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Narri N.

I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don't wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.

Posts 0
Comments 12
Minneapolis agrees to overhaul police training and force policies after George Floyd's murder
  • That was 5 years ago. What's with the fucking hold up; the fat, doughnut-eating, trigger-happy, right-wing gun-nut, klan-members that are the police force there didn't wanna agree to not systematically discriminate and/or use excessive force, huh?

  • Israeli media publishes guide for holidaying soldiers on how to avoid arrest
  • "act entitled and cry 'antisemitism!' if criticized" seems to have been their chosen method thus far. I guess the stupid fucks really need to be taught to not post their war crimes online. But then again, I think you need to have an IQ score lower than the average US boot size to ever be a(n IDF) soldier.

  • don't let the world harden your heart
  • Yeah, you really think most of us have the time to wait around? What with the changing global environment and all that entails? This must be the most asinine take I have heard in a while, and I think you really should sit down and have a serious think about these issues and maybe return to the conversation when you have the capability and capacity of forming a real, coherent argument. Unless you really enjoy the taste of boot, in which case you can just stay away.

  • Pope urges negotiations to end Ukraine-Russia war
  • I, personally, don't give a flying fuck about what an antiquated relic of a more barbarous past thinks about anything, and neither should anyone else. In fact I think he and his cohorts should be stripped of all earthly power and (more importantly) wealth, which should be distributed among all the altar boys they keep raping all day. Fuck the pope, eat the rich.

  • Experiences with Cannabis
  • I haven't been diagnosed with ADHD, though my sister has been, and I have a history of depression, anxiety and personality disorders (and I'm most likely a bit autistic) as well as a stoner.

    Anyhow, maybe you could focus on the parts of your ADHD that do get worse, see if you can identify them and then maybe work on those? There rarely is just one "panacea" that works for all, as you might know already.

    Also, have you tried other ways of enjoying the product? Vaping or eating even (cannabutter etc), instead of smoking? It delivers a different effect on the body, which might affect the cognitive and emotional response differently. I have noticed that for me, vaping is usually considerably less in your face and might even pleasantly surprise me when the high hits, and space cakes just seem to hit the body more, making me more relaxed.

    Also the difference between indica and sativa, between different strains, and different growing conditions all will have an effect on the product, right down to the molecular level, wherein some bud will have higher amounts of THC, which causes the "drunkenness", and others will have more others like CBD, which in turn causes the relaxation (afaik, not 100% sure on the specifics of these). My own experience is that the strongest possible sativa, laden with THC is more often that not worse for my psychotic symptoms and executive dysfunctions than somewhat milder options.

  • What's the Schrödinger's cat equivalent in your profession/main activity?
  • Well, I work as a bartender, and here in Finland it's strictly against the law to serve alcohol to, or even allow a "visibly intoxicated person" to enter the premises (a law which almost every bar breaks at some point, intentionally or no), and I think I've witnessed multiple times myself how a customer's level of intoxication reveals itself only after you have served a drink to them and they've payed for it. Could it be called a Schrödrinker's cat?