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New Polling Shows the Real Fallout From the Trump Conviction

A new POLITICO Magazine/Ipsos poll shows that Trump’s criminal conviction hurts him with independents.

  • Among the most notable findings in our poll: 21 percent of independents said the conviction made them less likely to support Trump and that it would be an important factor in their vote. In a close election, small shifts among independent and swing voters could determine the outcome.

    Pls be true 🙏🏻

    In all seriousness, it should be higher than just 21%, but Trump’s media machine has been working overtime to spin his conviction as a positive.

    Still, with how narrow the margins are, and how important stopping Trump is, 21% could do enough damage to stop him.

    I’d be curious to see where these 21% of voters live, however. If they’re not in swing states then their impact is negligible.

  • Be nice if we could see some convictions for his more serious crimes, but even Capone only went down over taxes.

    • If he gets elected again, I’ll say it’s a pretty safe bet he will never see punishment or even a trial for his most serious crimes.

      But until then, I agree we will have to take what we can get; at least NY was able to get him for fraud. Hopefully this poll is correct and that’s enough to persuade people on the fence. Sadly, when it comes to Trump I am not too optimistic because he seems to have an uncanny ability to defy conventional political wisdom and succeed.

  • Everyone knew about his crimes previously but only now because he is convicted for them they won't vote for him? So if he did all the crimes but then got off they'd still consider him? I don't understand humans.

    • I guess you could say they’re “Delusional?” Lol

      In all seriousness though, I truly don’t either. In my lifetime, Trump is truly the only presidential candidate that I do not get the appeal. And he has been selected a third time in spite of all his failings.

      Even with Bush Jr - whose presidency was categorically bad - I could understand why some people were drawn to his personal charm and charisma. But Trump? I just do not get it.

      Contrasting Trump with Hillary Clinton, I remember numerous republicans, conservatives, and some independents told me “where there is smoke, there is fire” and used her trials and investigations to dismiss her as a valid, trustworthy candidate.

      Well, with Trump there is sure a lot of smoke.

      Edit: I changed “twice” to “a third time” because even though he was the incumbent in 2020 (and therefore the defacto nominee) Trump was nominated then.