Warren Buffett calls Trump's tariffs a tax on goods, says 'the Tooth Fairy doesn't pay 'em'
Warren Buffett calls Trump's tariffs a tax on goods, says 'the Tooth Fairy doesn't pay 'em'
www.cnbc.com Warren Buffett calls Trump's tariffs a tax on goods, says 'the Tooth Fairy doesn't pay 'em'
"Tariffs are actually, we've had a lot of experience with them. They're an act of war, to some degree," Buffett said.

"Warren Buffett rephrases a fact"
10 0 Reply...On the mental level of the voters who somehow believed a tariff would be good for Americans
10 0 ReplyFair
4 0 Reply
In the article Buffet calls tariffs "...an act of war."
But the headline is that he called a kind of tax a tax?
CNBC, are you all doing OK?
2 0 Reply