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Trump Set to Whack US Working Class With Historic $3,000 Tax Hike | Common Dreams Trump Set to Whack US Working Class With Historic $3,000 Tax Hike | Common Dreams

There is an old saying in Washington that if you want to understand politicians, look at what they do, not what they say. On that front there is no ambiguity. The Republican president is imposing big new taxes, and he is doing it in a way that does not require congressional approval.

Trump Set to Whack US Working Class With Historic $3,000 Tax Hike | Common Dreams
  • It's not clear what he hopes to accomplish?

    How about bankrupting, disenfranchising, and ultimately demoralizing the working class so they have no choice but to work as servants to oligarchy? Destabilizing our government and the global economic superpowers to serve his Russian overlords? Or, equally as likely, to make his next successor seem like Jesus in comparison?

    Take your pick. My money's on all three...