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In a void of detail, two reports attempt to spell the challenge for Peter Dutton to go nuclear In a void of detail, two reports attempt to spell the challenge for Peter Dutton to go nuclear

Two reports that suggest nuclear power would push up power bills by hundreds of dollars and leave as much as half of Australia's energy demands unmet are being used by the government to tighten the screws on the Coalition over its nuclear proposal.

In a void of detail, two reports attempt to spell the challenge for Peter Dutton to go nuclear
  • Here's the bottom line:

    In May the ... CSIRO estimated nuclear power would cost roughly double the price of other renewables, and it would take at least 15 years for the first nuclear plant to be delivered.

    ... the cost per megawatt hour for nuclear would be roughly the same as coal and gas, but even at its cheapest would cost more than solar and wind power, at roughly $155 per MWh compared to $134 for solar power. Commercially unproven small modular reactors were estimated to be even more expensive, costing at least $387 per MWh.

  • Yeh, just push all costs of using "classic" green generation to existing generation and for sure it will came cheapest. add transmission, over-provioning, and storage cost to it and picture is not that rosy. Go and find that that report, it is just bit of shit.