A European delivery company had to disable its AI chatbot after it started swearing at a customer and admitting it was the “worse delivery firm in the world.”
Dynamic Parcel Distribution (DPD) had to turn off its AI chatbot feature after disgruntled UK customer Ashley Beauchamp managed to get it to swear at him and write a disparaging poem.
It also said it had used AI, alongside human customer service representatives, for years without issue and only saw problems arising after the latest update
The AI models can only hallucinate around what humanity wrote about DPD as a company. That gives you a glimpse about what humananity did write about them.
Not necessarily. It can add in other things, but if the model is trained well it will be mostly DPD related things. Maybe it appeared on the page but was unrelated. Or a sequence of words leads to another unrelated sequence, but they appear frequently in the training data.
Hermes sucks ass yes but that doesn't even come close to the incompetence of DPD and UPS. DPD/UPS literally EVERY TIME drive-by my place, don't even stop and mark it as "not at home" or "refused" while you are at home waiting and staring at the GPS tracker. Then you reschedule for the next day, same again over and over and over and over again until you tell them to bring it to the next pick-up shop or drive to their depot personally where you get jelled at that it is all your fault, even when you have video proof that those pieces of shit driving by.
You know they have an estimated delivery time on their tracker? This tracker is so fucked up because of that that it tells you in the morning (they start at 8) that he arrives at 11:00 - 11:30 but drives by at ~18:00. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
I also saw them throwing parcels under a bridge from one car (marked as DPD) into another (blank white). The depot that is responsible for my region is rated 1 star with 471 reviews on Google Maps, not just flooded with the same complains I have but also from former workers complaining about slavery work.