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If I use Cloudflare for HTTPS on my LAN Services and my Internet Goes Down Will My Services be Inaccessible?

  • If you mean accessing them from within your LAN while your internet is down then no it won't work.

    What you should be doing is either split horizon DNS (LAN resolves local IPs, public resolves public IPs) or use different DNS hostnames internally, for example

    You then set up a reverse proxy in your LAN and point everything to that, use a let's encrypt wildcard cert using the DNS challenge method so you can get * protected with a single cert. Since you use cloudflare you can use the cloudflare API plugin with certbot, it'll automate everything for the DNS challenge and no need to keep opening ports or configuring http/https challenges every couple of months.

  • Yes. Depending on your network configuration you could consider using cellular data as a backup form of connectivity.

    • If you're remote-accessing these resources and can't always be home to manage the cutover to cellular, I recommend splurging on a Unifi Dream Machine and LTE Backup module. Getting a verizon gateway or similar device won't properly communicate with your network and has to use it's own judgement through traffic monitoring to know when to take over DHCP/routing. We (local MSP) just resolved an issue where these devices couldn't tell between an ISP blip or an outage and so it would wrestle DHCP from the firewall when they still had internet, killing their wireless printers. Unifi LTE communicates with the UDM over a very verbose and reliable protocol. The LTE doesn't kick on until the FW realizes there's a problem on the primary WAN.

  • I‘m not totally sure what you are trying to accomplish.

    To access your lan services over https you need a certificate, a dns and a reverse proxy (at least thats how I do it).

    I know cluudflare does reverse proxy stuff but I‘m not too deep into that.

    So if you mean you expose your services to cloudflare and access them from the web. Yes, they’re gonna be down. If you have a nother way of accessing them on lan (e.g. ip:port) then you should be able to at least reach them but https is not going to work.

    For that you can use a local certificate. It’s a bit of work but if you have a domain and nginx proxy manager, you‘ll be good. Let me know if you need help