Now that we all dont buy american products anymore and dont use their programs and services, i want to do something more, but i dont have any ideas. Please write some! :)
I thought i would put my old things which stood around for months, on websites similar to Ebay. I also thought about recycling them, but to that would be a waste since they still have a worth.
Leave a nice exit message for the services you are no longer using. Such as:
Dear Sir or Madam!
I can no longer afford imported products and services from the area between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico.
Please delete my personal information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Convince people that we are stronger together and that we need to vote against politics that are against EU and pro nationalists.
I mean, I’ve heard people in France telling me they don’t want to put money in the army to fight for Ukraine cause they are not concerned. Or saying they don’t want to share the nuclear umbrella with the rest of Europe. Or whatever shit about "my country first, Europe/EU last".
Maybe petition local government to transition their IT into EU based service?
I know it will probably fall on deaf ears, but I'm thinking about contacting my local politicians about transitioning government IT into Linux OS and EU Cloud service. I don't expect them to take me seriously, but at least I can take four hours of my life every half year.
We (as family) decided to show face and purchased some EU merch. Yesterday we raised our new 150x100cm2 EU-flag. Also we started putting stickers on our vehicles, like the EU flag and in EU blue/yellow Love Life, Live Free. Small things, but we feel bit better through this.
Regarding your sale of old things, although not having used it by myself, I have heard good things about European , maybe it works for your region and purpose.
What else can be done:
remain positive
spread the word and talk to friends and families about what is important to you and why
trust in well-founded science and facts and help spreading those facts against lies and propaganda
if your are a techie, you can help friends and family to use Linux on their PCs, instead of upcoming Win11
not sure how this can work, but it would help to free as many people from big tech "social media" as possible
Continue ongoing work of turning away from explorative systems in society such as supporting syndicalist/collectivist business structures instead of capitalism