Gaming on Linux, How openSUSE Stacks Up for Gamers
Gaming on Linux, How openSUSE Stacks Up for Gamers Gaming on Linux, How openSUSE Stacks Up for Gamers
Millions of gamers are facing a critical decision; upgrade their operating system, invest in new hardware or explore alternatives like Linux with the end of ...
![Gaming on Linux, How openSUSE Stacks Up for Gamers](
5 crossposts
It's a great article, but I don't think that I would pick openSUSE as the first recommendation to a newbie just looking to play games...
8 0 ReplyI also get the feeling that might not be completely unbiased...
8 0 Reply
This article made me finally get around to installing Gamemode and Mangohud. Tumbleweed 💛
3 0 Reply