minetest changes name to Luanti
minetest changes name to Luanti
After more than a year of public and internal discussions, we're ready to announce our new name!

It was past time to drop the word "test" from the name of this very complete game engine.
20 0 Reply“Luanti” is a wordplay on the Finnish word luonti (“creation”) and the programming language
MinetestLuanti employs for games and mods, Lua.What a lovely name!
15 1 ReplyI just tried this the other day, it was quite complete and fun to play!
8 0 ReplyWhat's the game in the blog background?
6 0 ReplyThat's just Minetest Game: https://content.minetest.net/packages/Minetest/minetest_game/
It shows the coniferous forest biome and the recently introduced god rays, if that's what throws you off.
7 0 ReplyAre you sure? Maybe its just a texture pack then.
4 0 Reply
Will this community rename itself too?
5 0 Reply