Paint Markers are great for writing on your Cybertruck
They're very portable, so you can carry them around with you in case you come up with an idea of something to write on your Tesla while you're out and about. They stick to the surface quite well and don't wash off in the rain.
(Please try not to succumb to the temptation to write "F**k off Nazi Scum" or similar on somebody else's though like other people are suggesting. That might encourage people not to buy Teslas, which is a shame, because they're great American cars.)
If you carry a piece of grit 120 and a dual barrel tube of clear epoxy, you can make your Tesla really stand out for a long time.
If you have epoxy left over you can fix your squeaky doors by applying as much glue as you have along the door. That way the door will stop squeaking on account of it not being used as much.
You people are lost. It's only a matter of time before one of you gets hurt or killed because you're defacing private property.
You have absolutely no clue what their political beliefs are simply from the car they own. Half the Tesla's I see every day during my commute have "anti Elon Tesla club" stickers on them. Some have stickers that say "I bought this before he lost his mind" or some other variation.
I can guarantee you there are Tesla drivers out there right now that have no love for Elon but don't have any identifiable stuff plastered all over their car. By vandalizing their car you're just more likely to turn those people against you.
I don't drive a Tesla and I think Elon is a huge twat, but I think your plans on vandalizing random peoples stuff who you have no idea about is ludicrously insane behavior.
While I think this is a fair opinion for all recent swastikars, I know several people who bought a Tesla a decade ago when it still seemed like a positive. They all abhor Musk but are not in a financial position to trade in their paid-off cars for anything else.
Telling random people to “just buy another car” is such an elitist, out of touch take. Also, who’s supposed to buy those used Teslas? If nobody wants to buy them, nobody can sell them.
While I think this is a fair opinion for all recent swastikars, I know several people who bought a Tesla a decade ago when it still seemed like a positive. They all abhor Musk but are not in a financial position to trade in their paid-off cars for anything else.
Why are you saying that it is okay to support Nazis if it is not financially feasible to do otherwise?
Honestly just a sheet of coarse grit sandpaper would do the trick. Would take all of about three seconds to scratch a big ol swastika on the back of a swasticar.
Well, if you're going to make a permanent mod to your Tesla, make sure to avoid cutting any of the numerous cameras that record what you're doing all the time.
Jeez, what did you harass innocent Russian US citizens when Ukraine was invaded too?
Small mind, small dick energy. I'm not even a Tesla owner, if you do this you're a straight up loser. If you really care, get a gun and find your real target
While I get where you are coming from, the flawed logic is that cybertruck owners chose to support elon with their purchase well after he had shown his true colours (though tbf it has only gotten worse since then)
So comparing that to people whose only support of Russia is the fact they were born there (which is out of their control obviously) is not exactly fair
Wait so suddenly the cybertruck owners all made their purchase after elon started doing shit? When did that happen? Either I missed that memo Or there's no "logic" there you just made a giant assumption.
The comparison is people who do this are automatically lumping giant diverse groups of people together over a thing that's outside of their control. Noone who bought a Tesla made Elon act like a jackass, and if you've dumped multiple years of income into a purchase on something huge and important in your life like, oh I don't know, a car? You can't expect everyone to just sprint to the dealership, take thousands less than they paid and swap it out for a different car.
So yeah, this is small minded kyles getting emotional at their parents and punching a hole through their wall.