UBI is genuinely the only path forward. A stronger social safety net bureaucracy political advocacy/candidacy usually comes with a warmongering priority above that.
UBI solves homelessness automatically for instance. Cities that have generous conditional programs for the homeless, create an incentive to become homeless, and invite people from rest of world to come to your city to enjoy the programs. Conditional programs add an expense/layer to police for the conditionality. They are divisive in that manufacturing anger against people receiving conditional aid is so exceptionally easy.
Billionaires don't/won't care. They aren't one of us. They needed a reckoning before driving us into climate catastrophe, they see wealth inequity through a meritocracy lens. Fortunately I do too as they do zero for this planet. Workers unite. Let's go for them now.
We keep trying this. Obviously, the problem is that we haven't tried giving them all of the money. Surely we can do bum fights for who gets to join their gardening staff, but I still have my doubts how well those jobs will pay.
France showed us the way. The problem is getting from the piles of heads to an ironclad constitution that doesn't allow the slave industrialists from corrupting the process.
You'd have to convince the public to accept demographics that are unpopular, like sex offenders, furries and Juggalos. (We're struggling with equality for blacks and women)
I still stand behind the idea of writing a constitution before the uprising, and include a proscription against the principle revolutionaries from governing.
The Constitution of the United States was built on the foundation of Enlightenment ideology of ending the aristocratic class. And it worked for a while.
The French solution has been studied by our elites, and they know how to prevent it from happening. They have researched revolution and have spent decades preventing it. They know exactly how hard they can push us before we fight back, and they are pushing the bleeding edge of that line every single day. We're never going to get there.
Well, here's hoping it will get bad enough soon enough for most all of people realizing what is wrong with the world, and whose fault most bad things happening is.
Also I got this idea while writing this. So hear me out: you know how during the French revolution the guillotines didn't always "work" the first time around? And people getting killed might have survived the first drop? I started imagining (in my violent fantasies) a situation where we'd group up ALL the fascists and ultra-capitalists and other vermin around, and start decapitating them with a guillotine, but not finish them off in case of the former happening. Just chuck them among the ones left, thus increasing EVERYONE'S suffering by a considerable margin. What you think?