I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree.
And has this guy never seen a chorse before?
(Okay, I got nothing after that one. Based on my limited knowledge of French, this is appears to be a terrible translation issue- tree = arbre, horse = cheval, house = maison.)
Ok, so assume it's French. The words now make sense. But, look at the pictures.
Does that look anything like a helicopter / hélicoptère? What does that pink round thing have to do with snow / neige? Why does the image for a tail / queue look like a radish? And what's with the letter for Y? Common Y words in french for kids are things like "yak", "yaourt" (yogurt), "yeux" (eyes), "yeti", "yacht", "yoga", "yo-yo". They seem to have chosen "yole", which in english is "yawl", defined as "a two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailboat with the mizzenmast stepped far aft so that the mizzen boom overhangs the stern." And yet, although the image appears to be a sailboat (voilier), it's a one-masted sailboat.
To me it looks like a genuine book with an instant "Google Translate using Camera" type layer overtop, that tries to translate the words into another language while matching the look and feel of the original.