyThis link goes to a 404 error
2 0 Reply
What’s so bad about Amazon? It’s nice to have 2 day shipping and not have to go out of your way to get somewhere.
1 12 Replythey treat their employees like garbage. they are union busters. Bozos backed a felon for US president. Just to name a few.
12 0 ReplyThey provide the cloud infrastructure for the Israeli army.
2 1 Reply
Just ordered my copy!
And not from Amazon.
66 0 ReplyJust baught the E Book!
On Kobo!
13 1 ReplyAcquired it from a rodent who wishes to stay anonymous
10 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyWhere's a good place to buy books from not Amazon?
2 0 Replygo into a local bookstore and ask them
2 0 ReplyBarnes and noble has it. Also, try thriftbooks.com.
4 0 ReplyPowells.com, the largest independent book seller I'm aware of.
2 0 ReplyThrift books
2 0 Reply
Funniest thing, I would’ve never known about this book if Meta hadn’t tried to block the sales of it. Definitely going to read it and see how it is.
29 0 Reply"Book from a whistleblower - titled 'Meta' - that was declined from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon"
Sometimes I hate the whole "proper prose title" that articles use
Perhaps it's "Book from whistleblower that Meta blocked from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon".
I didn't read the article. The title broke my brain40 3 ReplyHeck, prose aside, is there something wrong with commas?
21 1 ReplyIt's just that punctuation is not meant to be used in titles.
English has a bunch of weird rules.
3 0 ReplyThose are used to replace "and" obviously.
4 1 Reply
"Book from a whistleblower - titled 'Meta' - that was declined from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon"
No? "Book from a whistleblower that Meta blocked from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon ".
14 0 ReplyBook from a whistleblower, that Meta blocked from being promoted, is now a best seller on Amazon
5 0 ReplyMeta promotes books?
Updated the comment5 1 Reply
Barbara strikes again!
28 0 ReplyI wonder if we could get Barbara to endorse or at least comment on this book on whatever social media she's on.
3 0 ReplyStreisand! Streisand! Streisand!
9 0 Reply
How the fuck is an anti-disparagement clause even allowed to exist and how the fuck is it enforceable 8 years after she no longer works for the company, that's absolutely bullshit.
Normally I would hope for the government to step in and say this is not remotely legal. But unfortunately our government is currently in the hands of billionaire buddy Donnie F Trump.
2 0 ReplyWhoops!
3 0 Reply