Hanseatic flag of Bremen
(Vermutl.) Hanseatische Flagge Bremens (kreuzpfostiert von vexillology)
As someone from Hamburg: *angrily shakes fist*
We may have the gate to the world, but they have the key :/
No worries, we can just change the locks.
I am the keymaster.
Our blessed Bremen / Their barbarous Hamburg
Our glorious BSAG / Their wicked HVV
Our noble Obernstraße / Their backward Mönckebergstraße
Our heroic Viertel / Their brutish Schanze
I've never been so offended
That must be a 14th century hanging flag for the stern of a vessel.
Weird that the key is kinda both a secular empowerment of the city's council against the bishop, but on the other hand supposedly meaning 'keys to heaven'.
Looks like a keyblade from Kingdom Hearts.