There are 244m eligible voters in the United States.
77m voted for Trump. Idiots.
2.6m voted 3rd party. Idiots.
90m didn't vote. Idiots.
90+77+2.6 = 169.6
That means 170m of 244m eligible voters are braindead stupid. That's 69.7%. So we essentially have a 70% failure rate amongst eligible voters for maintaining our democracy.
Yeah, Americans, in general, are STUUUUUUUUUPID.
Yeah, we're in a declining nation and it's probably not going to get better anytime soon.
I don't think your math quite works out. Voters who voted third party or didn't vote and live in solidly blue states had no bearing on Trump's election.
I actually consider this really positive on a few fronts.
Firstly, people are trying to learn. That's great.
Oligarchy is not a common word if your English level isn't great and that's true for lots of people. Even if you read books a decent amount it's not something I think you'd come across frequently.
Also, for folks who don't know what an oligarchy is, for them to find out they're possibly living in one may change their world view.
Honestly, I am one of those idiots. I had to look up oligarchy myself, although I looked it up because it was being thrown around a bit on Lemmy, not because Biden said it.
Right? I've known the word for a long time but I was definitely well into adulthood and definitely looked it up. It's a "college word" y'all people have to look up simple words all the time.