Growing Food Instead of Lawns in California Front Yards
Growing Food Instead of Lawns in California Front Yards Growing Food Instead of Lawns in California Front Yards
Front yards transformed to tiny crop farms in Los Angeles provide vegetables to dozens of families and use a fraction of the water needed by grass.
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Cultivating grass lawns in a place that is so inhospitable to it should in all honesty probably not be allowed, much less be allowed to be required by organizations like HOAs.
5 0 ReplyI’m definitely thinking of doing this in my front yard. I grew a bit of corn in it last year and wouldn’t mind expanding.
4 1 ReplyPut some pumpkins in between the corn while you're at it....harvest both at the same time. It's what my grandmother used to do
6 0 ReplyOh nice, I’ll look into that! I wanted to grow some pumpkins next year already
3 0 Reply
Looks so much better too
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