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khannie khannie
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How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • Imagine that room. You can just picture phones being handed around left and right and wild panic in the air.

    "This one's been holding for 7 minutes already"

    "See if X can take a call at 11:15"

    "What timezone are they in?"

    I'd say it was well orchestrated mayhem.

  • Good old times
  • Good to know but I will not be telling my mother that. My auntie has long since passed (mum's the baby in her family) and that would outrage her to the point of heart attack.

  • How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • 100 calls in 10 hours is solid work and I would imagine entirely exhausting.

    One summer while in college I worked in a call centre. Worst job of my life so be kind to call centre workers folks. If I remember correctly we would rack up around 140 calls in a day but many of those were very short and obviously I didn't have a presidential nomination on the line. :)

  • Good old times
  • Ireland was more or less entirely run by the unseen hand of the church until, I'd say, the 70's and to some extent the early 80's. Sure they even had a special position for the church in the original constitution in 1937.

    In the early 80's people were becoming very wary and then all the various scandals broke loose, coming thick and fast in what seemed like a never ending flood at the time. In the space of the 30 years between 1970 and 2000 the country essentially became irreligious as a result.

  • Good old times
  • That's bananas. "Any child is a gift" and "vasectomies being popular" aren't mutually exclusive. I have a lot of kids and I reached a point where I'd had enough. I love them all so deeply and if my wife said to me tomorrow that she was pregnant well then I would love that child dearly. I love kids.

    Still....No more child tho plz. ✂

    There's a cautionary tale that does the rounds in our family about my auntie who somehow (now remember we're talking 1950's aggressively Catholic Ireland here) ended up having a conversation with her priest where she somehow implied that herself and her husband avoided sex around ovulation. From recollection it was during confession.

    Priest says "no bueno". She says "okiedokie".

    Nine kids. Nine. My mother is still angry about it and she's very, very old.

  • Isnt there someone you forgot to ask?
  • I remember when that video came out and I was truly impressed at watching good regulations in action.

    Luv me some EU I does. đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • That's his name. Thank you. I knew his first name but didn't want to Google it to be reminded of it any more than necessary tbh. It's one of those occasional intrusive thoughts videos for me that I'm sure we all have our own little library of.

    I still can't believe the killer got away with it. Daniel had no way to get out alive.

  • Fined for yellow and blue shoes: How Russian laws smother dissent
  • Antonida Smolina, was visited by police after someone complained about photographs she had posted online showing her posing in a yellow coat against a blue sky

    HAHA. Imagine being that fragile.

  • ‘He’s Dragging Trump Down’: CNN’s Data Guru Reveals BRUTAL Polling Data for JD Vance
  • Both Trump and Vance have pretty inspiring stories


    Trump especially has shown us that

    Extreme intrigue....

    even if you have extreme mental disabilities, you too can rise to the level of US President.

    LOL. You got me.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • I think you misconstrued my intent which was just that I didn't agree with this take from the person I was replying to:

    Like they’re challenging her to contradict them.

    I was merely trying to point out that I felt the cops (and murder cop in particular) were ready, keen even, to get away when they were standing on the porch. Murder cop seemed pissed off the entire time he was going to the call (his partner is constantly checking if he's OK), when searching the back yard and also while dealing with that lady so I was surprised he didn't take the opportunity to just fuck off back to his car. I felt like he really wanted to.

    And if it were a white woman, and she was cursing them from the moment they arrived, she’d still be alive right now 100%. Perhaps detained or arrested, and/or maybe a few bruises. But alive.

    Yeah, tbh I'm not American but that does ring true with me as a frequent external viewer of horror stories like this.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • I agree with you on everything you said (and yeah I'm a white lad). Beyond what you said, the dialogue also included so much frustration and ultimately murderous rage. It could have been dealt with so kindly and so easily and wasn't.

    The one caveat I'll give is that I live an ocean away in a country where cops don't carry guns. We never face things like this and I am so fucking glad that we don't. This whole thing was tragic. I'm really upset about it. It honestly fucked up my evening but I can only imagine what it's done to her family. :(

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • No worries. Thanks for the link to the video. It was a good analysis, an unpleasant watch but I'm glad I saw it.

    Also fuck that guy. Like really, really fuck that guy. Just a single ounce of empathy or kindness instead of frustration and anger and that woman would still be alive and her family wouldn't be grieving this.

    But also I'm glad to see justice being done (so far).

    I do feel sorry for his partner, who obviously early on knew the guy wasn't OK on that particular day, tried to smooth him out early on in the car but unfortunately wasn't able to. The whole thing is very sad.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Just watching it now. Heads up you linked to near the end of the video so for anyone else this is the start.

    Very upsetting viewing so far tbh so exercise caution on whether or not you're up for viewing.

    Edit: Oh God this just gets worse and worse the more I watch. He had a tazer and chose his gun. :( That poor woman. Still watching in pieces as it's busy here....

    Just finished. It's a good analysis of a terrible situation. Zero justification for killing that woman. Just a little kindness and it all could have been avoided. The killer was a giant dick from start to finish.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Oh yikes. Thanks for the extra context. I'll give that video you linked a watch this evening.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Like they're challenging her to contradict them.

    I had a slightly different take on this - if she had said "OK thanks guys, I feel a lot better now. See you later." it probably all wouldn't have ended in murder.

    What I can't understand is why they entered the house after that interaction and the video I saw didn't show.

    After that it all went downhill aggressively. The tone of her "Jesus retribution" comment was actually very soft. The cop putting his hand on his gun and his incredibly aggressive tone was mental. Pure escalation with someone who obviously has mental health issues. She was never going to get out alive. :( It reminded me of that awful video of the young lad on the hotel floor who was executed. Very upsetting to watch.

  • Downtown San Diego, California [OC]
  • Wow. I was there in the late 90's and looks more or less exactly how I remember it. Is that the "gaslight" area? (I think that's what it's called but it was a long time ago, maybe "oldtown"?)

  • People grab the bars to turn right (direction of the town) resulting in one side being worn
  • Ha! I've seen some of those too but this one is done properly.

  • ‘Oh thank God’: Democratic swing state voters feel relief after Biden drops out
  • Where I'm from we were the first generation not to. That may be partly because of all the church scandals there were here.

  • People grab the bars to turn right (direction of the town) resulting in one side being worn

    I do it too.


    Every Irish Person on Sunday

    For those not in the know: England are facing Spain in the final of the Euro football championship.


    Best Croissant in Paris

    This is a year old but I'd never come across it before.


    I present to you: Train station cat


    North Korea sends balloons with bags containing poo to the South North Korea drops balloons carrying trash in South

    The balloons, which were found across South Korea, carried toilet paper, batteries and suspected poo.

    North Korea drops balloons carrying trash in South

    South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that "some of the fallen balloons carried what appears to be faeces judging from its dark colour and odour".


    S400 no bueno


    What are you doing with the kids this weekend, dad?

    Keen to hear any novel ideas (or just the humdrum of your weekend).

    Planning on watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and / or Star Trek Voyager with the 10 year old myself. Going on a decent hike and playground with the gang also in the mix.

    The usual sports stuff.


    Life is good


    Calculus made easy

    "All the little bits"

    76 US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes

    Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, spoke with Republican senators on Wednesday, saying that the House will prepare its draft to support Ukraine, but in a significantly different form than the one already approved by the Senate.

    US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes

    > Senator Kevin Cramer also said that Mike Johnson clearly expressed his intention to help Ukraine. > > "He was pretty clear about it,"

    Sounds positive.


    Cillian Murphy wins best actor


    Ukrainian children in warm embrace of west Clare

    A nice story for a bit of a change. This one's about kids from Ukraine who have settled in the West of Ireland. They seem very happy in the video.


    Spotted in Dublin today. Happy Valentine's, Paul!

    Looks like Paul is in the "Find Out" stage. Apologies for the potato quality.

    Edit: just for clarity, not spotted by me. My best friend sent me this


    Minefield breaching for victory in Ukraine (English subs)

    This Swedish lad does incredible work demining and teaching over in Ukraine. Definitely worth a subscribe.


    Ukraine downs three SU-34's Ukrainian Air Force Takes Down Three Russian Su-34s, Patriot Potentially Engaged

    Without disclosing details, the Air Force commander claimed kills on three Su-34s in response to Russia’s overnight “Shahed” attack. The downed jets are platforms for Kh-59 missiles and guided bombs.

    Ukrainian Air Force Takes Down Three Russian Su-34s, Patriot Potentially Engaged

    Details are fairly scant at this point but the head of Ukraine's air force has confirmed it on telegram.

    Total value of that is > $120M USD. Nom nom nom.


    Aliens 4K released for streaming

    Seems to be on Vudu (for sure) and some other streaming services for $20 USD. Seems to be region restricted to US, UK and Canada.

    Think I'll hold off for the Bluray myself. Any of you seen it yet? What's the quality like?


    Irish man killed fighting against Russia in Ukraine

    RIP :(


    The Rock Volunteers: an almost Secret Production of FPV Drones

    Love this lady's channel. Nice video where she interviews volunteers who build FPV's.


    "20 days in Mariupol" now on YouTube

    Incredible documentary. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.

    Currently limited to US on YT but this link works for those outside the US at 720p.

    I'm also happy to give free VPN for a few days to anyone outside the US who wants to watch in > 720p, just drop me a PM (I work for a VPN company).


    "20 Days in Mariupol" online screening 20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL - DOC NYC

    Ukrainian journalist Mstyslav Chernov arrives at the strategically key city of Mariupol, Ukraine just as Russian forces begin assaulting the city on the


    I've wanted to see this documentary since I first heard about it but it has only been done in select screenings.

    You can stream it here from November 10th to 26th.

    $13 USD for a ticket.

    Trailer here.

    IMDB link.
