This is a blast from the past when Bush went for steel tariffs
In retaliation, the European Union threatened to counter with tariffs of its own on products ranging from Florida oranges to cars produced in Michigan, with each tariff calculated to likewise hurt the President in a key marginal state. The United States backed down and withdrew the tariffs on December 4.
The American Chamber of Commerce to the E.U. said the U.S. tariffs and E.U. countermeasures “will only harm jobs, prosperity and security on both sides of the Atlantic.”
My dude, what you forget to see is that this harms the EU a little, it harms the US a little. The same goes for Canada, goes for China, goes for Mexico, but it will add up for the US.
In the meantime, the allies you try so hard to alienate are teaming up and using this opportunity to form tighter bonds, leaving you behind.
Also, if Canada isn't selling as much to the US, Canada can sell to the EU. It's not as convenient but the EU, Canada and Mexico will happily trade with each other.
I have only seen american and not red state specific. granted the only thing out of the eu article is bourbon and I don't drink much and when I do its more likely vodka anyway.
I’m actually not OK with this, TBH. First, it very much better than bending the knee, but if they’re going to impose tariffs, they need to be on the country. Plenty of democrats in those red states and plenty of republicans in blue states either will or won’t “get what they voted for.” In the end, we all should pay for this travesty.