The purpose of these kinds of aliases is to disassociate the human's email address from the service. Alias services like this aren't designed to enable multiple signups for a single service. Otherwise it would quickly be a tool abused by spammers, blocked by services, and useless for people.
I completely agree and I would like to add one more thing. The way simple login responded to this issue was very nice. They could have been a whole lot more aggressive about this.
Hmm ya that is a little lower limit than I expected on premium. Could hit that with normal throwaway acc use.
Would be nice if they allowed like 10 IMO but I guess they have to set the limit somewhere to stop spammers using the service.
Guess you could delete the older aliases as you stop using those throwaways and recycle the slot? Not a perfect solution, but 4 throwaways and 1 main at any given time isnt too shabby.
It makes sense to have some kind of limit to prevent abuse, otherwise Reddit (or other sites) may be forced to ban the SimpleLogin domain if it becomes a source of spam. It would be similar from an email provider preventing you from sending spam from their domain.