In fact, how can He afford the stuff to pack and the bag itself? If the guy doesn't show up, that also means no tithes. The whole thing smells kind of fishy to me...
I don't understand why preachers don't do this. Just have a small tv, hidden away, and preach the whole time doing superbowl commentary in code.
"My sons of Philadelphia, Moses calls for the start of a scramble in your heart! The apostiles go deep, these Eagles are soaring in the air, and they have CAUGHT your Gods love!!! It's coming close fast, still running fast! It's only 15 yards away! 10! 5! AND GODS LOVE IS IN YOUR HEARTS!!!! Now they're setting up for some extra love. Going to try to kick Gods love into your hearts! The kick is up......AND GODS LOVE IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!"
Yes, I did really go through all that effort of setting up the premise, for the last line, which I find funny to envision.