I may only use VMware workstation pro for desktop virtualization for lab use, and I do realize the ramifications for enterprise operations are exponentially greater. But even I am getting a worse service. I used to be able to google an issue, find a link to the VMware forum and just open that. Now *.vmware.com redirects to broadcom.com and searching for the post there seldom finds it again. Absolutely brilliant timing for google to kill cached pages.
We recently decided to move away from VMware after the Broadcom "takeover". We have three scenarios to cover; datacenter setup, satellite offices (stand alone hosts) & hosting partners.
For stand alone it was an easy choice; proxmox.
For datacenter; hyper-v.
Hosting providers; VMware (their choice).
At the moment we are pushing our hosting providers for exit plans from VMware.
As a company we have taken the decision to not support Broadcom pricing structure if we can avoid it.
Large companies telling broadcom to go suck a lemon, is definitely what can make a difference for the rest of us in the future... Definitely maybe, possibly make potential a difference.