How do I find companies that want to outsource their jobs?
I know an outsourcing agency owner who spends $5K on Linkedin to find 1 client but I can't spend that much money because I am just starting out. I didn't keep in touch with him so I'm asking you instead.
When we talked he said I'd buy manhours for $20/hr in my country and sell for $30/hr in his country. He was a nice dude and said I should give it a try.
PS. I have a CS degree but I remember nothing. I got D from OOD course
Beats me, I don't work in those fields. You have a product/service you're trying to find customers for (marketing) and get them to buy it from you (sales).
all of them do, but they also don't want to lose a lick of production. I guarantee though if they had an aladins lamp and could get all their work for cheap offshore with the exact same end result they would take it in a heart beat.
I have no idea. Our company was a very small team, my Director title was not something I'd consider to be serious, I was barely a team lead. I'm just saying that there must be a huge spam tsunami on LinkedIn if they even found me.
I'd consider direct networking? Who do you know personally? IDK if I'd hire an outsourcing outfit from a cold call. Even if someone would, chances are you won't be the first to contact them.
A few questions: where are you and where do you want your clients to be? What services do you offer, and how do they differ from competing outsourcing companies?
Yes. For example there are many companies in India serving clients in the US. So you would need to know how you differentiate yourself from them. We work with a company who does graphic design, and their big value prop is their ability to snap to US business practices. So, they are more expensive that some, but they create an easy way to work with them. They also work 12 hours difference, which is handy. In contrast, I have worked with people in Columbia, who are roughly in the same time zone. Their big value is price.
I know a guy from Ukraine who was doing this on fiverr and was making quite a lot of money from US clients. He was doing PCB design though so don't know how well fiverr works for other fields.